Benefits from the Practice
A Short Story of Compassion
2003-01-29Through reading the books of Falun Dafa my compassion became greater, and as I understood more and more about letting go of sentimental attachments, I found that what replaced them was a simpler, more genuine compassion which could not be affected by how others treated me and which would not come and go with the passing of my emotions. I learnt to take my own feelings more lightly and to consider others feelings more carefully in my words and actions.
The Wonderful Story of how I Discovered Dafa
2003-01-23I have found a cultivation way superior to what I had learned from before. Whoever practises Falun Gong feels peaceful, relaxed and can always treat others kindly. They open their minds and are in complete control of their lives. To me, this is the magic of Falun Gong. It is said that the great way is extremely simple and easy. That is what I understand Falun Gong to be!
Before and After Studying the Fa
2003-01-09When I saw a green light a long way off, I would quickly accelerate for fear of the lights changing to red and I would have to stop. I always worried that there might be traffic congestion ahead, and hesitated as to whether I should change lanes. If someone went against the rules and this overtook me, my heart burned with uncontrollable anger. After studying the Fa [principles of Falun Gong], I realized these shortcomings, but it was difficult to overcome them all at once...
Practising Falun Dafa has Brought Me so Many Benefits - Why is it Persecuted so Irrationally?
2002-12-20The writer had suffered from severe, difficult and complicated illnesses. However, only a few months after she began to practise Falun Dafa, she made a full and miraculous recovery.
Thanks To Falun Gong, I Have Become Much More Considerate of Other People -- And I Look Younger, Too!
2002-11-24 -
Ten-year-old Twin Brothers Happily Learn Falun Dafa
2002-11-14In the past, Xiaoshuang often initiated mischief against Dashuang, and Dashuang would not give any ground. Today however, when Xiaoshuang hit or pulled him, Dashuang would not hit back. I saw Xiaoshuang almost pull Dashuang off the bed, but Dashuang did not get angry.
The Changes in a 73-Year-Old Lady after Cultivating Falun Dafa for a Few Months
2002-11-11I am 73 years old, and I came here to Australia to visit my daughter five months ago. In the past several months, I have been practising Falun Gong. It has been an unforgettable experience and I have benefited a lot from it.
An Uneducated Farmer Learns How to Use a Computer to Make Falun Dafa Materials in Four Days
2002-11-08Xiao Zhao is a simple and honest farmer who only has an elementary school education. After the Dafa material production site in the county was destroyed, there was quite a long period of time when our fellow practitioners living around the county could not read The practitioners felt anxious because they could not obtain Dafa materials.
Falun Dafa Gave Me a New Life
2002-11-04Before I began to practise Falun Dafa, I suffered from various illnesses and hovered between life and death seven times between the age of 26 and 47. Because of my long time illnesses, the whole family suffered a lot. It was like living in hell and each day felt like a year. I called to heaven and earth, but got no response. Who could help me?
Falun Dafa Purifies One's Mind and Body
2002-11-03Before he practiced Falun Gong, a man smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and drank alcohol at each meal. Within only 10 days after he started practicing Falun Gong, the smell of tobacco became unendurable, so he quit smoking and does not want to smoke anymore.
One Family Member Practices, The Whole Family Benefits
2002-11-01All family members of a Falun Dafa practitioner in Weifang City, Shandong Province know that Falun Dafa is good and supported her practice. In the last few years, her family members experienced a few very dangerous situations and walked away unharmed. Their stories became the legend of the neighborhood.
Falun Dafa Saved My Family
2002-10-30Not long ago, my 75-year-old mother-in-law became very ill, and we rushed to see her that same day. She was very ill and could not eat, and she was frighteningly skinny. My father-in-law asked us to prepare for her death. I read the teachings of Falun gong to her and she made a miraculous recovery. Within just ten days, all of the problems with her heart, lungs, the left side of her body trembling, and her not being able to think disappeared.
Article from European Fa-Conference, Copenhagen: The luckiest human being in the cosmos
2002-10-02The age of 89 may seem a bit late in the day to start a new commitment for the remainder of life. 2 1/2 years ago I received out of the blue a letter from an old friend telling me of Falun Gong, of which I had not previously heard. We met and talked and he gave me Zhuan Falun.
From a Hopeless Cancer Patient to a Healthy Falun Gong Practitioner
2002-09-23 -
A Rickety Girl Becomes Graceful After Practising Falun Dafa