Worldwide News
Hong Kong's Public Opinion: Hong Kong Government Continuing to Enact Article 23 Will Cause Social Turbulence (Photo)
2003-07-08Even though the Hong Kong Government made some concessions on the national security bill, they failed to win acceptance from more than 40 organisations that sponsored the large scale march on July 1 against Article 23. Many believe the amendments that the Hong Kong Government made are not enough to resolve the concerns of the Hong Kong people.
United States: Federal Judge Denies Immunity Plea for Chinese Government Officials
2003-07-08Magistrate Edward M. Chen, a San Francisco judge, recently denied foreign sovereign immunity to former Beijing Mayor Liu Qi and other Chinese government officials. These Chinese government officials were sued in the U.S. court for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
United States: Practitioners Participate in a Fourth of July Parade in Blaine, Minnesota
2003-07-08 -
United States: San Diego Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Facts on Independence Day and Call for Rescuing Dr. Charles Li
2003-07-07On the occasion in which the American people celebrate their Independence Day, San Diego Falun Dafa practitioners went to a well-known site, La Jolla Shores, to explain the facts of Falun Gong to tourists and collect signatures calling for the rescue of Dr. Charles Li, a US citizen being imprisoned in China by Jiang's regime.
Canada: Vancouver Parade Displays the Beauty and Grace of Falun Dafa
2003-07-07Every July 1, an annual Canada Day Parade will be held in Richmond to celebrate Canada's birthday and display multiple cultures in the Great Vancouver Area. Falun Gong as an ancient Chinese culture, was invited to participate in the parade, displaying the beauty of Falun Dafa and also clarifing the truth to the people.
FDI: What Thomas Jefferson Might Say About Charles Li
2003-07-06On this 4th of July, as we celebrate our liberty with our loved ones, one American is held against his will and beaten in a Communist Chinese jail. Why don't we examine what the author of Declaration of Independence would have said of Dr. Charles Li's actions and the persecution of Falun Gong in China?
Canada: A Special Gift for Canada's Capital on Canada Day
2003-07-06Tuesday, July 1st, 2003 was the 136th anniversary of the founding of Canada. About 75,000 visitors from across the country and all over the world gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to celebrate. Falun Gong practitioners gave a performance on the east side of Parliament Hill, a prominent and bustling area which soon became one of the focuses of the celebration.
United States: San Francisco - Practitioners Hold Press Conference Regarding Two Chinese Officials Found Guilty by US Court of Crimes Against Humanity
2003-07-05In a report Judge Chen submitted to the court, both Chinese officials were found guilty of overseeing the torture of Falun Gong practitioners. The press conference also informed the media of the lawsuit underway against former Chinese leader Jiang for genocide and crimes against humanity.
Japan: Practitioners Hold Activities in Yamagata County To Help Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2003-07-05In Japan, various provincial and city councils hold their regular sessions at the end of June. It is a good opportunity to clarify the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong in China to all levels of the Japanese government. Practitioners visited many government departments and their efforts were even broadcast on Television. Many people came to know the truth and showed support for Falun Gong.
Anti-Article 23 March Draws 500,000, World Attention Focuses on Hong Kong
2003-07-04Although the Beijing and Hong Kong governments could ignore 500,000 people, international media paid special attention to the voices of the half million Hong Kong people participating in the July 1 March. Major western news agencies continuously carried the coverage of the Hong Kong march yesterday, while the US Wall Street Journal's editorial directly pointed out that Hong Kong's government ignored the will of the Hong Kong people.
Young and Old, Hong Kong People Send Out One Voice: Against Article 23 (photos)
2003-07-04Mr. Zeng, manager of public housing had experience living under Chinese communist rule. He summarized the evilness of Article 23. "I support the July 1st historic march. Article 23 is very unfair to Hong Kong people. I have lived through the unfair treatment in Mainland and I experienced it myself. I have direct knowledge of the effect of Article 23 on Hong Kong."
United States: Los Angeles Falun Gong Practitioners Attend Press Conference Supporting Hong Kong Residents' Parade Against Article 23
2003-07-04On June 28, Falun Gong practitioners participated in a press conference along with the Hong Kong Forum, Amnesty International, the Visual Arts Association, the China Social Democratic Party Western America Branch, and "China Affair" magazine in supporting the Hong Kong residents' parade against Article 23.
Canada: Vancouver Rally to Support People of Hong Kong's Opposition to Article 23
2003-07-04Global Coalition Against Article 23, Vancouver branch, organised a rally in front of the city Art Centre building, supporting the people of Hong Kong's attempt to protect democracy and autonomy by their march against Article 23 legislation. Local Chinese media and some English media reported the event.
Japan: A Series of Activities Held Across Japan to "Comprehensively Clarify the Truth, Support the Lawsuit against Jiang and Rescue Ms. Yoko Kaneko"
2003-07-04Practitioners from across Japan are making efforts to comprehensively clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to the Japanese society. They want to raise awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, the illegal imprisonment of Ms. Yoko Kaneko in China and the lawsuit against Jiang in the US.
Canada: Photo Report - Falun Gong in Canada Day Celebration