Worldwide News
United States: Practitioners in New York Condemn the Chinese Communist Party Violence and Criminal Activities
2006-02-11On the afternoon of February 9th, practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in New York and condemned the CCP's violent assault on Dr. Yuan Li, a Falun Gong practitioner in Atlanta. On February 8th, CCP thugs forced their way into Dr. Li's home, pistol whipped him and caused severe cuts and bruises to his face.
FDI (Falun Dafa Information Centre): Falun Gong Techie Beaten and Bound in Atlanta Home; Computers Stolen
2006-02-10Dr. Peter Yuan Li hours after being beaten and bound in his Atlanta home by assailants who took only computers and documents, leaving other valuables untouched. Dr. Li says the assailants were agents of the Chinese Communist regime aiming to thwart his efforts to expose human rights violations in China.
Canada: Chen Zhili Is Sued during Visit to Vancouver, Summons Delivered
2006-02-10This is Chen's second time to be sued since July 19th, 2004, when she was accused and summoned to the court in Tanzania for "committing crimes of torturing and killing Falun Gong practitioners in the Chinese education system."
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners in Washington DC Participate in Chinese New Year Parade in Chinatown
2006-02-09 -
Singapore: Explaining the Facts at the "Spring Arrives at the Riverside" Chinese New Year Carnival
2006-02-09During this time, practitioners do the exercises and set up posters explaining the facts about Falun Gong at tourist sites, including the Esplanade Park. They also help more people to understand that throughout history, the Chinese Communist regime has killed many people, and nowadays it persecutes Falun Gong.
United States: Falun Gong Once Again Displays Majestic Charm in a Grand Chinese New Year Parade
2006-02-08 -
Malaysia: Practitioners Appeal Continuously in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2006-02-08Since the end of December 2005, Malaysian practitioners have been peacefully appealing in front of the Chinese Embassy every day. Every morning and evening they practise the Falun Gong exercises and send righteous thoughts to peacefully protest the ongoing brutality and call the public's attention to it.
Australia: The Supreme Court of New South Wales Holds Hearing on Lawsuit against Zhang Dejiang
2006-02-07On February 1st, 2006, a hearing was held in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in the lawsuit against Zhang Dejiang filed by Sydney Falun Gong practitioner Xie Yan. It was the first hearing for this case and the defendant was absent. The judge listened to the explanation of the plaintiff's lawyer and decided to continue the legal proceedings.
Canda: Canadian Human Rights Lawyer Requests Denial of Entry into Canada to Chen Zhili
2006-02-07Matas states in his letter, "I would like to bring to your attention and request immediate action regarding refusal of entry to Canada to Chen Zhili, State Councilor of the State Council of the People's Republic of China (PRC), and former Minister of Education of China, based on her involvement in grave human rights violations and other crimes against humanity in the persecution of Falun Gong in China."
Taiwan: Practitioners in Pingtung Demonstrate Exercises on Chinese New Year Day
2006-02-06Ms. He has experienced the persecution of the Chinese Communist Party firsthand. On April 28th, 2004, Hong Kong police gave her a mind-altering injection and then expelled her. Ms. He told a reporter that the Communist Party's persecution includes torture, hate propaganda, and brainwashing.
Peru: Practitioners Promote Falun Dafa on Chinese New Year
2006-02-06In Chinatown in Lima, capital of Peru, people were delighted to see a graceful parade on January 29th, Chinese New Year. From the banner "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," "Falun Dafa" and "Falun Dafa is Good," to yellow T-shirts, people realised this was a parade of Falun Dafa practitioners.
Australia: Young Practitioners Clarify the Truth During Eleven-City Car Tour
2006-02-05During the tour, six mayors, deputy mayors or city council members met with the young practitioners. The mayors and council members also signed their names on the form that the practitioners designed to call for Foreign Minister Downer to stop signing certificates to restrict Falun Gong practitioners from displaying banners in front of the Chinese Embassy.
United States: Clarifying the Truth to Teachers in Cochise County, Arizona
2006-02-05On January 27th, 2006, over 1000 teachers and teacher assistants went to Sierra Vista for a conference on improving education. The teachers exchanged their ideas and experiences with new teaching methods and subjects. With help from a local practitioner, we introduced Falun Dafa at the conference.
Macau: Practitioners Tell Citizens, "Falun Dafa is Great"
2006-02-04On Chinese New Year's Eve, citizens in Macau have a custom of visiting the flower market, in hopes of bringing good fortune to themselves. Falun Gong practitioners took this opportunity to bring the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa to the general public by distributed balloons with the words like "Falun Dafa is Great."
The Epoch Times: Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer Criticized for Delaying Court Proceedings
2006-02-04Human rights lawyer Bernard Collaery has told the ACT Supreme Court that restricting the rights of Falun Gong practitioners to peacefully protest outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra affects the rights of all Australians to demonstrate.