Worldwide News
United States: Washington DC Audience Members Moved by Shen Yun
2009-08-31Dr. Cohn, a senior law professor at Georgetown University, and his granddaughter were thrilled to see Shen Yun Performing Arts for the first time at the Kennedy Center Opera House in Washington DC on Thursday, August 27th, 2009.
United States: Twelve Contestants Enter Semifinals in Chinese International Violin Competition
2009-08-31The preliminary round of the NTDTV Chinese International Violin Competition, sponsored by NTDTV, was held at the Kaufman Center's Merkin Concert Hall in New York at 12:30 p.m. on August 27th, 2009. Participants from Europe, America, and Asia entered the competition. Twelve contestants will move on to the semi-finals.
Australia: Falun Gong Group Participates in Festival Cairns' Grand Parade for the Seventh Year
2009-08-29On August 22nd, 2009, the annual Grand Parade of Festival Cairns was held in the famous tourist city of Cairns in North Queensland, Australia. It was estimated to have 35,000 attendees. Falun Gong was invited to the event for the seventh year.
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners March Against the Persecution
2009-08-28On August 22nd, Falun Gong practitioners from Japan held marches in Osaka and Kobe, clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and exposing the brutal persecution in China.
Australia: "Every Painting is Encouraging and Brings People Hope"
2009-08-27On August 3rd to 17th, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition was held at the Pine Street Creative Art Centre in Sydney. Several hundred people viewed the art works.
United States: Promoting Falun Dafa at August Moon Festival in Massachusetts
2009-08-26On August 23rd, 2009, Falun Gong practitioners joined the August Moon Festival celebration activity in Quincy, Massachusetts. Many came to learn about Falun Dafa and some quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations at the table.
United States: Practitioners Participate in Boston Ethnic Festivals
2009-08-25On August 16th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the 40th Mid-Autumn Festival in Boston's Chinatown, and the 2009 Indian Festival in a theatre. They introduced Falun Dafa and exposed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s ten-year-long brutal persecution.
Japan: International Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition Held in Saitama
2009-08-25From August 13th to August 16th, 2009, the International Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition was held in Saitama, Japan. This was the 17th time that the art exhibition was shown in Japan. Many local government officials and other people came to view the paintings.
South Korea: International Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition Held in Jinju
2009-08-23The International Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition was held in medium and small cities in the southern part of South Korea. From August 11th to 16th, 2009, the exhibition was held on the second floor of the exhibition hall of the Jinju City government building.
Indonesia: Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Yogyakarta
2009-08-23The band led a 10-kilometre-long parade of Falun Gong practitioners in the afternoon. Parade spectators gave them long-lasting applause and happily accepted introductory pamphlets about Falun Gong.
Canada: Toronto Minghui Summer School Successfully Concludes
2009-08-22The Toronto Minghui School concluded its six-week summer session on Saturday, August 14th, 2009. Forty students and teachers from Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and other cities have enjoyed their meaningful time together.
Taiwan: Experience Sharing Conference in Taipei Helps Practitioners Improve Together
2009-08-20Falun Gong practitioners in northern Taiwan held an experience sharing conference in the Chientan Youth Activity Centre from August 14th to 16th, 2009. At dawn, over a thousand practitioners did the five exercises with the music on August 16th. Soon after, the experience sharing session started.
Korea: Christian Organisation States that Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights Should Be Protected
2009-08-18On August 13th, the organisation, Christian Social Responsibility of Korea held a press conference and condemned the Korean government's forceful deportation of Falun Gong practitioners. It also called on the Korean government to stop deporting Falun Gong practitioners seeking political asylum in Korea.
Taiwan: Displaying the Beauty of Falun Dafa in the Rain in Taipei
2009-08-16"Here, take a picture of me and Falun Gong!" Two tourists from Hong Kong posed in front of the Falun Gong practitioners who were exercising. Not far away, groups of tourists from China were drawn to the scene. Some of them whispered and some took out their cameras to snap shots of scenes they cannot see in China.
United States: Asian American Association Invites Falun Gong to Parade in New Jersey
2009-08-15On August 9th, Falun Gong practitioners performed at a parade in Woodbridge, New Jersey, invited by the Asian American Association.