Worldwide News
Australia: Melbourne Dafa Practitioners Attend Holiday Celebration
2003-04-07Williamstown is a famous port located on the west side of Melbourne. Every year the holiday celebration attracts over 100,000 spectators. This year was the third year Dafa practitioners were invited to participate in the parade. Everywhere they went they received warm applause from spectators.
Japan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Appeal for the release of practitioner Yoko Kaneko
2003-04-07Yoko Kaneko was illegally detained last May for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in Beijing and later sentenced to 18 months of forced labour. Many practitioners came to the appeal in the rain, handing out flyers, collecting signatures and clarifying the truth.
USA: New York Practitioners Start a 5-Day Sit-in, Calling for the Release of Charles Li and Other Falun Gong Practitioners Being Detained in China
2003-04-06To make the public more aware of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and to appeal for the urgent rescue of American citizen Charles Li, who was unlawfully sentenced by the Chinese government, Falun Gong practitioners in New York City started a 5-day around the clock sit-in.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference concluded successfully
2003-04-06Fa conferences are a good opportunity for practitioners to get together and exchange experiences about persecution they have suffered, activities they are doing to help stop the persecution and some understandings they have gained about the principles and teachings of Falun Dafa.
Canada: MP Dan McTeague Requests Minister of Foreign Affairs to Voice Concerns about China's Human Rights Violations at the U.N.
2003-04-06 -
Appeal for One Who Upholds Justice -- Ottawa Falun Gong Practitioners Actively Work to Rescue Charles Li
2003-04-05In the beginning of this year, American citizen and Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Charles Li went back to China to visit his family. The second he stepped off the airplane, he was arrested. The Chinese authorities accused him of "planning to interrupt TV transmissions controlled by the Chinese government."
Practitioners Perform Short Play at Taiwan University of Technology Annual Celebration (photos)
2003-04-05The play was based on the experiences of Falun Dafa practitioner Zhao Ming, who was tortured for two years in a Chinese forced labour camp. This would fit well with the earlier campaign to rescue alumni of Tsinghua University, since Zhao Ming also graduated from there. The audience watched the play intently. When it reached the part where Zhao Ming was released and returned to Ireland, the audience applauded warmly and loudly.
Canadian Member of Parliament Rob Anders Writes to Chinese Ambassador Requesting China to Immediately and Unconditionally Release Mr. Lin Mingli
2003-04-05I met Mr. Lin Shenlin a Falun Gong practitioner in Ottawa last week, and was appalled to hear the story of how he was imprisoned for his religious beliefs. Mr. Lin Mingli, a Falun Gong practitioner and a younger brother of Canadian resident Mr. Lin Shenli, has been jailed in the Third Re-educational Labour Camp in Shanghai for those same reasons.
U.S. Congressman John Linder Responds Regarding Charles Li and other Victims of Persecution in China
2003-04-05"Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns with China's restrictive religious laws and human rights abuses. I shared your concern in this matter...I will keep Dr. Charles Li, and the many other victims of Chinese religious persecution, in my thought and prayers."
Highlighting Serious Concerns in China and Hong Kong - UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee Publishes Annual Human Rights Report
2003-04-04On the issue of the highly controversial Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong, the Report stated The United Kingdom Government must express any concerns it has about the human rights impact of the new law clearly and without hesitation to the [Hong Kong] Government at every opportunity....The Report pointed out: There are particular concerns for the freedoms currently enjoyed by Falun Gong supporters in the Region.
Philippines Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations on the Establishment of the Greek Falun Dafa Association
2003-04-04The Falun Dafa Association of the Philippines sends its sincerest congratulations to the establishment of the Greek Falun Dafa Association! Let us continue to improve as one body, and fulfil our vows well!
Taiwan: First "Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition Held at National Taiwan Normal University
2003-04-04On a weekend in late March, we held a three-day "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition. The photo exhibition shows the beauty of Falun Dafa and also explains the persecution with many pictures providing evidence of the cruelty of the persecution.
USA: Minnesota Practitioners Hold Press Conference in State Capitol Building to Appeal for the Rescue of Charles Li
2003-04-04On March 26 2003 Minnesota Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in the State Capitol Building in St. Paul, appealing to rescue American citizen Dr. Charles Li who is illegally detained in China for practising Falun Gong.
Japan: Practitioners in Yamanashi County Appeal to County Council to Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2003-04-04On March 17th, at 2 p.m., Falun Dafa practitioners from Yamanashi County, Japan, held a press conference at the Journalist Club of the County Government regarding their appeal to the County Council the day before to rescue Yoko Kaneko.
Vancouver Falun Gong Practitioners Protest in Front of the Chinese Consulate Against Jiang Regime's Illegal Trial of U.S. Citizen, Charles Li
2003-04-03Vancouver practitioners held activities in front of the Chinese Consulate from 2 pm to 8 pm on March 21 to protest against the illegal trial of Dr. Charles Li, a U.S citizen, by the Chinese government. Practitioners urgently call on all governments and upright people of the world to extend a helping hand, and demand that the Chinese government immediately release Dr. Li and all Falun Gong practitioners in China who are illegally imprisoned.