Benefits from the Practice
New Practitioner: Falun Dafa Gave Me a Second Life
2006-05-24One year ago I was living in agony from severe illnesses. Although I was in my 30s, I was desperate because medical treatments could not help me. With no other choice I started practising Falun Gong. My life has never been the same since.
Witnessing Falun Dafa's Magnificence - Bone Fracture Miraculously Heals
2006-05-20Her daughter (not a practitioner) said, "My mother looks so healthy!" On the following morning, her daughter insisted on her going to the hospital for inspection. Surprisingly, after looking at new X-rays the doctor said, "The fractured bone is healed. The healing is very good, and no gap can be seen." Not only was the surgery canceled, she did not even need medication, just a sling to hold her arm
Practising Falun Dafa Enabled Me to Truly Understand the Meaning of Life and See the Principles of the Universe
2006-05-18Like many people who aspire to seek the truth and meaning of life, I once devoted myself to scientific research. I was only met with more questions and doubts, and I realised how shallow science is in terms of exploring life itself. Then I turned to philosophy and religion, but still couldn't find what I wanted.
Healing Power of Falun Dafa Amazes Doctors and Hospital Staff
2006-05-16On the way home, I had to look for restrooms everywhere because of diarrhea. It lasted for 7 days. On the eighth day, not only was the diarrhea gone, but the entire body swelling also diminished. My abdomen returned to its normal size, and I could walk very easily, as if I were being lifted up. My whole family was surprised: Falun Gong is so good, and it surpassed modern medical technologies, curing without medication!
Terminal Cancer Patient Obtains a New Life After Starting to Practise Falun Dafa
2006-05-07I had terminal cervical cancer. After surgery in December of 2004, I started chemotherapy. The doctor told me that I could only live for three months even with those treatments. I was very thin before. After this trauma, I became even thinner. Seeing my six-year-old twin sons, my heart ached. I sensed that death was near.
Liver Cancer Survivor: Falun Dafa Gave Me a Second Life
2006-05-03On the afternoon of May 25th, 2005, while I was on my way home, I felt a pain arise in my stomach, the pain was so intense that I could hardly bear it. Though I was only six miles away from my home, I had to stop my motorcycle for a break three times. After arriving home, the pain became so fierce that I repeatedly rolled from one end of the bed to the other. I went to see three doctors in different villages where I received various medications and injections, but none had any effect.
Falun Dafa Once Again Saves Me from the Brink of Death
2006-04-30After cultivating for less than six months, all my illnesses disappeared. My complexion became rosy, and I became healthy, even the speed of my walking increased. Although my family was joyous, the head of the Chinese Communist Party at that time, Jiang Zemin, and his regime started persecuting Falun Gong. They declared that anyone who continued to practise Falun Gong would be discharged from public office, expelled from school, and imprisoned in a forced labour camp. Practitioners were beaten severely. Under these conditions, some of us were scared and stopped practising.
Recovering from Chronic Diseases through Cultivating in Falun Dafa
2006-04-27Before starting her cultivation, Xiuhua suffered from lupus erythematosus, nephropathy, and hepatitis C. She also had a continuous fever and lost weight because of her autoimmune system disorder and went into the hospital three times in one month. She also was affected by nephropathy and hepatitis C, and needed long periods of care and treatment. She endured suffering beyond words.
My Grandma and Falun Dafa
2006-04-24A miracle occurred when she started practising Falun Gong in 1997. Although illiterate, in less than one year, she could fluently read Zhuan Falun's 190,000 words. She continued to study the Falun Gong teachings and doing the exercises every day. Soon all of her illnesses were gone without taking any pills.
86-Year-Old Testifies to the Wonders of Falun Dafa
2006-04-23She was deeply moved, "This Falun Gong is great. During all those days of injections, I was getting more and more annoyed, and the pain was getting more and more severe. But now I only recited these sentences several times - and didn't have any medicine or any injections - and I feel much better already. Isn't this amazing! Falun Gong is truly good!" I told her, "You should thank Master Li!"
My 88 Year-Old Grandmother's Miraculous Recovery
2006-04-16Our entire family was very worried about her. Just at that point, a miracle happened. One morning after my parents finished practising the exercise movements outside and came home, they saw that my grandmother had changed from her usual depressed state. She was extremely excited and called my mom: "My leg will recover! My leg will recover! A high god came to rescue me." My mother asked her what happened and she started to tell her story.
Practising Falun Dafa Healed My Disabilities
2006-04-15I said that I couldn't stand for long enough to do the exercises. So each time I missed the chance to begin practising cultivation. A year ago, two principals from my school encouraged me to learn Falun Dafa. I then decided to practise cultivation. I still clearly remember that on the morning of November 20th, 2004, I arrived at the site of Beichen Elementary School to learn the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. It was the beginning of a new life for me.
How Qiongqiong's Dislocated Jaw Led Her to Falun Dafa
2006-04-05She became very frightened and held her dislocated jaw, asking for help. My sister heard her cries and came out to see what had happened. My sister immediately realised that her daughter had received karmic retribution. She mercifully warned her child, "It is alright if you do not want to practise Falun Gong, but do not slander it." Qiongqiong replied, "Okay, I got it." As soon as she said these words, her jaw miraculously realigned.
The Falun Dafa Book Zhuan Falun Saved My Nephew's Life
2006-03-25I took the copy of Zhuan Falun back home and let my sister read it to her son. After doing so for a period of time, we discovered that the child, who was crying and suffering from the tumour, became calm and did not cry out with pain anymore. We were pleasantly surprised and developed even more confidence in Falun Dafa.. Thus we persisted in reading two pages to the child every day.
Amazing Recoveries through Practising Falun Gong
2006-03-18I was able to convince him to let her listen, and he also read the book "Be Saved from a Desperate Situation" that I took him. When I went to visit for Chinese New Year, my grandmother was able to eat again. Grandpa said to me in tears, "I read the book you gave to me. It is true! Your grandma recovered!"