Benefits from the Practice
The Wonders of Falun Dafa Made Me Believe That is it Genuine
2006-09-28I didn’t pay too much attention then and didn’t believe her. This time, when she brought it up again, she told me to say silently every day "Falun Dafa is good," "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good," which would help cure my disease. Although I had doubts, I was desperate. In order to save the exorbitant surgery fee and be able to continue with the business, I felt I had to say these two sentences silently.
Family Experiences Miracles After Starting to Practise Falun Gong
2006-09-25Ms. He, in her sixties, looks like a woman in her twenties. She is exuberant with relaxed yet dynamic movements. Many people envy her prolonged youth. Her whole family practises Falun Gong, and in fact, they started practising after the persecution, which started in 1999, had begun. This family has experienced many miracles.
Persecuted for Practising Something That Saved My Relative’s Life
2006-09-23Her weight has increased from about 70 pounds to 100 pounds. She is also able to do some housekeeping. Before she was sick, whenever she cleaned the yard, she only cleaned a small area in front of her own doorway; now she cleans the whole alleyway daily. The neighbours have all witnessed how Falun Gong turned a dying person into an energised one and say that this is a miracle.
Falun Dafa Cured My Niece's Deformed Hand and Healed Her Broken Spirit
2006-09-21The doctor had no way to straighten her twisted hand, but it straightened itself out one week after she finished the Falun Dafa seminar. Friends and family were all amazed by the miracle - been able to use her beautiful hand once again! More importantly, Nongnong began reading the Falun Gong teachings, and joined group exercise practice. Her sad mood and the slowness in her speech and movements completely disappeared within a month. The once beautiful and happy young girl had re-emerged.
Im Still Here Thanks to Falun Dafa
2006-09-19On June 5th my asthma acted up and because I was coughing so violently I took my husband's homemade prescription specifically made for helping asthma symptoms. Unfortunately, I overdosed and was sent to the local hospital. The local hospital couldn't handle my case so they sent me to the city hospital in an ambulance. As soon as I got in the ambulance, the doctor put an oxygen mask on me because I was losing consciousness and my body was becoming stiff.
Brain Tumour Disappears after Starting My Cultivation in Falun Dafa
2006-09-14An expert in the ophthalmology department of a large hospital suggested I have X-rays taken in the brain surgery department. It turned out that I had a brain tumour. The doctor said that this kind of surgery would cost one hundred thousand yuan or so; moreover, the surgery could not be guaranteed to succeed. It would be better to go home and eat something healthy—in other words, to wait for death.
Why I Support My Wife's Practice of Falun Gong
2006-09-11After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, because I had seen my wife's changes in both body and mind, and I knew that she cultivated Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, I always supported her in her practise. Sometimes, I helped her. Our two children and I also read the treasured book Zhuan Falun and all of us have quit the communist party and its organisations.
A Teacher in China Turns an Unruly Class Around with "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance"
2006-09-08A schoolteacher, who is also a Falun Dafa practitioner, became the director of the most notorious class in the whole school. Other faculty referred to this brave teacher as "the one that jumps off a cliff with her eyes open" as the students in this elementary school class had been infamous for fighting, stealing, and skipping classes on a regular basis. Three years have now past. So how are the teacher and her students doing? Find out by reading the following essay from one of the students:
A Dying Woman Recites "Falun Dafa is Good" and Regains Health Overnight
2006-09-04They told her relatives that she was almost at her last gasp. They also told her relatives to prepare for her funeral affairs.All of her relatives went to the hospital. When it seemed that all was lost, a relative who is a Falun Dafa practitioner told the other relatives to recite "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance are good" in their hearts. The practitioner also told the old woman to recite "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance are good".
"This Book Saved My Life"
2006-08-27Mr. Hu first listened to the founder of Falun Gong, Teacher Li lecturing on the principles taught in Falun Gong and felt very good. That same day, his appetite improved and he was able to eat two bowls of food. From then on, Mr. Hu either listened to Teacher’s lectures or read Zhuan Falun on a regular basis. He was able to read through the entire book once every week. Currently, he has read Zhuan Falun at least a hundred times. Today, not only is Mr. Hu in good health, but he can also work in the fields.
A Baby's Recovery from Congenital Defects Awakens an Entire Family to the Greatness of Falun Dafa
2006-08-26In our darkest hour, Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) gave us new hope. A middle-aged woman that I once practised the Falun Gong exercises with told us, "Many people recovered from illnesses when they recited, 'Falun Gong is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good.' Why don't you try it?"
Practising Falun Dafa Gave My Father a Second Life
2006-08-17Miracles happened. Father looks like a different person after six months. His once wrinkled, blackish, dark face glows with health. He is no longer so thin and his normal weight is back. Father used to be an introvert with few things in common with my cheerful mother. Since they practised cultivation together, their relationship has been better, and they’ve had more to talk about with each other.
A Retired Official: "I Threw Away My Walking Canes After Attending Falun Gong Lecture"
2006-08-12I practiced all these Qigong practices diligently and persistently without any break, even when it was windy and rainy. Yet I received no obvious improvement from these practices. Most serious of all, I also suffered from osteoporosis and my bones were so weak that they could break very easily. I had suffered from fractures five times, the most serious of which happened in my left thigh bone in July of 1989.
Austria: Exposing the Persecution by Practising the Exercises in Vienna’s State Park
2006-07-25Many Chinese tourists pass near the Franz Joseph monument,” said Melanie, a practitioner from Vienna, who does the exercises for two hours daily from Sunday to Thursday in the Vienna State Park. No matter if it rains or snows is hot or cold, she and a few other practitioners come regularly to the State Park.
One Person Practises Falun Gong, Three Generations Benefit
2006-07-25When I walk down the street, I recite along the way quietly, "Falun Dafa is good," and I physically feel light. When my acquaintances see me, they ask me how I turned out to be so young and strong? I tell them, "It is because I practise Falun Dafa." I feel even younger than when I was 40 years old.