Worldwide News
Canada: CCP Interferes with NTDTV Shows, Human Rights Lawyer Reminds Governments to Be Vigilant
2007-01-19Mr. Matas said; "I was actually pleased to see the Canadian government expel the Chinese diplomat who was involved in spying on the Falun Gong. And there's been others. I know in the Chinese consulate in Calgary there was a police report that they were involved in inciting hatred and those people have left."
Australia: Rally in Sydney Chinatown to Support Withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party
2007-01-18On the afternoon of January 13th, several organisations, including the Chinese Association, the Tibetan Association, the Vietnamese Association, Free China and the Service Center for Quitting the Communist Party held a rally in Sydney's Chinatown to support 17 million withdrawals from the CCP and its affiliated organisations.
Thailand: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at a Community Event and Are Warmly Received
2007-01-18At the invitation of a community group in Bangkok, Falun Gong practitioners took part in a celebration performance for a bank's opening ceremony on January 14th. Practitioners in colourful costumes presented a wonderful performance for the local people, and they were warmly received and highly praised.
Canada: Prime Minister Harper Sends New Year Greetings to All Chinese people via NTDTV
2007-01-17Between January 12th and 20th, the Chinese New Year Spectacular will present a total of eight more Canadian shows, in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. On January 10th, Canadian Prime Minister delivered a New Year Greeting to all Chinese Canadians via NTDTV.
Malaysia: Falun Gong Practitioners’ Human Rights Issues Receive More Attention from Malaysia Bar Association
2007-01-17Since its publication on July 6th, 2006, the "Report Into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China" authored by former Canadian Secretary of State (Asian Pacific) David Kilgour and international human rights lawyer David Matas has received more and more attention. After two months of independent investigation, the two investigators concluded that the allegations were true and the atrocities are still taking place in China.
Australia: Rally in Melbourne Calls on International Community to Pay Attention to the Movement of Quitting the CCP
2007-01-16Ms. Sun Lianzhi, who recently came to Australia from China, said, "I witnessed the CCP’s every movement after it got in power. Each movement persecuted countless people who told facts. Eighty millions people died without any human dignity. Now everyone, from poor people to corrupt officials, curses the CCP."
Australia: Blacktown City Councillor Writes to Minister For Foreign Affairs Concerning CCP’s Organ Harvest from Living Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2007-01-16It has also been disclosed by an independent report that there is reason to believe that Falun Gong members are being tortured and used for body parts in Chinese prisons. There have been calls for an independent investigation of these allegations.
United States: NTDTV Spectacular Captures the Hearts of a Hollywood Audience, CCP Interference Condemned
2007-01-15On January 9th and 10th, two New Tang Dynasty TV Spectacular evening shows were performed at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, California. The shows presented a feast of traditional Chinese culture and values, which touched the hearts of the audience.
United States: San Francisco Performance of the NTDTV New Year Spectacular: Dance and Music Touches the Audiences' Hearts
2007-01-15Following the successful debut in Vancouver, Canada on January 3th 2007, the NTDTV New Year Spectacular came to San Francisco for its second stop during its world tour. Three shows were held in San Francisco Theater from January 5th through to 7th.
Thailand: Condemning the Chinese Embassy for Pressuring Thai Police to Harass Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-01-14On the morning of December 29th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Thailand gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy to protest the persecution of Falun Gong and the CCP’s organ harvesting and to support the 16 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party.
Taiwan: Practitioners from Chiayi Conduct Intensive Group Fa-Study
2007-01-14On January 7th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Chiayi held a one-day group Fa-study at Bo’ai Elementary School in Chiayi. Practitioners from each township in Chiayi studied "Touring North America to Teach the Fa" and shared their experiences in Fa-study and clarifying the truth.
Mr. Kilgour Visits 30 Countries and Obtains New Evidence of Live Organ Harvesting
2007-01-13During recent days, Mr. David Kilgour said in an interview that he had obtained new evidence supporting the allegation of live organ removal in his trip to thirty capitals across the world. Mr. Kilgour indicated he would add the new evidence to his report and release a revised version.
Australia: Practitioners in Queensland Support Withdrawal from CCP and Expose Persecution
2007-01-13To support the strong tide of seventeen million people withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Global Service to Quit the CCP in Queensland held an activity called "The Great Wall of Courage" in Brisbane's Chinatown on the morning of January 6th, 2007. Falun Gong practitioners from all over Queensland participated in the activity.
Malaysia: Rally and March in Kuala Lumpur to Support Chinese People Quitting the Communist Party
2007-01-12In the afternoon of January 7th, 2007, the Service Center for Quitting the Communist Party and the Epoch Times hosted a rally and march in Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur. The event was to support the 17 million people who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organisations.
United States: Audience Gives Enthusiastic Response to Second Performance of the NTDTV New Year Spectacular in San Francisco
2007-01-12The New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) Chinese New Year Spectacular presented its second performance on the evening of January 6th, 2007 in San Francisco. The opera house was packed with more than 3,000 audience members who gave enthusiastically responsed to the performance.