Open Discussion
The Wishes of an Eight-Year-Old Boy Living in China
2005-01-17After thinking for a while, Congcong said, "First of all, I want to have a peaceful, stable family. Secondly, I hope my father and mother won't be taken away by the police and that I don't need to worry about them any more. Thirdly, I want to be as happy as other children." After hearing this, the smile on his aunt's face was frozen and tears began to run down her face.
A Brief Analysis of the Issues in Legislation and Law Enforcement in China With Regard to Falun Gong
2005-01-16This way would make them unable to carry out the illegal persecution by fabricating crimes. Had they given Falun Gong practitioners the right to defend and appeal, wouldn't the authorities' evil motives be exposed? It is thus impossible to convict Falun Gong through legal procedures. Without any legal grounds they have randomly convicted and harmed Falun Gong practitioners. This action resulted in tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners being illegally sentenced, detained and mentally and physically harmed.
How Those Who Have Participated in the Persecution of Falun Dafa Should Redeem Themselves
2005-01-14She did not panic, but continued to do the exercises calmly while sending forth righteous thoughts. At that moment, the leader of the police said to her, "Do you know who I am? I am the director of the police department." This practitioner said to the director, "Jiang Zemin has stepped down from his posts, yet you are still willing to carry out evil deeds for him!" "Who works for him? Nobody did even when he was holding those posts!" said the director. The director said to the practitioner, "I am on duty today; you go ahead and keep doing the exercises!" Then he left with all the police officers.
A Forced Labour Camp Guard Who Understands the Truth about Falun Dafa is Compassionate Towards Those who Practise It
2005-01-14They deprived him of sleep, and even water. It was lunchtime, and someone had delivered a bowl of noodles and two eggs for my husband. He saw that the Falun Dafa practitioner was obviously hungry and thirsty, so he quickly let him have the meal, and even gave him an apple. I told him, "What you did was really good!" I saw that his eyes had welled up with tears...
Analysis of the Chinese Communist Party's Strategy of Producing Slander and Propaganda in a Sealed Off Environment
2005-01-13Since July of 1999 when Jiang's group started the persecution of Falun Gong, the Jiang group and the CCP's lifeline in continuing the persecution has depended on tightly blocking the truth about Falun Gong. Overseas Falun Gong websites are blocked, emails are filtered and personal letters intercepted and withheld. Falun Gong television programs and radio signals are interfered with and material production sites in Mainland China that produce Falun Gong related flyers are key targets of the CCP's attack.
Stories from China: People Are Learning and Spreading the Truth about Falun Gong
2005-01-13An old man who did not know the facts about Falun Gong tried to tear down the materials one time. A fellow citizen stopped him and asked, "Why would you want to destroy these posters? They are so elegant and artistically done." The old man repeated the lies and propaganda that he had heard. The other man explained to him, "Jang's gang and the Communist party have deceived society and harmed people. I think the courtyard should be covered with more Falun Gong posters to make it more beautiful."
"Global Rescue" Earnestly Urges Wuhan University Authorities to Not Act as Henchmen to Carry out Persecution
2005-01-12Wuhan University, a famous university in Hubei Province, received criticism and pressure from the Hubei Province 610 Office for "lacking strength in suppressing Falun Gong." In response to the pressure, Wuhan University authorities launched a persecution against university faculty and staff who steadfastly practiced Falun Gong. They did this by transferring them from their teaching posts, urging them to resign from the communist party, and other persecutory methods.
Solemn Declarations by Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-01-12A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practise again.
Why Did Jiang Attempt to Link Falun Gong with Overseas "Anti-China Forces?"
2005-01-11The largest divisions in international community may be related to the political views of each society. However, from Africa and Eastern Europe to Latin America and North America, from South Korea and Japan to Russia and Iceland, all segments of the international community broadly support and praise Falun Gong, indicating that Falun Gong has transcended the boundaries of race and culture, and is unrelated with politics. "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" is the cultural treasure of all mankind.
Ignoring Murder and Arson While Relentlessly Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-01-11The Chongqing Evening Newspapers published that the explosion occurred in the afternoon of 18th, the verification of the victims was completed by the morning of 19th and all related problems were dealt with by the 20th (in other words within 24 hours). To tell the truth, the report failed to mention that it was Chen Minghai's dereliction of duty that had caused the explosion. The families of the victims were never told the truth and were much aggrieved, especially as they were dissatisfied with the handling of the situation. The authorities adopted antagonistic tactics.
Save Sentient Beings by Making Use of the Laws in China
2005-01-11When complaints and lawsuits are brought up, it will involve many participants in numerous organisations, including work units, neighbourhood administration offices, police stations, police departments, detention centres, labour camps, prisons, psychiatric facilities, etc. When facing the judgement of law, everybody will come to realise that only by definitely exposing the evil and opposing the persecution can they redeem the crimes of the past in exchange for the hope of the future. Even if no justice is served at the moment, the evildoers will realise that the victims are tracking the crimes
The Promotion of Criminal Zhao Zhifei Demonstrates the Evil Nature of Jiang's Chinese Communist Party
2005-01-10As was shown in the CCP's massive propaganda campaign to defame Falun Gong after Zhao returned to China, the CCP regime led by Jiang Zemin certainly knew that Zhao was heavily involved in the killings of Falun Gong practitioners, but they continued to fabricate lies to deceive the public. Now, after five years of persecution, the fact that the CCP is promoting persecutors such as Zhao only demonstrates that the CCP is a scoundrel organisation by nature that is willing to protect the interests of a few officials at the expense of the interests of the country and its citizens, by lying and killing.
Zhao Zhizhen Tries to Defend Himself Using the Excuse of "Freedom of Press in China"
2005-01-10On the programs "60 Minutes," "20/20" or "NOVA," people are free to sharply criticise the U.S. President and government policies. Are there any such programs in China? Can Falun Gong practitioners have their own TV station? Do they "have a lot of freedom" to make TV programs to clarify the facts and expose the evil persecution? All the news media in China is under the control of the propaganda department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and any media that dares to speak the truth inevitably suffers punishment and persecution.
An Elderly Beggar Encounters Falun Dafa
2005-01-08Many days passed. One day Wan ran into True Lotus and cried, "Look! Look!" As he talked, he flexed his legs and jumped high into the air. He shouted: "Falun Dafa is good! Bring Jiang Zemin to justice all around the world!" True Lotus was overjoyed. This elderly man, who had previously been awaiting death, was now once again with the body like that of a youth. It was a miracle!
People See Through the Propaganda that Claims, "If You Are Against Jiang Zemin Killing People, You Are Against China"
2005-01-08A middle-aged woman who understood the truth about Falun Dafa said, "I was always confused by the idea we are taught that foreigners are anti-China. What would be the purpose of being anti-China? My confusion was due to the lies told by the Chinese state-run media. Now, I understand. Because Jiang Zemin killed thousands of good people who believe in 'Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance,' he has been condemned worldwide. He is afraid to let the Chinese people know the true situation, so he claims that those who criticise him are anti-China.