Open Discussion
Chinese Communist Party Threat Turns into an "Advertisement" - People in Mainland China Rush to Get "New Year Spectacular" DVD
2007-05-25These friends told the practitioner that so many people learnt about the DVD in this way and all of them wanted to find one. Some people said, "I want to watch it so badly!" Others said, "You'd be stupid not to watch the DVD if you had it." And yet others said, "When I happen to get the disc, I will take it home and watch it. How could the Chinese Communist Party have any control over this?"
Chinese Villagers Indignant After Village Leader Who Practises Falun Gong Is Arrested
2007-05-24Mr. Wen Guangming is a democratically elected chief supported by 100% of the votes for three consecutive terms. During that period, he constructed two bridges and built rural roads leading to each household. He has also accumulated over 70,000 yuan for the team. He was illegally taken into custody due to practising Falun Gong and for being a good person. We, the villagers of the No. 8 Team, strongly request the related departments to release Mr. Wen.
Interview with Federation for a Democratic China (FDC) President Fei Liangyong Before World Falun Dafa Day
2007-05-23On April 8th, 2007, the Chinese Cultural Freedom Movement Committee held its "2007 Special Spiritual Faith Award" ceremony at the Aotea Center in Auckland, New Zealand. The committee issued the "Special Spiritual Faith Award" to Falun Gong. This is the first award presented by Chinese civilians and intellectuals to Falun Gong practitioners.
Recalling the Founder of Falun Gong Giving a Lecture at Dongying, China
2007-05-22I read an article on the a Falun Gong related website about the founder of Falun Gong, Master Li's, lecture at Dongying in China. As I started to read tears started rolling down my cheeks. Recalling Master's lecture, I can again feel his mercy, grandeur and generosity.
Reflections on the Fifteen-year Journey of Falun Gong
2007-05-20Falun Gong has been here for fifteen years, from 1992 to today. Within these fifteen years, millions of people have experienced an elevation of moral standards and improved health. Non-practitioners have witnessed the journey of cultivators who live their lives according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance. May the 13th is an occasion for deep reflection.
Cherish the Treasure of "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance"--Thoughts about the Eighth World Falun Dafa Day
2007-05-19In a place where communism has the upper hand, the fact that Falun Dafa already spread so fast has proven Buddha's mercy. Practitioners have not renounced their belief despite the worst situations imaginable. This is proof of the power of the teachings contained in Falun Gong and of belief.
Why Did the Chinese Communist Party Forcibly Remove TV Satellite Dishes in Henan Province?
2007-05-18Many people have been frightened by the terrible crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party over the past several decades, and feel infuriated inside but dare not say anything. However, facing the policemen, some defended themselves rationally and convincingly and refused to remove their satellite dishes. Unfortunately, more than twenty people were arrested and detained by the police, including several older people.
South Korean Tourists Sit Cross-legged on Tiananmen Square, Armed Police Arrest Them Supposing They Are Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-05-17After no more than five minutes, a long police vehicle and many armed police and plainclothes police rushed towards them. The tourists were terrified. The police hastily pushed all the South Korean tourists to the ground regardless of whether they were men or women, then they started loading them into the police vehicle. At the same time, the armed police were constantly shouting, "Do not move!" But since the Koreans could not understand Chinese, two young Korean students refused to go in the police vehicle, asking what the police wanted to do.
The Cultivation Experiences of a Graduate Student in China Who Recently Started to Cultivate
2007-05-16Because I was deceived by the CCP's all encompassing propaganda, I had a bad impression of Falun Dafa. However, at that time, I wondered why there were so many people that did believe in it and why so many of them were professors and highly educated, knowledgeable individuals. Were they ignorant? Are they really all lacking in common sense? Later on, I read practitioners' articles from Red Dynasty Record of Lies, after which I wanted to read the actual Falun Gong books.
"Do Not Think that You Are Helpless! Let's Come Together to Help!"
2007-05-15Having visited a website founded by the Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group, many people are learning the facts about the brutal and inhumane persecution taking place against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist regime. Many sign their names on the web page to condemn the persecution and support Falun Gong. Below is a sampling of comments from the German language edition of the website:
Falun Gong Improves Ill Daughters Health
2007-05-15After I had the good fortune to learn Falun Dafa, I understood the concept of predestined relationship, and my mind became peaceful. I did everything according to the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." My health quickly improved and my family grew harmonious.
My Experience with Practitioners in Prison
2007-05-14I first learnt about Falun Gong in 1998. At that time, in large parks and squares, Falun Gong practitioners were found doing the exercises in the morning. At that time, I thought Falun Gong was simply a kind of exercise that could help to prevent diseases and keep people healthy. I had a new understanding after spending time with some practitioners.
Former Chief of Kangping County Public Security Section in Liaoning Province Bai Guozheng Receives Karmic Retribution
2007-05-14Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, the former chief of Kangping County Public Security Section, Bai Guozheng, directly participated in persecuting practitioners, causing more than 100 practitioners to be sent to forced labour camps and around 1,000 to be detained or sent to brainwashing sessions. Bai Guozheng has received karmic retribution. He was hit by a car, resulting in a fractured skull. He fell into a coma at Shenyang Hospital and died a few days later.
Police Station Manager in China Stands up for Falun Gong after Learning the Facts
2007-05-13Her family knows that I am a Falun Gong practitioner, and they believe that Falun Gong is good, especially since they saw the change in me after I started practising Falun Gong. Her husband turned off the TV whenever he saw a TV program that defamed Falun Gong. He indignantly told me that the Chinese government officials, from the highest to the lowest, are a circus of corruption and embezzlement, and that officials don't care about the livelihood of the unemployed but spend a huge amount of financial and human resources to persecute Falun Gong.
Enjoying Divine Performances and Experiencing a Rise in Moral Appreciation
2007-05-11The dancers' personal cultivation of virtue enhances the performances, making them rich and exquisite. The rich beauty of the traditional Chinese culture is well conveyed to the audience. Divine Performing Arts represents mankind's orthodox culture. Such traditional culture, relayed through the medium of legends and historic tales, enables viewers to raise their spiritual levels. This is one reason the artists' skills can penetrate into the depths of people's souls.