Worldwide News
Taiwan: Hsingchu Second Falun Dafa College Study Camp
2005-08-09From July 29th to 31st, the second Falun Dafa College Study Camp was held at National Chiao Tung University. More than 120 college students, including some graduate students, attended the three-day event. The participants learned about Falun Dafa through a variety of programs, including movies, an outdoor concert and games.
Ottawa Citizen (Canada): Don't deport Falun Gong supporter: protesters: Montreal woman faces torture in China, group says
2005-08-09"The kind of risk she is facing, there's no need to send her back," said Lucy Zhou, one of about 20 protesters who gathered in front of Ms. McLellan's office on Laurier Street. "There's hundreds of thousands of people in detention (in China) and she could be one of them." Falun Gong is a spiritual movement that was outlawed in China in 1999. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China has been decried by the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and several other human rights organizations.
United States: Practitioners in Minnesota Set up a Booth at a Local Farmer's Market
2005-08-08On July 30, 2005, several Minnesotan practitioners set up a booth at a local Farmer's Market in downtown Minneapolis. The event was a huge success. Many people learned about Falun Dafa, the persecution in China, and the righteous grace of Truthfulness - Benevolence - Forbearance.
Speech by Michael Horowitz of Hudson Institute at the July 21st Anti-Persecution Rally in Washington, D.C.
2005-08-08"Your television [programming], one of the miracles I've seen of energy, effort and ingenuity, sends messages of freedom and hope to little villages in China; where people gather the little bits of money they have to buy, secretly buy, receivers to receive [your] broadcast. My God, you stand for freedom for all of us, and thank you so very much."
United States: Practitioners' Grand "Falun Dafa Boat" Captures Attention in the Seafair Torchlight Parade, Seattle
2005-08-07On the evening of July 30th, the Seafair Torchlight Parade, one of the top ten parades in the U.S., was held in downtown Seattle. The parade dates back to 1950, celebrating the culture of the Pacific Northwest. Practitioners from Portland, Oregon, Vancouver, Canada and Washington State participated.
Speech by Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine of the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington at the July 21st Anti-Persecution Rally
2005-08-07"It is wonderful to see so many people gathered here today and it reminds me of a promise of Jesus in my Christian tradition that "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Of course today we are gathered in the name of pluralism, tolerance, and religious freedom. As I look around, it is clear to me that these tenets are born and nurtured among us."
Australia: Practitioners in Adelaide Protest the Six-Year Persecution
2005-08-06On July 23, 2005, Adelaide practitioners gathered at Victoria Plaza downtown to raise awareness of the six-year persecution of Falun Gong in China. They displayed banners and photo posters, demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises, and collected signatures calling for an end to the persecution.
US Congressman Rush Holt Calls for Immediate Release of All Imprisoned Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2005-08-06On Wednesday, July 21, 2005, several thousand Falun Gong practitioners from across the world held a rally in Washington DC. New Jersey Congressman Rush Holt attended the rally and said in his speech that the American government should exert its influence and leadership to express strong disapproval to the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
New Zealand: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition Held in Wellington
2005-08-05On July 25-30, an exhibition of Falun Gong practitioners' paintings was held at the Michael Fowler Center in Wellington. Many people came to visit the exhibition and after learning about the persecution in China, visitors showed their support for Falun Gong and strongly condemned the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) actions.
Voice of America Editorial: China's Human Rights Record
2005-08-05Gretchen Birkle is U.S. Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. In recent testimony before the U.S. Congress, she said that the Chinese government's repression of citizens seeking to exercise their fundamental rights remains a systemic problem. Ms. Birkle said the Chinese authorities have committed numerous and serious human rights abuses, including torture, mistreatment of prisoners, detention without notification and communication, and denial of due process of law.
Korea: Released from Chinese Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Ko Sung-nyo is Welcomed Home at a Party Held in Korean Parliament
2005-08-04In order to welcome Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ko Sung-nyo and to express gratitude toward Korean Parliament members who had helped rescue Ms. Ko to Korea, the "Ko Sung-nyo Rescue Committee" sponsored a "welcoming party" for Ms. Ko on July 28th, 2005 in the Korean Parliament's Honoured Guests' Cafeteria.
Taipei: Introducing Falun Dafa at the National Palace Museum
2005-08-04The National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei is home to one of the foremost collections of Chinese art in the world, constant streams of people come here to visit.In recent years, tourists who came here saw a unique scene. On the plaza in front of the museum, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises and distributed fliers.
Taiwan: Minghui Summer Camp
2005-08-03The first Miaoli Tonghsiao Minghui Summer Camp was held on July 23rd and 24th. The summer camp was sponsored by the town government and planned by local Falun Gong practitioners. Every participant enjoyed the event very much and promised to attend next time.
U.S. Congressman Chris Smith: Chinese Communist Regime's Atrocity Must Be Stopped
2005-08-03The State Department's human rights report as I think many of you know for 2004 documents at length the plight of the Falun Gong. We see before us a Stalinist nightmare revived for the 21st century. Thousands tortured, thousands dead as a result of torture; tens of thousands jailed without trial, held in the laogai, mental hospitals and other areas in China and enforced to endure torture, brainwashing sessions.
Canada: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition in Edmonton Seen by Thousands
2005-08-02On July 22nd, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition opened in Edmonton. During the five-day show, thousands of local residents came to appreciate the paintings and learned about the ongoing human rights atrocities committed against innocent Falun Gong practitioners in China.