Worldwide News
Chicago: Practitioners Attend the Grand Labor Day Parade in the City of Naperville
2002-09-05On September 2, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners from the Chicago area attended the grand Labour Day Parade in the City of Naperville, a neighbouring city of Chicago.
Japan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth during the WPA Assembly
2002-09-05From August 24 to 29, 2002, the general assembly of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) was held at Yokohama, Japan. Practitioners in Japan used this event to clarify the truth to psychiatrists around the world.Left: Distributing Dafa truth-clarifying newsletters in front of the convention hall
Indiana: September 1 - September 7, 2002 Designated as Falun Dafa Week
2002-09-03... the Mayor said to her, "As soon as I saw this information on Falun Gong, I knew that this is something very important to stand up for."
Toronto: Falun Gong Practitioners Bring the Beauty of Falun Dafa to the Local Community (Photos)
2002-09-03On August 31, 2002, the "Guangming Art Ensemble" composed of Falun Gong practitioners from Toronto was invited by the Ontario M.P.P. Mr. George Smitherman to join the community Labour Day celebration in his electorate.
New Zealand Practitioners Send Open Letter to Prime Minister of Cambodia
2002-09-03The oppression imposed upon Falun Gong practitioners is beyond any human notion and it is wrong. The international community is working together to end this persecution. Falun Gong only practices 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance', but the Chinese authorities commit unthinkable crimes against it.
President of ACTRA Toronto Performers Writes to Canadian Prime Minister to Express Grave Concerns Over the Ongoing Persecution
2002-09-03The president of the Toronto branch of ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Radio and Television Artists) wrote a letter to the Canadian Prime Minister to express grave concern over the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. He represented members of ACTRA to call on the Canadian government to stand up for the cherished principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Below is the text of his letter.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Association Obtains Registration Right to "Falun Gong" and "Falun Emblem"
2002-09-02Left: The Falun Emblem. For more information on the Falun Emblem, see main text
Sydney: Practitioners Celebrate Falun Dafa Day in the City of Fairfield
2002-09-01August 28, 2002 was "Falun Dafa 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' Day" in Fairfield, West Sydney.Left: Dafa practitioners in traditional Chinese dress
Dallas: Falun Dafa Practitioners Take the Initiative to Clarify the Truth
2002-09-01On the afternoon of August 24, 2002, the open ceremony for a mental arithmetic competition was held at the Elite Musical Performance Arts Centre in Plano, Texas.
Indonesia: Dafa Practitioners Break through Interference and Successfully Participate in the Indonesian Independence Anniversary Celebration Activities (Photos)
2002-08-31August 17, 2002 was the 57th anniversary of Indonesia's Independence. The Indonesian Falun Dafa Association applied to join the civilian celebration activities around Independence Day, including the "Walk for Health" on August 11, "Celebration Parade" on August 17, and "Float Parade" on August 25.
St. Louis: Falun Dafa Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at the St. Louis International Tour Club (Photo)
2002-08-31On Saturday, August 24, 2002 the St. Louis International Tour Club invited local Falun Gong practitioners to introduce Falun Gong to their members.
Sydney: Exposing the Truth of the Hong Kong Political Trial at the "Hong Kong Culture and Art Festival"
2002-08-31On Thursday morning, August 22, the "Hong Kong Culture and Art Festival" was held in front of the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art, opposite the world famous Opera House. Sydney Falun Dafa practitioners made use of this chance and clarified the facts to the attendees, the media and government officials from Sydney.
Japan: People from All Walks of Life Sign Petition to Support the Rescue of Ms. Yoko Kaneko (Photos)
2002-08-30To rescue Ms. Yoko Kaneko who was wrongfully sentenced to one and a half years in a forced labour re-education camp in China, Falun Gong practitioners in Japan started a signature drive at Nara City on August 24 and 25. Left: Young girls sign the petition for Yoko Kaneko's release
Bermuda: Amnesty International Starts Campaign For The Release Of Lizhi He As A Prisoner Of Conscience
2002-08-30On August 28, 2002, Amnesty International (Bermuda) started a letter writing and signature campaign for "the immediate and unconditional release of Lizhi He Left as a prisoner of conscience."
Comment by a New York City Police Officer
2002-08-30During the past three years, Falun Gong practitioners have conducted appeals all over the world, and people everywhere have witnessed their peacefulness and orderliness. If Hong Kong's verdict proves anything at all, it proves just how much Hong Kong's freedom and justice have been eroded.