Worldwide News
United States: Practitioners Participate in Dragon Boat Festival in Connecticut
2003-10-03On September 20, Connecticut Falun Gong practitioners participated in the 3rd Connecticut Dragon Boat Festival held at the state capital of Hartford. We demonstrated Falun Gong exercises and performed dances for the audience, and both the exercise demonstration and dance performance were warmly received.
United States: Practitioners hold Photo Exhibition in Indiana
2003-10-02To express their gratitude to Mayor Lloyd for his support, Falun Gong practitioners from Indiana presented him a beautiful gift of their appreciation. They also held a photo exhibition and a news conference on September 13, 2003 in the City of Evansville.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth at the Orientation Fair at National Tsing Hua University
2003-10-02Falun Dafa organisations in these universities took this opportunity to tell more people about the benefits of Falun Dafa and to tell them about the illegal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in mainland China by Jiang's regime.
Australia: Practitioners Demonstrate the Greatness of Dafa at the Flower Festival of Toowoomba
2003-10-02Accompanied by the compassionate and solemn Dafa music Pudu, the procession of Dafa practitioners proceeded slowly. When the float of Dafa practitioners passed by, crowds greeted us with applause and cheers. After the parade, practitioners demonstrated Falun Gong exercises on the outdoor stage before thousands of people.
FDI: New Court Filings Charge Former Chinese Leader Jiang Zemin with Extensive Corruption
2003-10-01On Monday, plaintiffs in Falun Gong v. Jiang Zemin filed legal papers charging Jiang Zemin with crimes of extensive corruption and urged the Court to hold him responsible for committing genocide against Falun Gong for his own private benefit to consolidate his power base, enhance his stature, and increase his personal wealth.
New Zealand: The Third Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in New Zealand Successfully Concludes
2003-10-01The Third Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in New Zealand successfully concluded on September 27 2003 in Auckland. The Fa conference provided an opportunity for all Dafa practitioners in New Zealand to share understandings and experiences, and to strive forward together.
United States: More Than Ten Overseas Chinese Organisations Co-Sign a Letter Asking For the U.S Government. to Further Investigate Liang Guanjun Case
2003-10-01The letter recounted the incident of June 23rd of this year, in which Liang Guanjun and his cohorts beat Falun Gong practitioners in New York City's Chinatown, a violent action that the Chinese Consulate openly supported in the media the next day. These Organisations were shocked and uneasy that the Chinese authorities, led by Jiang Zemin, have extended their persecution of Falun Gong into the U.S., a land of freedom and democracy.
Taiwan: Representatives of the National Association of Lawyers Co-Sign a Resolution Supporting the Lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin
2003-09-30The National Association of Lawyers, the largest lawyers association in Taiwan, held a conference on September 7. Nineteen conference delegates co-signed a resolution to appeal for a stop to the persecution of Falun Gong and to support worldwide legal initiatives to bring Jiang Zemin to justice.
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Symbolic Trial of Jiang at Parliament Hill, Urge Prime Minister to Safeguard Human Rights
2003-09-30On September 25, at Parliament Hill, several hundred Falun Gong practitioners from Toronto and supporters held a grand rally, a parade and staged a symbolic trial to try the chief perpetrator, Jiang Zemin, who launched the persecution of Falun Gong. Six Parliament members attended the rally and gave supportive speeches.
Malaysia: Dr. Ao Manguan Discusses the Nature of Education and the Meaning of Life
2003-09-29About 50 people attended the activity and lectures given by Dr. Yang and Dr. Ao, who are both Falun Gong practitioners. It spawned further discussion on the nature of education and the meaning of life, and enabled attendees to gain a deeper understanding of Falun Gong's popularity in society and its principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."
Australia: Introducing Falun Dafa at Health Expo of West Sydney University
2003-09-29Falun Gong practitioners participated in the health expo held at West Sydney University at Penrich. The practitioners introduced the greatness of Dafa to visitors and narrated the relationship between cultivation practise and health. Many visitors showed great interest in Falun Dafa and requested literature and details of classes.
Hong Kong: The Hearing for the Fabricated "Obstruction Case" in Hong Kong Ends
2003-09-28Spokesperson for the Hong Kong Falun Dafa Association Kan Hung-cheung believed that no matter what the court verdict is, the 'Obstruction Case' reveals that Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong has spread to Hong Kong. The case itself not only involves legal perspectives, but also involves the issues of justice and conscience. He believes that if the court upholds justice, the verdict will be a favourable one.
Canada: "Rescue Our Family Members Bicycle Tour" goes through Five More Cities
2003-09-28Toronto "Bicycle Tour for Rescuing Our Family Members and Bringing Jiang to Justice" visited five medium-sized cities in two days on September 20-21. Whenever the bicycle tour reached a city, the practitioners would visit the mayor and city councillors, and hold a press conference.
United States: Philadelphia Practitioners Invited by Local Police to Participate in the Community's Celebration Activities
2003-09-28Falun Gong practitioners from the greater Philadelphia area were invited by the police officers at No. 12 Precinct to participate in the precinct's "Open Day" activity and the ninth celebration parade of "Philadelphia Southwest District Pride Day."
United States: the "Car Tour Around the US to Rescue Charles Li" arrives in Charlottesville and Hold a Press Conference
2003-09-27Prior to their arrival, Charlottesville Mayor had issued a proclamation to Falun Dafa on September 12 and strongly condemned Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Dafa. He also called upon China to immediately stop the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners and dismiss the notorious "610 Office."