Worldwide News
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Health Expo in Kansas City, Missouri
2003-04-03On March 23, 2003, Falun Gong practitioners in Kansas City, Missouri participated in the fifth Health Expo held by the Adult School of the University of Missouri. Many people had learned about the persecution in China and wanted to learn more about Falun Gong.
Canada: Member of Parliament Writes in Support of Rescue Efforts for Practitioner Mingli Lin
2003-04-03Mingli Lin's arrest two years ago for his so-called "crime" of "spreading of flyers of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" as quoted from his imprisonment document, cannot be tolerated by the international community, and I support the continuing efforts of Irwin Cotler, an international human rights lawyer who has defended political prisoners from around the world, in this matter.
UK Government Issues Formal Statement on the Draft Bill of the Hong Kong Article 23 Legislation
2003-04-02"...many in Hong Kong and elsewhere are still concerned that what is proposed...blurs the dividing line between the separate legal systems of the SAR and the mainland...We share this concern and trust that the SAR government will look very closely at these particular provisions and ensure that the final legislation is consistent with both the letter and the spirit of the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law. It is vital that Hong Kong's legal autonomy is not undermined in any way by this legislation.
Practitioners Hold Petition Drive in Philadelphia to Rescue Charles Li
2003-04-02Falun Gong practitioners from the greater Philadelphia area went to Chinatown and the famous tourist attraction the Liberty Bell, which symbolises American freedom and democracy, to launch an appeal to the US government and public to help bring Dr. Li home safely.
"Friends of Charles Li" Rally in Downtown Atalnta Protesting Chinese Government's Unconstitutional Trial
2003-04-02A reporter from FOX5 News said, "As the war is going on, our newsroom is really busy. However, we still came here to cover the event, because the Chinese government is taking advantage of the US-Iraq war to infringe upon an American citizen's human rights, and unlawfully detain and put him on trial. This is absolutely unacceptable!"
US Consul General in Beijing John Morris Replies to Congressman Fortney Stark Regarding Charles Li
2003-04-02"The U.S. Embassy has made clear on numerous occasions our strong opposition to the detention of individuals solely for peaceful association and assembly. The steps the Chinese government has taken to restrict freedom of thought, conscience and belief are deeply disturbing."
Canada: Montreal Practitioners Report that Mr. Lin Mingli Has Been Released After His Illegal Forced Labour Term Expired
2003-04-01"I'm very concerned about my brother's situation. It was reported that he was force-fed which caused his oesophagus to become lacerated and he was unable to eat anything." - Lin Shenli
USA: South Dakota Falun Dafa Practitioners Appeal for the Rescue of Charles Li
2003-04-01South Dakota practitioners gathered in front of the Brookings County Court House in the cold, in order to appeal to the American Government and people to help rescue American citizen Charles. Most of the local media reported on this activity. A kind-hearted resident even clipped the story from the newspaper and gave it to the practitioners.
Canada; Service Employees International Union Shows Support For an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2003-04-01"On behalf of the Service Employees International Union Canada, I am requesting that the government of Canada table a resolution regarding China's human rights abuses with specific mention of Falun Gong. We believe it is important to continue to send a clear message to the President of China with respect to this issue."
Jiang Zemin and His Overseas Followers Charged with Violation of Civil Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-03-31During the last four years of the persecution, at least 600 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death. The persecution has extended abroad and it has even affected U.S. citizens who are Falun Gong practitioners. Some practitioners received threats, slander, beatings and had their cars burned, and some U.S. citizens were arrested in China.
Yoko Kaneko Rescue Committee Holds Press Conference at Aichi County Government Reporters Club
2003-03-31Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from Tokyo held a press conference at the Reporters' Club in the Aichi County government building, calling on the Aichi County government and Aichi people to actively help rescue Mrs. Yoko Kaneko. Tokai TV, Yomiuri Newspaper and other media attended.
Canada: Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in front of Chinese Embassy and Consulates for the Release of Charles Li, Lin Mingli and Huang Jiangang
2003-03-31On March 23, 2003, Canadian practitioners in Ottawa peacefully appealed in front of the Chinese Embassy, asking the Chinese government to release Falun Gong practitioner and U.S. citizen Dr. Charles Li and two other Canadians' relatives, Falun Gong practitioner Li Mingli and Huang Jiangang.
US Senator John Edwards Is Concerned about the Arrest of Charles Li in China
2003-03-31 -
Boston Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference and Strongly Call on China to Immediately Release Charles Li
2003-03-30On the night of March 20 Boston practitioners held a press conference and candlelight vigil during the Chinese government's show trial of Charles Li...They told people of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China and the fact that China had detained and tried United States citizen Dr. Charles Li.
Falun Dafa Exhibition at Taiwan University of Technology's "Dynamic Associations Show"
2003-03-30On the evening of March 19, 2003 the Falun Dafa group at the Taiwan University of Technology participated in the first "Dynamic Associations Show." During the activities, the practitioners used songs to promote Falun Dafa and to clarify the truth.