Open Discussion
Police in China Are Withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party and Finding out More About Falun Gong
2006-11-30When I was calling police stations in China and asking them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated organisations, police officers from three stations agreed. One of them asked me how they could get hold of a Falun Dafa book and so I taught him how to break through the Internet blockade and access the Minghui website (Chinese version of the Falun Dafa related website, Clearwisdom) to download Falun Dafa materials from the web. He was very pleased.
City Officials Falsely Blame Falun Gong for Student Violence in Guang'an, China
2006-11-28On November 11th, 2006, it was reported that many police officials and government workers were spreading rumours that Falun Gong had provoked the incident. A middle aged lady told this reporter that the captain of the Guang'an City police brigade of personally told her that Falun Gong would be framed for this incident.
Investigation Lead: Underground Organ Transplant Centre at the First Hospital of Jilin University, China
2006-11-28We call on all people of conscience to lend their help in exposing the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labour camps, prisons and hospitals in Mainland China. The sooner this atrocity is fully exposed, the sooner this brutal persecution will end. Below is information that came to light recently:
Investigation Leads: Chongqing Southwestern Hospital Performed Seven Kidney Transplant Operations in One Day
2006-11-24The CIPFG is collecting information from people who have come forward and is calling on people who know the truth to further expose the crimes concerning illegal organ harvesting in China. We call on all people of conscience to lend their help to expose the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labour camps, prisons and hospitals in Mainland China.
Ten World Records Held by the Chinese Communist Party
2006-11-21The practitioners' eardrums are ruptured and their outer ears destroyed. Their eyeballs pop out of their sockets due to the brute force. Such ruthless beatings fracture the skull, the spine, chest bone, collarbone, lower back, arms and thighbones. Sometimes such beatings lead to amputations. Even when the practitioners were covered in blood, the guards poured salt water over the practitioners' bodies
Investigation Leads: The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University Finds Matching Organ for Liver Transplant in Four Days
2006-11-21Here we’d like to mention that the report didn’t mention the source of the liver. Within just four days a matched organ supplier was found and the liver transplant was done. In a developed country where organ transplant technology is very advanced, a patient would have to wait for months or years to have a matched organ. This and other similar cases point towards a large and readily available organ bank in China that is not being accounted for.
A Righteous Judge in China
2006-11-19A judge in a local court in Heibei Province of China was scheduled to try the case of a Falun Dafa practitioner who was detained for distributing materials revealing the truth about Falun Dafa. The judge had read Zhuan Falun and other materials about Falun Dafa. He clearly understood that all practitioners were kind people who are merely trying to let everyone know the truth of Falun Gong, and that they are saving people. Therefore, the judge did not sentence the practitioner and reached a verdict of "innocent".
Great Expectations Reveal the Chinese Communist Party's True Nature
2006-11-19In the subsequent years, her passion faded until nothing was left. Her work required her to deal with several government departments, but her frank and kind nature prevented her from "playing the game" well. She became both physically and mentally exhausted and finally gave up her well-paying job. She always felt her hatred well up whenever someone praised the Chinese Communist Party in front of her.
Looking at "A Grotesque Form of Evil New to This Planet" -- Compilation of Investigation Leads (Part III)
2006-11-15During the process, the Chinese Communist Party not only brutally murders Falun Gong practitioners in a way that challenges the bottom line of mankind's morality, but it also devours conscience and human nature and fundamentally destroys people. This has been called a "grotesque form of evil new to this planet," and it will forever remain a lesson for humankind.
Investigation Leads: Beijing Friendship Hospital Performs More than 100 Organ Transplant Operations in April and May (and Other Leads)
2006-11-15We call on all people of conscience to lend their help to expose the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labour camps, prisons and hospitals in Mainland China. The sooner this atrocity is fully exposed, the sooner this brutal persecution will end. Below is information that came to light recently.
Illegal Organ Harvesting an Outgrowth of the Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-11-13Due to the restrictions these necessities create, and if all the general rules established by the international community are observed, then China could only complete a very few legal organ transplants. Yet according to analysts, among organ transplants in China less than 1% of the organs are legally acquired, and the source of the other 99% is unclear. In July 2005 the Chinese government publicly admitted removing organs from executed prisoners, but prior to the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999 the number of organ transplants was always low.
State Security Division Head Quits the Chinese Communist Party after Repeatably Reading the Nine Commentaries
2006-11-13He said that, after reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party ten times, he truly recognised the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and is very fearful about the sins he committed in the persecution of Falun Gong before he learnt the truth. He did not know how to amend for his crimes.
Vicious Persons in Hebei Province, China Receive Karmic Retribution for Persecuting Falun Dafa
2006-11-12The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing.
Investigation Leads: The Organ Supply at Tianjin City No. 1 Centre Hospital Is Surprisingly Ample
2006-11-12The Falun Dafa Association and Minghui website [Chinese version of Clearwisdom] founded the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" on April 4th, 2006. The coalition calls for people from all walks of life and any organisation, to form a united investigation front to gather possible leads for investigation of illegal organ harvesting. The following are some leads we obtained recently.
Exposing the Destruction of Human Nature Within the Jail System Created by the Chinese Communist Party
2006-11-10We often hear prisoners say that they were not that bad before they came into the prison, but became worse after being incarcerated. Criminologists and policemen have continuously reported in meetings that many released prisoners committed crimes again and their methods were more cruel and sly. Policemen have privately told the prisoners that it is not "reform through labour" but just profit making!