Worldwide News
Resolution from the International Association Of Official Human Rights Agencies
2002-08-19IAOHRA condemn this extremely brutal persecution and call on the Government of the People's Republic of China to put an immediate end to the killings, the practices of torturing practitioners, abusing practitioners in psychiatric hospitals, and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of the practitioners of Falun Gong and release from detention all Falun Gong practitioners.
Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in Front of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Canberra on the Day of Sino-Australia Dialogue
2002-08-18On the occasion that China and Australia held a human rights dialogue, we call upon the Australian government and Australian people to urge Jiang Zemin's regime to immediately stop its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and immediately drop the "political trial" against the 16 Falun Gong practitioners.
Photo Report: Worldwide Activities on the 15th August to Appeal for Justice in the Hong Kong Trial
2002-08-18 -
Director of Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and other Observers of the Political Trial Speak Out
2002-08-17Lei Yulian, a female human rights activist sat in courtroom, and after hearing the verdict, she shouted, "Falun Gong is innocent!"
Australia: A Hearing for Falun Dafa is Held in Canberra Ahead of Sino-Australia Human Rights Dialogue
2002-08-17Counselor of Association of Australian Citizens, Doctor Laurbert Carter speaking for Falun Gong at the Hearing in Canberra
Photo Report: Activities Worldwide Concerning the Hong Kong Trial
2002-08-16 -
Falun Dafa Practitioners from Washington DC Peacefully Appeal in Front of the Cambodian Embassy (Photos)
2002-08-16Practitioners displayed a banner reading, "Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" in both Chinese and Cambodian. They quietly sat on the grass in front of the Cambodian Embassy, doing sitting meditation.
Mexico: First Fa Conference in Mexico and Activities (Photos)
2002-08-16On August 10th, the first Mexico Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held in Mexico City. Practitioners from many countries came to attend. This was the first Fa conference held in Latin America.
Statement from Practitioners in Hong Kong in Response to the Verdict of August 15th
2002-08-16"This trial has nothing to do with obstruction, but rather, is an extension of the persecution of Falun Gong the from Mainland to Hong Kong. It is the persecution of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. The charges were made by the police to please the LOCPG or Jiang Zemin. For everyone, it should be clear that it can't be obstruction if one occupies only 7m² of a total area of 140 m²"
Canadian Practitioners Call Upon Government Officials in All Countries to Show Concern about Freedom in Hong Kong
2002-08-16Any prompt voice, supporting the preservation of justice in Hong Kong, is critical. We ask that you speak out on the urgent matter of Falun Gong practitioners on trial in Hong Kong to ensure that their basic rights are protected and that the world's people are continually working towards a near end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China while upholding freedom and justice everywhere.
Practitioner from US President's Hometown Calls upon Mr. Bush to Help Rescue Her Father, who was Sentenced to 16 Years in a Chinese Prison
2002-08-16Today, I am writing to you as a daughter who longs to be reunited with her father. My father has done nothing wrong. The only reason that he was sentenced to 16 years in prison is because he practices Falun Gong and applies "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" to every act and every word in his life. please help secure an immediate release of my father and bring him to the United States, where we can be reunited and he can seek proper medical attention.
Practitioners Use Large Screen Projector to Show Truth-Clarifying Videos in New York City Chinatown
2002-08-16Hundreds of passers-by stopped to watch the videos, accept truth-clarifying materials, and discuss Jiang Zemin's crimes with local practitioners.
US Institute on Religion and Public Policy Decries Cambodian Deportation of Falun Gong Refugees to China
2002-08-15"This action is a blatant violation of status as refugees, and another flagrant attack on practitioners of Falun Gong on the part of the ChineseGovernment," commented Institute President Joseph K. Grieboski. "The lives of these individuals are in extreme danger at the hands of the Chinese authorities."
Canadian Officials Offer Support Over the Hong Kong Trial
2002-08-15Canadian MP: "Canada must vigorously protest the politically-motivated trial of the sixteen Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong, and demand that authorities there respect their promise to ensure the civil liberties of its citizens under the Basic Law."
Support Letter from a Canadian Member of Parliament to Falun Gong Practitioners and the Minister of Foreign Affairs [August 12, 2002]