Worldwide News
Hong Kong Epoch Times' Open Letter to Hong Kong Residents
2005-05-15"...The CCP is blocking news in China, and establishing and buying off media overseas. It threatens international media not to report on the Falun Gong persecution, the editorial series "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," and the wave of withdrawals from the CCP triggered by it. The CCP is afraid of letting overseas Chinese learn the real situation in China, which would help them realize the false impression of peace put up by the CCP..."
2005 Annual Report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom States that China's Suppression of Falun Gong Is Especially Serious
2005-05-14The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom released its 2005 annual report on May 11th. In the report, China is listed as one of the 11 countries designated as severe violators of religious freedom, referred to as "countries of particular concern", or CPC's. The report pointed out that the most serious religious freedom abuses are experienced by groups including Falun Gong, which involve imprisonment, torture, and other forms of ill treatment
Australia: Falun Dafa Practitioners in Queensland Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2005-05-14On May 6, 2005, the sunshine was brilliant. Falun Gong practitioners in Queensland, Australia gathered at Brisbane City Hall square to celebrate the 13th anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction, and at the same time to hold a "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" art exhibition.
The Minnesota Daily (University of Minnesota) Reports on Falun Gong Twin Cities Club Event on Campus
2005-05-14Before she joined Falun Gong Twin Cities Club, she said, she used to see "problems in everyone else." The group practices the ancient Chinese exercise and meditation for the mind and body. "Now, I see what I'm doing wrong and am a lot more tolerant of other people," she said. Every Thursday this semester, the group met to practice the art at the St. Paul Student Center. Followers of Falun Gong learn from a book of teachings instructing how to improve daily life. It focuses on truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.
Taiwan Falun Dafa Society Writes to Four International Human Rights Organisation in Response to Singapore's Unjust Verdict
2005-05-13In response to the Singapore Court's unjust conviction of two Falun Gong practitioners last month, Taiwan's Falun Dafa Society wrote letters to several international human rights organisations. The letter requested these renowned human rights organisations to investigate and reveal the human rights violations against the Singapore Falun Gong practitioners in this case. The letter also called upon them to support the basic human rights of the two practitioners.
Canada: Falun Gong Group Wins Award at Coquitlam May Festival Parade
2005-05-13The annual May Festival in the city of Coquitlam ended on May 8 2005. The largest event was the Po Co Parade on May 7. Every year, the parade attracts a lot of groups to participate and many visitors. Falun Gong was invited to the parade again to promote Chinese traditional culture and won second place in the competition.
SCMP: Falun Gong may sue for unlawful arrest
2005-05-12Falun Gong activists are considering suing the police for unlawful arrest and detention in the wake of last week's landmark Court of Final Appeal ruling which quashed their criminal convictions for obstruction and assault on officers. John Clancey, solicitor for the eight Falun Gong practitioners, said he was taking instructions. Lawyers for the group would meet next month to discuss possible legal action when Paul Harris, a key advising counsel, returned from leave in Britain, he added.
The Singapore Government's Unjust Behaviour Will Bring Damage to Its Future
2005-05-12More puzzling is that other Falun Gong practitioners who were distributing truth-clarification materials that same day did not get charged. Why was it that only the two women practitioners received a complaint from the court? According to a reliable source, the authorities tried to suppress Falun Gong with this case and force practitioners to disappear from the public because the police have been greatly pressured by the Chinese government. They decided to choose the "weakest" from the involved practitioners to carry out their plot.
Taiwan: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition Visits Tsinghua and Chiao Tung Universities
2005-05-11The "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition has been held at 16 universities and colleges in Taiwan this semester and will be presented at many more next semester. The exhibition opened at Political University Library at the beginning of April 2005 and the third stop was Tsinghua University.
United States: Persistent Appeal in Washington D.C.
2005-05-11Falun Gong practitioners from Washington DC area have persistently appealed in front of the Singapore Embassy to the U.S. for one week to call on the Singapore authorities to not be an accomplice of the Chinese Communist regime in suppressing Falun Gong.
New Zealand: Falun Gong Practitioners Petition In front of the Singapore High Commission
2005-05-10On the morning of May 5, 2005, some Falun Gong practitioners in New Zealand went to Singapore High Commission in Wellington, New Zealand's capital, to hold a peaceful petition. They unfurled a banner that read, "Singapore, stop assisting CCP to persecute Falun Gong".
Malaysia: Practitioners Deliver an Appeal Letter to the Singapore High Commissioner
2005-05-10In response to the Singapore court's unjust conviction against Falun Gong practitioners, Malaysian Falun Gong practitioners called upon the Singapore High Commissioner to urge the court to overturn the unjust verdict.
Japan: Foreign Ministers from 38 Asian and European Countries Gather in Kyoto, Practitioners Call on Chinese Communist Regime to Stop the Persecution
2005-05-09From May 6 to 7, 2005, during the Seventh ASEM (Asia-Europe) Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Kyoto, Japan, practitioners called for an end of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. On the paths where foreign ministers passed by, practitioners held banners and posters exposing the persecution.
BBC Monitoring/BBC: Hong Kong Daily Says Falun Gong Verdict Boost for Right to Protest
2005-05-09Before police arrest demonstrators for obstruction they should remember the right to demonstrate is a fundamental freedom under the Basic Law, according to the Court of Final Appeal judgment in the Falun Gong case. The judgment quashed the Falun Gong members' convictions for obstructing and assaulting police officers exercising their duty and prompted calls from legal experts for better police training and education in protecting constitutionally safeguarded rights.
Two Detained Falun Dafa Practitioners in Singapore Have Been Released, Press Conference Calls for Fair Treatment of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-05-08On the afternoon of May 3, 2005, two Falun Dafa practitioners, Ms. Cheng Lujin and Ms. Ng Chye Huay were released after seven days in detention. They were on a hunger strike seven days and four days respectively while in detention, to protest their unfair sentencing by the Singapore Court. On the afternoon of May 4, 2005, the two practitioners held a press conference together with the Singapore Falun Dafa Association and explained how they were released and their future plans.