Worldwide News
United States: Parade in Chicago's Chinatown - "Falun Dafa is Good"
2003-06-26 -
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference and Parade in Chicago
2003-06-25 -
Australia: Practitioners in South Australia Continue to Collect Signatures to Support Genocide Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-25On June 21, Falun Dafa practitioners in South Australia continued to hold activities in Victoria Square in the City of Adelaide, capital of the State of South Australia, to support bringing the dictator Jiang to justice.
United States: Introducing Falun Dafa at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Missoula, Montana
2003-06-25On May 24 and 25, the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo was held in Missoula, Montana. We reserved a booth to promote Falun Dafa and teach the exercises. On Saturday we had a steady stream of people visiting our booth. Besides the general public, many exhibitors and speakers were curious and wanted to learn more about us.
2003 Mid-US Fa Conference Solemnly Held in Chicago, Master Li Hongzhi Attends and Gives Lecture
2003-06-24On Sunday June 22 2003, Dafa practitioners held the Mid-US Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in downtown Chicago. It was a grand occasion: solemn, harmonious and full of hope. Master Li Hongzhi arrived and gave a lecture on the Fa.
United States: Bringing Jiang to Justice - 1500 Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Grand Parade in Downtown Chicago
2003-06-24"Bringing Jiang to Justice" has become an important topic among people in society. On June 21, 2003, more than 1500 Falun Gong practitioners from around the world held a press conference entitled, "Bringing Jiang to Justice" on Federal Square in downtown Chicago.
Israel: Introducing Dafa in Tiberius
2003-06-24 -
United States: Ohio Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference Regarding Lawsuit Against Dictator Jiang; Congressman Sends Letter of Support
2003-06-24To support the lawsuit against Jiang and better clarify the truth of Falun Gong to people in Ohio, local practitioners held a press conference in Fountain Square at Cincinnati's centre. At the press conference, Falun Gong practitioners also talked about the abuse U.S. citizen Charles Li has suffered in China's jail as well the forced feeding he was subjected to.
United States: More Than A Thousand Falun Gong Practitioners Parade in Chicago' s Chinatown to Call for Bringing Jiang to Justice Globally
2003-06-23On June 21, 2003, more than a thousand Falun Gong practitioners held a grand parade in Chicago's Chinatown to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the world, and to call upon people of the world, especially Chinese people, to join in the court of morality and justice and the court of conscience to bring Jiang to justice for his countless crimes.
Epochtimes: 2000 Falun Gong Practitioners Rally in Chicago Supporting Genocide Lawsuit Against Chinese Dictator Jiang
2003-06-23"Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lina Wu said that today's performances to show the peacefulness of Falun Gong were the first by Falun Gong practitioners in the mid-US region. Their goal is to demonstrate the true beauty of Falun Gong to the people of Chicago and all over the world, and to help people to see through the cruelty of Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong."
Australian City Councillor Dennis Whelan Writes to Consulate-General of China Urging China to Stop the Persecution
2003-06-23"I would like to register my concerns at the brutal and repressive actions being perpetrated by the Chinese Government on the Chinese people who practice Falun Gong in their country. Falun Gong is a harmless and helpful practice that hurts no one and it would be greatly appreciated if your government would assist in any way it can to stop this awful suppression."
All Democratic Members Absent at Recent Hong Kong Bills Committee Meeting
2003-06-22All Democratic Party members of Hong Kong's Legislative Council were absent from last Saturday's meeting of the Bills Committee of Legislative Council on the National Security (Legislative Provisions) Bill due to their participation in a two-day forum on "Freedom and National Security -- Is the Balance of the Two Achieved?" The royalists took advantage of their absence and rushed through the item-by-item deliberation of the Bill in just five hours. Some Democratic members admonished the royalists for their conduct and said it was a "challenge to human rights in Hong Kong."
New Zealand: Practitioners Travel Around North Island Cities to Clarify the Truth and to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-22On the morning of June 16, 2003, practitioners in New Zealand set off from the Chinese Consulate in Auckland to travel to 12 cities in four days. They will hold press conferences or parades in each of these cities to raise awareness and gain support for the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
Chicago: Practitioners Hold Activities in Front of the Chinese Consulate
2003-06-22Practitioners hold activities in front of the Chinese consulate in Chicago to support the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, clarify the truth of the persecution to people passing by, and to aid in the rescue of practitioner and American citizen, Dr. Charles Li, from persecution in China.
FDI: High-Level Chinese Officials Found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity
2003-06-21In the last 18 months, three high-level Chinese officials have been found guilty of crimes against humanity in U.S. District Courts for their roles in the persecution of Falun Gong. A fourth lawsuit against former Chinese Communist leader, Jiang Zemin, is being reviewed by a U.S. District Court judge in Chicago.