Open Discussion

  • The Epoch Times: Chinese Officials Summoned By Australian Law

    Communist Party officials from China implicated in the persecution of Falun Gong, attending a business conference in Sydney, have been given a NSW Supreme Court summons on behalf of torture victim and Australian resident Ms. Yan Xie. She has also made a request to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to investigate these officials under the obligations of Australian law.
  • Having Experienced Many Tribulations, an Old Man Sees the Wicked CCP for What It Is and Is Grateful for Falun Dafa

    From the Anti-Rightists movement to the Spies-movement and the 1959 starvation time to the Cultural Revolution, all instigated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), these movements have killed many millions of people! People knew what was happening, but they could not voice their opinions. The CCP is always saying, "We are helping the poor! We are taking care of senior citizen's daily needs!" However, I have not seen anyone that has been helped by the CCP and the CCP has not solved a single difficult situation for senior citizens.
  • Chinese Leaders Zeng and Luo Continue to Fabricate Self-Immolation Lies to Support a New Round of Suppression

    The police then dragged her to the front gate of the municipal government building, poured gasoline on her and burned her to death. The police told the public that she set fire to herself. Wang Huajun had only one ear left. The back of her head, her back, and her lower body were not burned. On her throat, there were two deep cuts from a knife. People from her village who sent her body to be cremated saw her body, and said that she definitely did not die of self-immolation. The clumsy lie fabricated by the local government was full of loopholes.
  • Investigation of the Zhejiang Beggar Murder Case in 2003

    According to his friends and other villagers, he often displayed strange behaviour when he was young. For instance, when his mental illness acted up all of a sudden, he would jump into a river for no reason at all. His speech seldom made sense, and everyone knew that he was a mental patient. Consequently, people who were aware of this fact were very angry after seeing the CCTV report that used Chen Fuzhao to smear Falun Gong.
  • Chinese Communist Party Media Once Again Uses Staged Self-Immolation Incident to Slander Falun Gong

    We can say that the only purpose of this report is to mislead the general public, and to deceive people into thinking that Falun Dafa practise may lead practitioners to self-immolation. Falun Dafa teaches people to be good and forbids killing or suicide. The Minghui/Clearwisdom website has frequently pointed out that practitioners should remain rational and treasure their lives under all circumstances, no matter what the circumstances. Why have there not been any suicide or self-immolation incidents with Falun Dafa practitioners outside China?
  • Lawless Officials in Shengli Oilfield Refinery Who Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners Incur Karmic Retribution

    During the course of cultivating "Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance" Falun Gong practitioners have made selfless efforts, and even sacrificed their own lives to save the people of the world in the face of the Chinese government's brutal persecution over the last six years. Reporting the cases of "good rewarded with good, and evil met with evil" is for the purpose of awakening those people who still don't know the facts about Falun Gong.
  • The Story of a Falun Gong Practitioner's Husband, a Taxi Driver

    Just as he finished cooking breakfast, the police came. "Has your wife come home yet?" That was the first thing they asked. When the police saw the simple breakfast, they asked Mr. Yang, "Is that all you have for breakfast? You must have a difficult life." In face of the police's endless harassments, Mr. Yang told them indignantly, "What am I supposed to cook then? You have denied my family a chance for a normal life." The police could not utter a word in reply. They fled in shame.
  • Denouncing the Evil Chinese Communist Party Is the Chinese People’s Only Way of Survival

    The policy illustrates the murderous, demonic, and genocidal persecution that Falun Gong practitioners have been suffering from under the CCP. The CCP has been using a large number of different torture methods on Falun Gong practitioners. The tragic cases of torture are frightening. According to incomplete statistics, at the time of writing, more than 2,557 Falun Gong practitioners are known to have died in the hands of the CCP since it started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999.
  • The Epoch Times: Chinese Official Not So Welcome

    Australian Falun Gong practitioners have requested their government to block the entry of a visiting Chinese official who has been implicated in the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. They have also said that if this official does enter Australia they will seek to have him subjected to criminal prosecution.
  • Recent Instances of Karmic Retribution In Connection to Persecuting Falun Gong in China

    During the course of cultivating "Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance" Falun Gong practitioners have made selfless efforts, and even sacrificed their own lives to save the people of the world in the face of the Chinese government's brutal persecution over the last six years. Reporting the cases of "good rewarded with good, and evil met with evil" is for the purpose of awakening those people who still don't know the facts about Falun Gong.
  • What Do Attitudinal Changes in the Chinese Police and Government Officials Tell Us? - On the Significance of the Announcement by the Falun Dafa Association

    Heilongjiang Province Public Security Bureau issued a list of practitioners to officials in various regions, instructing them to arrest those on the list prior to the October 1st National Day. Many grassroots police officers complained openly. A police chief said plainly, "Don't we have better things to do? Why arrest those who practise Falun Gong?" One residential police officer asked, "Why is there a call for arrests of Falun Gong practitioners? What good does will this serve?"
  • Canadian Student from China Demands Her Mother's Release

    My mother started practising Falun Dafa in 1999. She was first arrested and sent to forced labour at Xin'an Labour Camp in 2000 and was then released in 2001. I visited her there, and saw that she was very weak, that she had dramatically lost weight, and had bruises on her body. I could see she endured a living hell during her first forced labour term, and that is why I am feeling very worried right now.
  • Li Jinlan, Former Director of the Public Security Division of Maoming City, Guangdong Province, Suffers Retribution

    In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution.
  • Remembering the Support for This Noble Cause

    Those people who have learnt the truth about the persecution despite the environment of terror and persecution have also bravely stepped forward to oppose the persecution. Well-known Chinese civil rights attorney Gao Zhisheng said, "The persecution of Falun Gong is a persecution of the rule of law, of morality, of conscience, of justice, and of humanity. It is the choice of people's consciences to openly condemn the persecution and support the victims. On the other hand, silence is a shame. We all live in one family called the world.
  • After Developing Kind Thoughts, Good Fortune Arrives and Calamities Disappear

    Only three days later, which was the fifth day after she came across Falun Dafa, an even greater miracle happened. She could not only get out of bed to cook and wash clothes, but also walk around like a healthy person. Just over ten days later was wheat harvest time, and she rode a bike to the field to reap the winter wheat with her family. Her neighbours and all the villagers could not believe their eyes, and asked her how she was able to recover. She told them the process of starting to cultivate in Falun Dafa and finally told people, "Falun Dafa is wonderful and it is Falun Dafa that saved our whole family!"