Worldwide News
Taiwan: Divine Land Marching Band Participates in Kaohsiung's Qiaotou Township Flower Festival Parade
2009-12-07On November 28th, 2009, the Qiaotou Township in Kaohsiung County kicked off its annual month-long flower festival. The Divine Land Marching Band, composed entirely of Falun Gong practitioners, was invited to participate in the parade on opening day.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Warmly Received at the Hollywood Christmas Parade in Los Angeles
2009-12-06When the Falun Gong contingent passed by, spectators on the parade route gave them warm applause and cheers. Some Westerners in the crowd held placards reading "Falun Dafa is good" in Chinese, "We love Shen Yun" in English, with a red heart, and "You shine here" in English with a sign of the sun.
United States: NTDTV Global Oil Painting Competition Exhibition Opens in New York
2009-12-05New Tang Dynasty Television's 2nd annual Global Chinese International Figure Painting Competition exhibited the finalists' entries at the Salmagundi Club on Fifth Avenue in New York on Sunday November 29th.
Australia: Divine Land Marching Band Brings Joy to the Christmas Parade in Gosford
2009-12-05The City of Gosford invited the Divine Land Marching Band to its annual Christmas parade on November 18th, 2009. This is the second time the city invited the Band to the parade.
Malaysia: Practitioners Participate in Sixth Malaysian International Health Expo
2009-12-03From November 20th to 22nd, the 6th International Health Expo was held in the Prince World Trade Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Local Falun Gong practitioners participated in the health expo.
Canada: Members of Parliament Urge Prime Minister to Help Stop the Persecution on Upcoming China Visit
2009-12-02Canadian Prime Minister Harper is scheduled to visit China for the first time in December 2009. Several members of Parliament and senators called on the Prime Minister to put forward China human rights issues during his visit, especially the persecution of Falun Gong.
United States: Falun Gong Participates in Thanksgiving Day Parade in Chicago
2009-12-02The 76th annual McDonald's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Chicago was held on State Street on the morning of November 26th, 2009. The Mid-USA Falun Dafa Association was invited to participate in the parade as the only Chinese-American group. The association's giant Fa boat float stood out in the parade.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Part in Houston Thanksgiving Parade
2009-12-01On November 26th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the 60th Houston Thanksgiving Day Parade, the largest annual parade in Texas.
Canada: MP says that the Lawsuit Against Jiang in Spain Is an Act of Great Courage
2009-12-01Canadian Senator Consiglio Di Nino, one of the founders of Parliamentary Friends of Falun Gong (PFOFG), said in an interview on November 23rd, 2009 that the Spanish lawsuit against Jiang is an act of great courage.
United States: Northwest US Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Seattle, Washington
2009-11-29On November 22nd, Falun Gong practitioners from Washington, Portland, OR, and other cities attended the Northwest US Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference.
Hong Kong Elected Officials Praise Spanish Court Decision on Lawsuit against Jiang
2009-11-29The Spanish National Court granted a petition to indict the defendants in the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Bo Xilai, Jia Qinglin, and Wu Guanzheng on charges of torture and genocide. The defendants, five high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, are being sued for their roles in crimes of torture and genocide committed against Falun Gong practitioners. Many Hong Kong elected officials praised the Spanish court's decision.
Malaysia: Media Report on Spanish Court's Indictment of Jiang Zemin and Four Other CCP Officials
2009-11-28Five high-ranking Chinese officials have been indicted in Spain for genocide and torture of Falun Gong practitioners. In a groundbreaking case, following a two-year investigation, a Spanish judge has accepted charges of genocide and torture in a case filed against five high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials for their role in the persecution of Falun Gong.
United States: Falun Gong Warmly Received at Thanksgiving Parade in Maryland
2009-11-28An annual Thanksgiving Parade was held in Silver Spring, Maryland, adjacent to Washington DC on the afternoon of November 21st, 2009. Falun Gong practitioners in Washington DC were invited to participate in this traditional celebration as the only Chinese group.
Canada: Falun Gong's Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Santa Claus Parade in Montreal
2009-11-25The annual Montreal Santa Claus Parade was held on November 21st, 2009. The Falun Dafa Divine Land Marching Band was invited to take part in this traditional event for the third consecutive year. Being the only Chinese group in the entire parade procession, the Divine Land Marching Band stood out with its bright costumes and spirited performance.
United States: Time Warner Adds NTDTV to Channel 589
2009-11-25At 12:00 p.m., November 21st, Time Warner added NTDTV to Channel 589 of its cable network. It broadcasts 24 hours a day. Time Warner customers do not need to pay. It is the only digital basic Chinese channel of Time Warner's.