World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
City of St. Louis, Missouri Passes Resolution Expressing Support for Falun Gong
2002-10-03On September 20, 2002, the City Council of St. Louis passed a resolution to express support for the free expression of the Falun Dafa practice, to thank the many Falun Dafa practitioners in the community for the examples they set and for their commitment.Left: Copy of the Resolution
By the Ruling of the Canadian Broadcast Standard Council:Who Owns the News Media?
2002-10-03The news media include newspapers, televisions, broadcasts, and websites. The function of the news media is to objectively transmit messages and its more important use is to be a public mouthpiece, to be responsible for the feedback of public opinions and voices. Therefore, from beginning to end, news media should be responsible for the people. On the other hand, if a foul government controls the news media, it is then used as this governments own mouthpiece in order to forcefully instill evil poisons and lies into the people to enslave their minds. This is then a society ridden with crisis.
Statement from Hong Kong Practitioners: Lets Defend Hong Kongs Freedoms and Create Genuine Peace and Harmony
2002-10-02"No matter how much the authority tries to make the proposal appear lenient and reasonable, this kind of irresponsible attitude in and of itself is very troublesome. As the dictator betrays the interest of people and destroys human morality at will, if the people quietly accept the tyranny, hopes for peace and harmony will inevitably be dashed."
Hong Kong Government Contact Information
2002-10-02 -
Indonesia's Congress and Government Officials: Falun Gong is Legal in Indonesia
2002-10-02When the meeting ended, the Chairman of the First Committee said, "Right now, the people in the room wearing yellow clothes are Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners, could you please stand up?" When the practitioners stood up, the audience applauded. The applause showed that the Indonesian Congress and government are gradually understanding and supporting Falun Dafa
Australia: Practitioners Spread Dafa During the Gold Coast Spring Parade
2002-10-02..Falun Gong practitioners decorated a ship-like float with the theme of "Overcoming Stormy Seas to Arrive at Peaceful Shores" and participated in the Gold Coast Spring Parade.
Clarifying the Facts to the Chinese People Living in the Middle East
2002-10-02One of them said to me, "Great! Give me more, I will help you distribute them. We've been here for two years and we have never read about the truth regarding Falun Gong."
Colorado's University Students and the Public say "NO" to Human Rights Atrocities in China
2002-10-01On Monday, October 21, 2002, Friends of Falun Gong student organization, students, government leaders, and the public joined together at the University of Colorado at Denver to express their concern for the terrible human rights violations in China and to protest Chinese Communist leader Jiang Zemin's upcoming visit to the United States on October 22nd. Friends of Falun Gong at Colorado University at Denver coordinated the event.
Wisconsin: State Assembly Applauds Falun Dafa and Declares Falun Dafa Day
2002-10-01Three representatives of the Wisconsin State Assembly declare September 15 2002 to be Wisconsin Falun Dafa day.Left: A copy of the proclamtion.
Mexico: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Weekend Activities
2002-10-01On Saturday September 28, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners of Mexico City had a group practice in a wooded park in Mexico City. Practitioners later went to the Chinese Embassy to practice and Fa Zheng Nian [this can be understood as a type of meditation].
Korea: Clarifying the Truth to 40,000 Chinese-Koreans
2002-09-30On September 22, 2002, about 40,000 Chinese people of Korean nationality celebrated the Mid-Autumn festival in a major park in Seoul. Dafa practitioners took this opportunity to clarify the facts about the persecution to passers-by.
Sydney: Clarifying the Truth of Dafa at the "Beijing Cultural Festival"
2002-09-30"The Falun Gong practitioners in my factory are honest, hardworking, good people. But the police want to arrest them. Jiang's regime has gone too far in abusing Falun Gong practitioners, I cannot bear it."
Two Falun Dafa Associations write to the Japanese Goverment to Call for the Release of Yoko Kaneko
2002-09-30"Yoko Kaneko, like many peaceful Falun Gong practitioners in China has endured to let more people know the truth about Falun Dafa for a better tomorrow. She does not deserve to be beaten and tortured because she wishes to help the Chinese people know the value of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."
Repost - How to Appeal to the Japanese Government for the Release of Yoko Kaneko
2002-09-30The following information can be used to convey your concerns to the Japanese government, and to ask them to call on the Chinese government for Yoko Kanekos immediate release.
Photo Report: Recent Falun Dafa Activities in North America