Worldwide News
Peru: Photo Report - Dafa Practitioners Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-07-01 -
World Journal: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Expose Chinese Association's Assault
2003-06-30The World Journal reported on June 27: New York Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference on June 26 to expose the Chinese Association's assault on Falun Gong practitioners on the night of June 23. They stressed, "Peaceful demonstrators were assaulted and harassed. This is not allowed in a democratic country."
Washington File: Resolution Warns That Hong Kong's Basic Freedoms Are in Danger
2003-06-30House of Representatives approved by a 426-1 margin a resolution June 26 that calls on the Chinese and Hong Kong governments to withdraw their proposal implementing Article 23 of the Basic Law governing Hong Kong because it would reduce the basic human freedoms of the territory's residents.
United States: Introducing Falun Dafa During the Fa Conference in Chicago
2003-06-30 -
The Whole World Focuses on Hong Kong: The Campaign against Article 23 Legislation Continues
2003-06-29The White House released a statement on June 19 pointing out that Hong Kong's Legislative Council is in the final stages of considering internal security legislation mandated by Article 23 of the territory's Basic Law. Article 23 legislation, as currently drafted, could harm local freedoms and autonomy over time. The United States urges Hong Kong's Legislative Council to adopt amendments to correct these shortcomings.
FDI: Local Pro-Communist Chinese Leader Arrested for Assaulting Falun Gong Practitioners in New York City
2003-06-29Mr. Guan Jun Liang, a pro-Communist (or pro-Beijing) Chinese leader and chairman of the Unified Organisation of Overseas Chinese Associations, was arrested on the evening of Wednesday, June 25, 2003 by New York City police, for his leading role in a group assault against a number of peacefully demonstrating Falun Gong practitioners Monday night.
Australia: Practitioners Rally in Canberra to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-06-29 -
Japan: Dafa Practitioners Support Bringing Jiang to Justice in Hokkaido
2003-06-29On June 21 2003, while nearly 3,000 Dafa practitioners from around the world gathered in Chicago to support the lawsuit against Jiang, Falun Dafa practitioners in Hokkaido, Japan arrived outside the Chinese Consulate to hold a 24-hour sending righteous thoughts in support of bringing Jiang to justice globally.
United States: Chicago Chinese Officials Film Falun Gong Practitioners Passing By from Rooftop of Consulate
2003-06-28This may seem innocuous to Westerners, but to Chinese who have grown up in a society of oppression under the finger of a dictator, it is clear that the filming was done to harass the law abiding practitioners, and make it clear that the Chinese government will attempt to identify all practitioners and apply pressure wherever possible.
Hong Kong: "Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation" Will Hold a Public Rally on Saturday in Support of Hong Kong's "July 1st Grand March"
2003-06-28To support Hong Kong citizens' July 1st Grand March, the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation will hold a public rally on Saturday, June 28 in Washington DC, USA. Meanwhile, branch organizations of the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation around the world will also hold activities to support the event.
Greetings to the 2003 Mid-US Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference from Mayor of Chicago Richard Daley
2003-06-28 -
The Chinese Ambassador of France has a Chance Encounter with Dafa Practitioners in the Caribbean
2003-06-27The face of the Ambassador turned pale after the practitioner tried to give him some information about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and the Genocide lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. He waved his hands and walked backwards. The practitioner thought he did not get her point and handed him the materials again, telling him that this was just the latest information and he could read it on the plane. The Ambassador was startled and said, Who are you? Are you from Paris? He did not expect to meet any Dafa practitioners on an island in the Caribbean Sea.
United States: New York City Chinatown - Assailants Commit A Hate Crime, Beating Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-06-27Shortly before 10:00p.m. on June 23, 2003, an incident in which Falun Gong practitioners were maliciously assaulted occurred outside Yidong Restaurant (88 Palace) in New York City's Chinatown. A group of people led by chairman Liang Guanjun of Chinese Associations General in New York City assaulted several Falun Gong practitioners. Before the incident, it was reported that the Chinese Consulate in New York City loudly demanded pro-Communist Chinese Associations to not let Falun Gong practitioners participate in the July 4th US National Independence Day Parade in Chinatown.
Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Peaceful Sit-ins to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-27Nearly 200 Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners continued their peaceful sit-in outside the Revenue Tower in Wan Chai, in hopes that people can see clearly Jiang's brutal suppression of innocent people. They also hoped through legal approach to put Jiang on trial so that he would be held accountable for his atrocities.
Taiwan: Practitioners in Hsinchu Clarify Truth to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-06-26On June 21 and 22, Falun Gong practitioners from Hsinchu County Taiwan held activities to respond to bringing Jiang to justice. During the activities, young practitioners distributed flyers among the crowds. Upon seeing these lovely and innocent little practitioners, people smiled and gladly accepted the flyers.