Worldwide News
United States: 4000 Attend the Annual Washington DC Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference - Master Li Comes to Teach the Fa in Person
2006-07-24On July 22nd, 2006, the annual Washington DC Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. About 4,000 practitioners from all over the world attended this grand occasion. At 10:40 a.m., benevolent and great Master Li came to the conference and taught the Fa for 35 minutes.During the experience sharing conference, 14 practitioners shared their cultivation experiences.
Taiwan: People in Taoyuan Sign Petition to Protest Organ Harvesting
2006-07-24A 24-hour hunger strike calling for an end of CCP’s live organ removal from Falun Gong practitioners was conducted in at least ten countries in the Asia-Pacific region. On the afternoon of July 19th, 2006, practitioners in Taiwan's Taoyuan district and volunteer residents motivated local people to sign a petition to protest the CCP’s inhuman atrocities.
Singapore: Falun Gong Practitioners Unreasonably Detained and Charged in Court for Protesting the Persecution
2006-07-24Around 11:00 a.m. the police arrested them and detained them at the Tanglin Police Station. The police charged them in court with "harassment by displaying insulting writing-with common intention." The police asked them to attend a hearing the following day (July 21st) at 9:00 a.m. at Singapore Subordinate Court.
Singapore Falun Dafa Association Statement
2006-07-23We are saddened once again to learn that the police have pressed an externally motivated charge against nine Falun Gong practitioners for their peaceful activity of expressing humanitarian concerns about the plight of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Singapore: Practitioners Call on the Government to Drop the Charges Against Them
2006-07-23In the past seven years, Falun Gong practitioners around the world have persevered under difficult circumstances, to clarify the truth about Falun Gong in various ways. Our objective is to bring awareness to the public at large on the sufferings of our fellow practitioners and the horrendous genocide escalating in China.
United States: 1,500 People Hold a Rally and Parade in Washington DC to Support the 12 Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2006-07-23About 1,500 people from around the world held a rally on July 21st, 2006 on Lafayette Square opposite the White House in Washington DC. They rallied in support of the 12 million Chinese people who have resigned from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations.
United States: People from All Walks of Life in Washington DC Join More Than 1,000 Practitioners in Rally Calling for An End to the Persecution
2006-07-22"America stands firmly with you, opposing being persecuted, discriminated and tortured for their belief. The American people regard freedom of conscience as a sacred right, so this congress and I have taken legislative action regarding the injustice on you..."
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners in Montreal Protest against Seven Years of Persecution
2006-07-22Ms. Sun, host of the rally, exposed the CCP's crimes against Falun Gong practitioners in the past seven years. Huge numbers of Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally detained or thrown in forced labour camps. Innocent practitioners pursuing Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance were tortured. There have been 2,920 confirmed death cases. Many people stopped to watch the rally and read the display, and most of them signed the petition in support of Falun Gong. They were shocked by the atrocities and looked very sad.
Macau: Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate Chinese Practitioners Who Died in the Persecution
2006-07-22In order to protest the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong and to commemorate Chinese practitioners who died in the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners in Macau hosted a candlelight vigil in the park facing the Chinese Liaison Office. The practitioners read part of the "Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China" by a team of independent investigators.
Australia: "Let the Truth of Falun Gong Be Spread All over Australia"
2006-07-21"The purpose of our van tour was to expose the CCP's persecution against Falun Gong, not only in urban areas but also in more remote places. Many Australians with kind hearts along the trip could not imagine the tragedies taking place in China. It's the 21st century.
United States: Practitioners in Washington DC Call on Singapore to Drop the Charges Against Practitioners and Not to Appease the CCP
2006-07-21DC Falun Gong practitioners said in the letter, "We hope that the Singapore authorities will abide by the law of the country, respect human rights and freedom of belief, taking seriously morality, justice and conscience, drop the charges against Falun Gong practitioners and no longer curry favour with the CCP."
Canada: Five Members of Parliament Condemn the CCP Atrocities
2006-07-20Some passersby said they couldn't tolerate such crimes as those of the Chinese Communist Party's harvesting vital organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. One lady from Winneburg said, "I can no longer ignore the existence of injustice and evil in the world. I want to do my best to stop the evil."
Korea: Practitioners Hold Anti-Persecution Parade Calling for the Whole Society to Help End the CCP's Atrocities
2006-07-20 -
Singapore: Bowing to Pressure from the CCP, Singapore Authorities Charge Practitioners with "Illegal Assembly"
2006-07-19News was released in the Singapore media on May 28th, 2006 that, under invitation from Lee Kuan Yee, the former head of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 610 Office Li Lanqing would be conferred with an honorary doctorate by the National University of Singapore. After this occured, there were a series of incidents in Singapore attempting to repatriate Falun Gong practitioners, attempting to ban Falun Gong practitioners from holding truth clarification activities in front of the Chinese Embassy and bringing Falun Gong practitioners to court.
Australia: Practitioners in Melbourne Call on Australia to Pressure CCP to Allow Investigation and End the Persecution