Open Discussion
A Friend on the Internet: "That's Enough! Stop the Cruel Persecution!"
2007-08-09This is an Internet message from a friend in China. He goes by the name "Passerby" and had sent the message to a Falun Gong practitioner after the practitioner explained the facts about Falun Gong to him on the Internet. From his letter, one can see how the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies and slanderous propaganda have poisoned many people's minds. From his letter, we can also see that the Falun Gong practitioners' persistent efforts during the past eight years have helped people to see the truth.
Falun Gong Practitioners Bought and Sold for use as Free Labor (Part 1)
2007-08-07When the world is enjoying the cheaply made-in-China products and Chinese people are proud of themselves in a nationalistic sense, how many of us ever give a thought to the question of why Chinese labour is so incredibly cheap? And, why do we not connect the cheap products with the detainees in China's forced labour camps?
Investigation Leads: Obtaining a Liver at the Chongqing Southwest Hospital Only Requires a Little More Than Ten Days' Waiting Time
2007-08-06Following are some of the investigation leads recently collected. We hope that people with inside information will continue to help us expose how forced labour camps, prisons and hospitals have collaborated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, so as to help to stop the persecution.
Falun Dafa Saved My Mother's Life
2007-08-06I knew it was very dishonest and vicious of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Jiang Zemin's regime to slander and persecute Falun Gong. It is a shame that the Chinese people must live under the CCP's tyranny. But at the same time, I believe that the CCP is approaching its demise. In contrast, the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance that Falun Gong practitioners embrace is a lasting truth.
"Made in China by Forced Labour"
2007-08-01In recent years, China has gradually become a manufacturer for the world market. Products made in China are filling international markets. How can China produce these products so "cheaply"? Many people have not thought about this issue, thinking that the labour is simply cheaper in China. Actually, there is more to it--many products are made with the forced labour of inmates detained in prisons and labour camps, including many illegally detained Falun Dafa practitioners.
Human Rights Defender Comments on the Eight-Year Protest of the Persecution
2007-07-29According to a report on July 18th, 2007 by the Sound of Hope radio station, human rights defender Mr. Fan Ziliang observed, "More and more people are admiring Falun Gong. More people are agreeing with Falun Gong as well. There are few who still have misunderstandings, and they are becoming even fewer. Among the world's people, both public and anonymous supporters are growing."
New Research: Meditation Changes Brain Physical Structure and Enhances Memory
2007-07-28As the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama was intrigued that scientists had found evidence that some parts of the brain might renew themselves throughout life. The discovery seemed to fit well with the Buddhist view that meditation can reshape and expand the mind to foster happiness and cultivate compassion.
What Does the Olympics Bring to China's, Qinhuangdao City and Her Citizens?
2007-07-27Currently, there has been a great deal of demolition and construction of buildings in Qinhuangdao City because some of the Olympic events will be held there next year. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) says it is presenting the beauty of Qinhuangdao to the world. What exactly is the beauty of Qinhuangdao, as referred to by the CCP?
Firm Belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" Despite Eight Years of Persecution
2007-07-25The eight years bear witness to Falun Gong practitioners' kindness and forbearance. Falun Gong suffers bloody persecution, yet practitioners always react peacefully, without violence. Evildoers are exposed on the internet so they can ultimately be brought to justice. Top party officials, those most directly responsible for planning the persecution, are subject to lawsuits around the world wherever they visit. They, too, will be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity.
Chinese Tourists Show Support for Falun Gong While Receiving Fliers from Practitioners in Switzerland
2007-07-23With more and more Chinese tourists arriving, Falun Gong practitioners in Switzerland realized that Lucerne is a good place to explain the facts, spread the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and urge people to withdraw from the evil regime. Practitioners living in Switzerland would take turns spending five days in Lucerne to distribute Falun Gong materials and tell people the facts about Falun Gong.
Meeting an Old Friend: After Experiencing Long-term Tribulations and Hardships, Who Still Has a Pure Heart?
2007-07-22Li has gone through all kinds of tribulations. In and out of the forced labor camp, he lived a harsh life completely different from his earlier life. But he came to terms with all this. What kind of mental power does he have that allows him to see things this way? Li has no complaints, no sorrow. Having been persecuted for his belief, he told us that he had no regrets about his choice. We initially felt sorry for him, but eventually could not help telling him, "We really admire your attitude and courage."
Why the CCP Cannot Defeat Falun Gong - Looking Back at What Falun Gong has Achieved Over the Past Fifteen Years (Part 3)
2007-07-20Recalling the 80-year history of the CCP, and looking at the crisis they are facing by persecuting Falun Gong, many people do not understand-including the Party Members themselves-why such a seemingly powerful regime can't defeat the peaceful Falun Gong. Why is it that their evil methods brewed through its bloody history are unable to eliminate Falun Gong?
Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Is The Most Powerful Force - Looking Back at What Falun Gong has Achieved Over the Past Fifteen Years (Part 2)
2007-07-19Many people think that power and wealth are of foremost importance, and that China, with its strong military, police force, prison system, and increasing material wealth, is among the most powerful things in the world. However, if you take a look at what Falun Gong has achieved over the past fifteen years, especially the past eight years, resisting the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP)'s evil persecution, its practitioners have shown that in fact, "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" are the most powerful forces.
Slave Labor: The Secret Weapon the Chinese Communist Party Uses to Dominate World Trade
2007-07-17Some inmates hate the CCP's cruel suppression and brutality; however, because they are so afraid of the evil regime they can only vent their anger on the toys they are making. When making these toys, they intentionally put pus, spittle, and nose secretions, which are loaded with viruses and pathogens, inside the toys.
The Ruthless Persecution of Four Generations in My Family
2007-07-17One day, during one of those attacks, a rebel struck my father down on the platform. My father could not get up. Party official Tian shouted, "Just kick him off from the stage and beat him to death--it'll save us some trouble!" One night several people carried my father home. They dumped him on the ground with a violent shove. I realized he was unconscious. Three of his teeth had been knocked out. My grandfather eventually fell ill from torture and passed away.