Worldwide News
Australia: Blending in With The Queensland Local Chinese Community To Clarify the Truth
2003-09-27Practitioners in Queensland were invited to participate in an art performance organised by a hospital charity foundation. During the performance, they received flowers from the audience twice. At the end of the activity, they also received a certificate of appreciation from the sponsors.
United States: Clarifying the Truth of the Persecution in China and a Call to Rescue Charles Li at the St. Louis Hot Air Balloon Festival
2003-09-27As they have done in previous years, Falun Gong practitioners hung up their Dafa banners and put out their truth-clarification display boards. On hearing that American citizen Dr. Li is still in Chinese jail, they realised how close this trampling of human nature is and came to sign their names.
Taiwan: Voice of Justice from the People
2003-09-26The Taiwan Falun Dafa Association South District practice site practitioners traveled across the sea to Penghu County to hold a public symbolic trial of Jiang and conduct many other activities. From September 19-21, nearly 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners participated in the activities.
United States: Practitioners in Delaware Show the Beauty of Falun Dafa at the 2003 Newark Community Day Activities
2003-09-26A woman from the Delaware Insurance Company watched through the performance. She said, "Your performance is so pleasant! I like your exercises especially. I think it is a great way to relax oneself. It made me forget all the unhappiness of the day!"
Canada: Exposing Chinese Diplomats' Hate Crimes
2003-09-25For the past 4 years Chinese embassy and consulates in Canada are being used as tools to silence support for Falun Gong overseas by displaying hate pictures in their public visa offices, manipulating Chinese media to slander Falun Gong and pressuring our government officials and communities to not support Canadian Falun Gong practitioners.
United States: U.S. Ambassador to China Answers Questions about Falun Gong at Yale University
2003-09-25"We have been consistently exerting efforts to promote human rights and religious freedom. In China, one cannot hear the voice from Falun Gong. They are all imprisoned. We have been condemning the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong all along and continuously request the Chinese government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong."
Canada: Toronto Practitioners Launch "Rescue Loved Ones and Bring Jiang to Justice" Bike Tour
2003-09-25This bike tour has been initiated to call on the Canadian premier to appeal to China to stop persecuting Falun Gong, release all detained practitioners and rescue persecuted family members back to Canada, during the premier's visit to China next month.
United States: 2003 Western U.S. Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
2003-09-24On September 21, 2003, the 2003 Western U.S. Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was grandly held at the City of Los Altos, California. Nearly one thousand Falun Dafa practitioners from all over the United States came to attend the conference.
Canada: "Public Trial of Jiang, Rescue Our Family Members" Postcard Signing Effort Underway in Canada
2003-09-24All the signed postcards are being mailed to the office of the Canadian Prime Minister. The short message on the postcard states that Jiang and his accomplices who participated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioner have been charged with genocide. It asks the Canadian Prime Minister to appeal to the Chinese government to stop persecuting Falun Gong and unconditionally release all detained Falun Gong practitioners when he visits China in late October.
Australia: University of New South Wales Holds Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition
2003-09-24People were curious to know why we displayed these paintings. When they learnt that the artist was severely persecuted in China by the Jiang regime for speaking out for Falun Gong, and the fact that the artist had lost her ability to paint because of severe arthritis and it was Falun Gong which restored her health and enabled her to paint again, they all felt indignant about the persecution.
Australia: "Seeds of Compassion" Association Holds Mid-Autumn Festival Concert at Melbourne City Hall
2003-09-23"These people in the Seeds of Compassion Association are very kind and devoted to serving the community. Many of them are Falun Gong practitioners...I want to say, I very much appreciated tonight's performance. This could be a world-class concert."
United States: Practitioners Held Candlelight Vigil in Front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco to Protest Arbitrary Killings
2003-09-23Practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco for a candlelight vigil to memorialise fellow practitioners who have been killed by the Jiang regime and to call for help to rescue Charles Li and support the lawsuit against Jiang.
Japan: Practitioners Clarify the Truth and Introduce Falun Dafa in Front of Parliament During the Visit of Chinese Official Wu Bangguo
2003-09-23We heard that the Chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress, Wu Bangguo, would visit Japan from September 4-10, 2003. From September 2-9, Falun Dafa practitioners appealed in front of the Parliament. They called for China to stop persecuting Falun Gong immediately, passed out Dafa truth clarifying materials, and clarified the facts.
Australia: Practitioners from many countries gather in Australia to protest Jiang Zemin's persecution
2003-09-22On Saturday, September 13, 2003, hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Malaysia, the United States and across Australia held a large march and rally in downtown Melbourne, condemning Jiang Zemin regime's persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.
Canada: Canadian Government Officials Report The Chinese Consulate's Distribution of Hate Propaganda to the Authorities
2003-09-22A practitioner reported to police that since August, numerous government officials and legislators in Ottawa had informed practitioners that they received propaganda materials from the Chinese Consulate in Toronto. All anti-Falun Gong propaganda material contained slander, accusations, and smearing contents.