Benefits from the Practice
From a Sickly Child to a Healthy Young Dafa Practitioner
2010-09-04My wife and I began practising Falun Gong in early 1996. My wife was five months pregnant in July 1999, when the Chinese communist regime launched the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The persecution was very severe everywhere in China at that time. On July 20, my wife went to the provincial government to appeal for Falun Gong. As a result, she was detained in the stadium. Due to stress the baby's foetal position dropped lower.
I Derived Mental and Physical Benefits from Practising Falun Gong
2010-09-03I began practising Falun Gong in June 1997. I am now 67 years old and have hardly any wrinkles on my face. I am very energetic and healthy, and my life is calm and full of joy. Others say that they cannot tell my age at all. I have deeply felt the magnificence and beauty of Falun Dafa and Teacher's enormous compassion through my own experiences.
Remaining Youthful after Fifteen Years of Practising Falun Gong
2010-09-02I'm from Chenzhou, Hunan Province. I'm forty-one years old now, but people tell me I look much younger. Most people who don't know me very well even think that I'm unmarried and have no children. The reason for this is because I have few wrinkles, if any, on my face, my skin is very smooth and elastic, and my body is well proportioned, light and flexible.
Because of Dafa, My Life is Filled with Sunshine
2010-08-31One day in June 1996, my life took a turn. On that day, my mother went to morning exercises and brought back a copy of the book Falun Gong. I picked it up when my mother wasn't reading it. I was instantly drawn by it and finished reading it in one day. I couldn't explain it but just felt that this book was very wonderful. Hence I started to practise.
Wondrous Things Happen to a True Practitioner
2010-08-30Since I began to practise Falun Dafa, many wonderful things have happened to me. I had many different illnesses before and I suffered for a long time. I had tried other qigong practices, but they did not help me. After I began practising Falun Gong, my illnesses disappeared without a trace.
Falun Dafa Saved Me from Paralysis
2010-08-29I developed rheumatoid arthritis a year ago. All of my body joints hurt too much to bear. I looked everywhere for doctors and tried all kinds of medicines. I was examined by both western doctors and Chinese doctors. I also tried all sorts of home remedies. But there was no effect. And, the lining in my two knee joints was gone. My legs were like sticks and could not bend.
Because of Falun Dafa, Man Gives Up Wheelchair
2010-08-28I was 56 in 1999 and had practised Falun Gong for three years. My rosy face always glowed with a heartfelt smile. I worked as quickly and conscientiously as a young person, while comments were frequent that I looked only in my 40's.
Cultivating Falun Gong Changed My Life
2010-08-26I am resident of Xinjin County, Sichuan Province. I am 77 years old. I climb up and down stairs effortlessly. I do not feel tired when I walk around to expose the persecution with fellow practitioners, even if we walk for over three miles. I have a rosy complexion and many fewer wrinkles than before. I am happy and relaxed. Everyone who hears how old I am is surprised, and elderly friends are envious of me.
Dafa's Light Blessed My Family
2010-08-25After practising Falun Dafa for fourteen years now, I feel that I have grown into a true disciple, a being belonging to the new universe. Looking back, I can see that Teacher had rescued me from hell. During these years ten years of Fa-rectification cultivation, not only has my cultivation reached a certain realm, but Dafa has blessed my family, too. My relatives are happy and in good health, grateful for Teacher's kindness and Dafa's benevolence.
Regaining a New Life from Cultivating Falun Dafa
2010-08-24In the autumn of 1998, my family members obtained the main book of Falun Dafa practice, Zhuan Falun, from a doctor. After I finished reading the preface, I was immediately attracted by the profound teachings of the Fa that I hadn't found in any other books. I kept reading and felt very comfortable and peaceful. In this book I found answers to all my questions about life and death. The book Zhuan Falun lit a lamp in my confused heart and brought hope to my life.
An Old Man Who Looks Like He Is Only Forty Years Old
2010-08-23One day in November of 1996, one of my friends introduced me to Falun Gong. After I discovered that learning and practising Falun Gong does not cost any money, I immediately made up my mind to practise it. That was the happiest day of my life. From then on, I joined a group of other practitioners at the local exercise site to study the Fa and do the exercises.
"Practising Falun Dafa Gave Me Good Health and Self-Confidence"
2010-08-22Christy used to suffer from cystic ovarian disease, but shortly after she began to practise Falun Gong, she became pregnant. Her daughter is now five years old and she has a very harmonious family life. Just thirty-four years old, Christy was born in the United Kingdom. After getting married in 2003, she moved to Australia. She is beautiful and cheerful. One can hardly imagine that she used to suffer from depression.
My Family Witnessed the Power of Dafa
2010-08-21I began to practise Falun Gong in 1996 due to health problems such as heart disease, stomach pain, sciatica, and allergies. Before that, I had to take medications all year long. I kept emergency heart medicine on hand all the time and did not expect to live beyond my 30's. I had a short temper and had no confidence in life.
When I Was Dying of Cancer, Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2010-08-17I turned 35 this year. Before I began practising Falun Gong I was diagnosed with cancer that had already metastasised, and I was given only a few months to live. I went to see doctors in Jinan and Beijing but they all said the same thing. I could not accept this diagnosis, in body or spirit. My suffering could not alleviate the pain my relatives suffered on my behalf, or help my two young children.
Falun Gong Eased the Hardships in Our Household
2010-08-16I am from Jiangsu, China and I have practised Falun Gong for 13 years. I have told people the facts and encountered persecution by the Chinese Communist Party, been through all kinds of gruelling difficulties, and swallowed a lot of hardship. To this day I am still a determined cultivator of Falun Dafa; I firmly believe that Falun Dafa is good. How is it that in such an oppressive environment I am able to remain so firm? Please read my detailed account.