World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Thailand: Condemning the Chinese Embassy for Pressuring Thai Police to Harass Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-01-14On the morning of December 29th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Thailand gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy to protest the persecution of Falun Gong and the CCP’s organ harvesting and to support the 16 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party.
Taiwan: Practitioners from Chiayi Conduct Intensive Group Fa-Study
2007-01-14On January 7th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Chiayi held a one-day group Fa-study at Bo’ai Elementary School in Chiayi. Practitioners from each township in Chiayi studied "Touring North America to Teach the Fa" and shared their experiences in Fa-study and clarifying the truth.
Mr. Kilgour Visits 30 Countries and Obtains New Evidence of Live Organ Harvesting
2007-01-13During recent days, Mr. David Kilgour said in an interview that he had obtained new evidence supporting the allegation of live organ removal in his trip to thirty capitals across the world. Mr. Kilgour indicated he would add the new evidence to his report and release a revised version.
Australia: Practitioners in Queensland Support Withdrawal from CCP and Expose Persecution
2007-01-13To support the strong tide of seventeen million people withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Global Service to Quit the CCP in Queensland held an activity called "The Great Wall of Courage" in Brisbane's Chinatown on the morning of January 6th, 2007. Falun Gong practitioners from all over Queensland participated in the activity.
Malaysia: Rally and March in Kuala Lumpur to Support Chinese People Quitting the Communist Party
2007-01-12In the afternoon of January 7th, 2007, the Service Center for Quitting the Communist Party and the Epoch Times hosted a rally and march in Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur. The event was to support the 17 million people who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organisations.
United States: Audience Gives Enthusiastic Response to Second Performance of the NTDTV New Year Spectacular in San Francisco
2007-01-12The New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) Chinese New Year Spectacular presented its second performance on the evening of January 6th, 2007 in San Francisco. The opera house was packed with more than 3,000 audience members who gave enthusiastically responsed to the performance.
Indonesia: Falun Gong Practitioners Call on Chinese Embassy Staff to Quit the Wicked Communist Party
2007-01-11Falun Gong practitioners in Jakarta, Indonesia gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy on January 5th, 2007 to support the 17 million Chinese people who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations.
United States: Rally and Parade Held in Chinatown, Chicago Supporting 17 Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-01-11On January 6th, 2007, the Service Center for Quitting the Party and Falun Gong practitioners held a rally and a parade in Chicago's Chinatown to support 17 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Perform at County Christmas Gala in Los Angeles
2007-01-10On December 24th, the 47th Christmas Gala in Los Angeles County was held at the Music Center. Practitioners attended and performed the dance "Pure Lotus Flower." The practitioners also introduced Falun Dafa and clarified the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Taiwan: Practitioners in Keelung Display the Beauty of Falun Dafa in New Year's Day Flag Ceremony
2007-01-10Keelung City held a Flag Ceremony at 6:30 a.m. on New Year's Day of 2007, with the theme, "Welcome New Year, Welcome New Spring." During the ceremony, Falun Dafa practitioners displayed the beauty of Dafa to all attendees.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Practitioners in Yilan Send Greetings to Teacher on New Year's Day
2007-01-09On the wide Lanyang Plain of Taiwan, Falun Dafa practitioners welcomed New Year's Day of 2007 with a one-day Fa-study, experience sharing and Fa promotion activities, and sent greeting to honorable Teacher under the bright warm sunshine.
Canada: Toronto Citizens Rally to Support 17 Million Withdrawals from the CCP and its Affiliated Organisations
2007-01-09On January 6th, 2007, the Toronto Service Center for Quitting the CCP held a rally in Chinatown to celebrate and support 17 million withdrawals from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and its affiliated organisations. Several Chinese shared their view on the CCP and the Quitting the CCP movement at the rally. Volunteers for the service centre distributed copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other related materials.
Hong Kong: Divine Land Marching Band from Taiwan Performs in New Years Day Parade
2007-01-08On January 1st, 2007, the Service Center for Quitting the Party in Hong Kong and other organisations held a parade to support the 17 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party. The Divine Land Marching Band from Taiwan, which was formed a few months ago, also came to perform.
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest the Persecution in Front of the Chinese Consul in Nagoya
2007-01-08On the night of December 31st, 2006, practitioners from central Japan assembled in front of the Chinese Consul in Nagoya to protest the persecution against Falun Gong and held an activity in memory of those who have been persecuted to death in Mainland China.
Peru: New Year's Gifts for Chinese Peruvians in Lima
2007-01-07At 9:00 a.m. on the first day of 2007, a group of western Falun Gong practitioners went to Chinatown in Lima, the capital of Peru. They greeted Chinese Peruvians in Chinese, "Happy New Year!" and presented a brochure of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party as a precious gift.