World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
Australia: Candle Light Vigil Held in Queensland to Commemorate Fellow Practitioners
2006-04-19When night fell, the practitioners lit candles and began a candlelight vigil to protest the inhuman killings and to commemorate their fellow practitioners murdered in the Chinese Communist Party's concentration camps. Among the noisy and bustling downtown traffic, the silent calls for justice were very solemn.
Canada: Practitioners Submit More Than Ten Thousand Signatures Calling for Investigation into CCP's Concentration Camps
2006-04-18Mr. Kilgour said that he believed everyone in the building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs knew about the shocking pictures Falun Gong practitioners were showing and knew of Falun Gong's Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Falun Gong practitioners had not done this in vain. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs know what the CCP is doing.
Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for Actions to End to the CCP's Atrocities
2006-04-18On April 12th, Taipei practitioners rallied outside the headquarters of the Nationalist Party (KMT) to urge former KMT chair Lien Chan, who was to visit China, to pay close attention to the CCP's organ harvesting from living practitioners and to request the CCP to open all facilities used to detain practitioners for a full investigation.
United States: Rally in Washington, DC Calls for Investigation and Action to End the Killing
2006-04-17"When I was persecuted almost to death and my eyes were nearly blind, I was taken to four major hospitals in Harbin for physical examinations. The results were consistent concluding that my organs were failing. If any of my organs had been good, I may not have had the opportunity to speak here."
Korea: Exposing the CCP's Atrocities at Chinhae Harbor
2006-04-17From April 1st to 9th, local Falun Gong practitioners held activities to raise awareness of the CCP's atrocities of harvesting organs from living practitioners for profit and cremating the remains to destroy evidence. Through the activities, they hope that the public can clearly see the evil nature of the CCP and take action to end the atrocities.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners in San Francisco Ask Bush to Raise Investigation Request to the CCP
2006-04-16Many of the interviewed doctors said that patients should make good use of the current opportunity, as livers and kidneys from living donors will be available only until the end of this April in China. After this period, however, the number of available organs will decrease.
New Zealand: Supreme Court Holds Hearing on the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2006-04-16On April 10th and 11th, 2006, the New Zealand Supreme Court held a hearing on a lawsuit filed by 11 local Falun Gong practitioners against Jiang Zemin, Li Lanqing and Luo Guan for genocide and crimes against humanity. Dozens of practitioners attended the hearing.
Singapore: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue to Clarify the Truth in Business District
2006-04-15On April 12th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore continued to display their picture boards and banners on Waterloo Street in the busy business district of Singapore. They exposed the large-scale murder and live-harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners' organs by the CCP in forced labour camps in China.
Thailand: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest the CCP's Crimes in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2006-04-15On the morning of April 12th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Thailand protested in front of the Chinese Embassy against the large-scale killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China and the monstrous crime of harvesting the organs of living Falun Gong practitioners and later cremating their bodies.
Australia: Sydney High Court Holds a Hearing on Falun Gong's Lawsuit against Bo Xilai
2006-04-14On April 10th, 2006, the Sydney High Court held the first hearing regarding the lawsuit submitted by Falun Gong practitioner Pan Yu against current Chinese Commerce Minister Bo Xilai for torture and genocide. The judge listened to the plaintiff's presentation, and accepted the evidence in the complaint that had been delivered to the defendant, and granted the plaintiff's request to further add to the materials. The judge also announced that the next hearing would be on June 26th, 2006, and would inform the defendant to appear at court to respond to the suit at that time, otherwise, the case would be handled by default.
United States: Practitioners in Washington, DC, Participate in the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade
2006-04-14On April 8th the National Cherry Blossom Festival grand parade was held in Washington, DC. Practitioners in the DC area have participated in this parade for the last seven consecutive years. Many overseas Chinese and Western spectators witnessed the beauty of Falun Dafa.
Indonesia: A Grand Parade in Bali Exposing the CCP's Barbaric Atrocities
2006-04-13During the parade, practitioners reenacted the CCP's live organ harvest from Falun Gong practitioners, to expose the CCP's brutality and barbarity. They displayed a large banner reading, "CCP: Immediately stop the persecution and illegal organ harvests from living Falun Gong practitioners."
Malaysia: Chinese Embassy Interferes with Practitioners' Candlelight Vigil
2006-04-13"The Chinese Embassy has been exerting pressure on the Malaysian police, to try to drive the practitioners away, and now the embassy staff came out directly to interfere. I feel they are very afraid of the persecution being exposed by the media, particularly since the revelation of the Sujiatun concentration camp."
New Zealand: Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Bo Xilai
2006-04-12On April 6th, 22 hours after Bo Xilai arrived in New Zealand, Falun Gong practitioners successfully delivered the summons and completed the legal procedure. This means that the lawsuit can move forward. Bo accompanied visiting Chinese official Wen Jiabao to New Zealand.
Japan: Practitioners Rally and Parade to Protest CCP Atrocities
2006-04-12Practitioners and their supporters held a rally and parade in Yokohama Park. The group condemned the Chinese Communist regime's (CCP) atrocities, slaughtering Falun Gong practitioners in over 30 concentration camps in China, and called upon the international community to investigate and stop the persecution.