Open Discussion
Corrupt Officials Back Down in the Face of the Righteous Resolve of a Falun Dafa Practitioner and Her Husband
2005-01-08In plainclothes, they climbed over the school wall, entered practitioner Ms. Xu's classroom and arrested her while she was teaching. They did not inform any departments, and took action without any legal procedures or acceptable reasons. While Ms. Xu was detained at the county police station, Yuan Qingsong tried to entrap Ms. Xu during interrogation, while at the same time extorting money from her husband by using her as hostage.
A Different Method of Persecution: Spiritual Oppression
2005-01-07During the five-year persecution of Falun Gong, other than the persecutors using authority to forcefully cover up the truth, there has also been spiritual persecution against the larger populace - that of using "super-materialist" methods to stifle and destroy people's spirit...Since the regime cannot win popularity from the people using moral means, they use more covert and destructive methods to destroy their spirits. They allow people to live in highly materialistic environments, to gradually lose their directions and become insensitive to defending their spiritual rights. The people grow to ignore the improvement of their human nature and the restoration of morality, things that in fact all human beings are supposed to help restore and improve.
How Much Longer Will the Crimes and the Cover-up Continue?
2005-01-06Once people examine the information a little closer, they will recognise the truth. The persecution of Falun Gong solely depends on lies, the information blockade, and brainwashing. Every time when the persecution reached a point of losing ground, Jiang Zemin and his accomplices have launched another propaganda campaign, during which more lies were created.
People in China Say, "What We Do not Understand in China Becomes Clear When We Visit A Foreign Country"
2005-01-06"...The disgraceful false propaganda that China manufactures while burying its head in the sand is notorious overseas. From the newspapers and television over there, I understand that China, the country that brags about its human rights records, is deceiving its people. They mercilessly torture and beat those who practise Falun Gong. They brainwash, illegally sentence and send them to labour camps, handcuff and hang them up, and even rape the female practitioners. They stop at nothing. It is really horrifying."
Two Similar Accidents on the Same Road Lead to Two Different Consequences
2005-01-06After rolling over countless times, the vehicle finally stopped. The drivers were lightly injured, but Mr. Wang Guihua was not hurt at all. The glass on his side of the windshield was not even broken. Mr. Wang's friends and relatives thought it was miraculous, and even those who had been against Falun Dafa recognised its great power after this.
Beijing Becomes the Capital of Terror in the Persecution of Those Who Believe in "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance"
2005-01-05The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has never dared to acknowledge the fact that Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted in China. In fact, the persecution in Beijing of those who believe in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is particularly severe. Firsthand accounts by practitioners reveal how the authorities in Beijing use violence to force Falun Gong practitioners to denounce their belief.
People in China See the Righteousness of Falun Gong
2005-01-05Since the suppression of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin's regime began, an official from Wei County, Hebei Province remained upright and kind. He used his conscience and wisdom to protect many Falun Gong practitioners in his work unit. At a Party gathering, he talked about what he did for his close friend. His friend said, "You are doing the right thing but it's very risky. If Jiang's attack dogs learn what you did, you would lose your position, get sent to jail, and even your family might be implicated!"
Torture Re-enactments Powerfully Expose Jiang Zemin and His Regime, Terrified Xinhua News Agency Fabricates New Lie
2005-01-04The Internet is heavily restricted in China, and people are banned from reading the Minghui website. The journalists of are not allowed to conduct interviews inside Chinese prisons or labour camps, nor are they allowed to publish persecution facts openly inside China. The Xinhua News Agency's reaction in the face of the facts reveals how terrifying such truths are to them.
Commentary on Another Slanderous Report by Jiang Zemin's Faction
2005-01-03The torture demonstration pictures are re-enactments based on the victims' description, and their purpose is to recreate the brutal torture inflicted upon Falun Gong practitioners. However, Jiang Zemin and his group's mouthpiece media claims Falun Gong practitioners were "creating false pictures of the persecution."
When People in Authority Learn the Truth, They Protect Falun Dafa
2005-01-03In 2002, a policeman in Henan Province actively participated in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners and their families. Later, he fell ill with cancer. On the verge of death, he suddenly came to understand the principle that good and bad receive their just due. He started to practise Falun Dafa and recovered. His health is almost back to normal now. He publicly tells others the benefits of practising Falun Dafa and opposes those who slander it.
A Taxi Ride and Trip to the Market Finds Members of the Public in Support Falun Gong in Panjin City, China
2005-01-02I could tell from the taxi driver's facial expression that the brutality Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party used to persecute Falun Gong frightened him. He went on and said excitedly: "I would rather believe in Falun Gong than in the Party. The Chinese Communist Party is so corrupt that I have completely lost confidence in it. The corrupt officials are all Party members. They say nice things but do bad deeds. They have deceived and hurt the people so much.
Solemn Declarations By People Who Have Come to See the Truth about Falun Gong
2005-01-02Against my will, I once again wrote things slandering Falun Gong. However, I now understand the truth about Falun Gong. Falun Gong teaches people to be good according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and has allowed millions of people to obtain a healthy mind and body. The evil lies have deceived us and poisoned students' minds by spreading hatred into the schools. This is indeed evil to the extreme.
A Report from Manhattan on New Yorkers' Comments on the Anti-Torture Exhibitions
2005-01-02People came to learn the facts about the persecution and to sign the petition despite the bleak weather, which shows how sincere they were in supporting Falun Gong. A Chinese restaurant owner exclaimed aloud when he saw practitioners persevering in the near-zero temperature, “You are continuing your activities in such cold weather? My best wishes to you.”
How Long Can the Xinhua News Agency Continue to Support Jiang's Regime?
2004-12-31On the 20th of November in 2004, Beijing's satellite TV system was tapped into and a video highlighting the true facts about Falun Gong entitled "Between Heaven and Earth" was aired. People in many cities and provinces of Mainland China were thereby given a chance to learn the truth about the self-immolation in Tiananmen Square, an act of state-terrorism staged by the former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and his regime.
New York Supreme Court Hears the Lawsuit Against Liang Guanjun for the Assault of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-12-31On the 20th of December in 2004, oral arguments were heard by the New York Supreme Court in the case of the public assault of Falun Gong practitioners. Liang Guanjun (closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party) and others were charged with the public assault of Falun Gong practitioners outside New York Chinatown's Yidong Restaurant in June of 2003.