Benefits from the Practice
A New Practitioner: I Have Benefited Mentally and Physically from Falun Dafa
2007-02-22Later, during a physical check up, my tuberculosis, cardiac disease and hepatitis were nowhere to be found. The doctors doubted how a person like me could recover without taking any medication. I told them, "It is true. I practise Falun Gong, and all my illnesses have disappeared. I seem to be another person." Eventually, the doctors believed me. Seeing the miraculous changes in my body with their own eyes, they had to admire Falun Gong and even asked me for some amulets.
After Practising Falun Gong, My Brain Tumour Disappeared and My Husband Recovered from A Stroke
2007-02-21After a few months I could almost read the whole book without difficulty. By then my health had fully recovered and I'd reached the state of no illness; I felt perfect. I finally experienced the happiness that can only be known by a healthy person.
Late-Stage Bladder Cancer Patient Survives After Starting to Practise Falun Dafa
2007-02-18The doctor told me that I had at most six months to live. He asked me to have my bladder flushed a few times, and gave me a bunch of pain killers and antibiotics. In September, my mild fever turned high, reaching 104 degrees. I was too weak to turn and get up out of bed. I could only take in some fluids to sustain myself. I felt my chance of survival diminishing, and I was in despair and pain every day. I almost lost my hope and courage to continue living.
I Am So Grateful That I Was Introduced To Falun Dafa
2007-02-14I am probably the most suspicious person in the world when it comes to beliefs. I am a lawyer, I look for evidence. I insist on tangible signs. And yet when I read the book Zhuan Falun, I felt that everything that I had seen in the world constituted evidence for what is described in this book about "Truthfulnes, Compassion, Forbearance." All of a sudden, everything made sense. My intuition fit perfectly with the information imparted by the book.
If It Hadn't Happened to me I Probably Wouldn't Believe It to be Possible - My Miracle
2007-02-13There are countless examples of Falun Gong curing illnesses that I also experienced. Falun Gong not only saved me physically, it also caused my inner world to change in a fundamental way. It made me more tolerant and kinder, and I now have more integrity. I keep all my thoughts and behaviour aligned with "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." I do my best to treat people nicely.
A Sad, Elderly Woman Rejoices and Spreads the Truth about Falun Gong
2007-02-12A Falun Gong practitioner once travelled to Northeastern China to spread the truth of Falun Gong. She had with her six months of wages she had saved for printing the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. This practitioner told me an amazing story about an elderly woman who attained Falun Gong. The following is a brief summary of her story.
The Fact that I am Still Alive Today is a Miracle
2007-02-11There are countless examples of Falun Gong curing illnesses that I also experienced. Falun Gong not only saved me physically, it also caused my inner world to change in a fundamental way. It made me more tolerant and kinder, and I now have more integrity. I keep all my thoughts and behavior aligned with "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." I do my best to treat people nicely.
Falun Dafa Has Brought Good Fortune to My Whole Family
2007-02-07For many years, I was treated in provincial-level hospitals, and practised several kinds of Chinese exercises for my health. Not only didn't they cure me, my abdominal pain became worse due to taking traditional and western medicines. However, after learning Falun Gong, miracles constantly occurred in my body. I seemed to become another person; all my diseases disappeared. I feel so light when walking, my heart is bright, and I no longer tightly lock my brow or feel sad.
How Falun Gong Renewed my Health
2007-01-26I said that I was not afraid: "I don't listen to the propaganda, if only I benefit, then I don’t fear anyone." However in my mind I thought, "What I said was an exaggeration." Later after I saw that all those good people who followed "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" were arrested, sentenced, or force-fed, I started to see the CCP in it's true colours. It was indeed a wolf in sheep's clothing.
My Sister-In-Law's Full Recovery Demonstrates Falun Dafa's Wonders to Our Friends and Relatives
2007-01-24She also said that a friend of hers who worked in a hospital told her that such an illness could not be cured, and if she continued to stay in the hospital, her life would be doomed and her family's savings exhausted. Everyone in her family knew the outcome, but nobody wanted to think about it.
By Practising Falun Gong, a Late-Stage Lung Cancer Patient Gets a New Lease on Life
2007-01-23People told my husband, "Why don't you grant her wish? She is dying. Let her do whatever she wants!" With my husband supporting me, I slowly walked to the Falun Gong group practice site. It was most curious that an unintelligent and uneducated person such as I would be able to learn Falun Gong's five sets of exercises by imitating them.
Practising Falun Gong Easily Eliminates a Stubborn Addiction to Smoking
2007-01-11Recently, I heard from a Falun Gong practitioner surnamed Song that her nephew easily eliminated his stubborn addiction to smoking after he began to practise Falun Gong. Recalling the discussions on the issues of smoking and drinking in Zhuan Falun, with great interest I interviewed this young man, Song Xin, on December 29th, 2006.
Falun Gong Saved Me
2007-01-09My relatives were all anxious and sad, and they recommended major hospitals in Beijing. I thought to myself, "I now suffer from cancer and there is no cure. I would not like to have my daughters and sons fall into debt because of my incurable illness." But my desire for life made me not want to die like this. I then heard about Falun Gong and its miraculous health effects. I wanted to try Falun Gong, because I had nothing to lose after all.
Practising Falun Gong Cured My Many Illnesses, Including a Congenital Heart Defect
2007-01-05I am a 62 year old middle school teacher. I suffered from many illnesses before I began practising Falun Dafa. For almost 26 years I had suffered from illnesses such as congenital heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, cervical vertebra ossein proliferation, Meniere's syndrome and an attachment to sleep. I had worn three pairs of special glasses for older people before I was just over 40 years old. Towards the end everything was blurry when I read. I also had rheumatoid arthritis and other persistent illnesses.
A Colon Cancer Patient's Good Fortune
2006-12-31Ms. Deng immediately decided to forgo the surgery. Instead, she wanted to learn Falun Gong. That day was market day, and Ms. Deng’s husband saw Xiao Fang at the market. She was indeed full of energy and her face had a healthy glow. He asked her how she had become well. Xiao Fang’s husband told him, "It is Falun Gong that cured her. It was a miracle! She started to change, even just after one hour of practise. Don’t believe what the TV says. It is all lies. Look at Xiao Fang! She is a living example. Who can make this up?"