Benefits from the Practice
Falun Dafa Has Freed My Husband and Me From Illness
2003-11-05It was really hard suffering in what felt like a living death. As a result of my excruciating illnesses, I became just like a withered old woman. It felt like one day was like a year. I even held thoughts of dying, in my mind. Just when I couldn't live or die, I received a copy of Zhuan Falun. I started to read it very seriously and carefully. While I was reading Zhuan Falun, I felt that my back did not hurt anymore, my mind cleared up, and all my illnesses seemed to have improved.
Eight Years of Pain Cured in Five Days of Practicing Falun Gong
2003-11-02I was extremely fearful of the cold in winter. I had to put on heavy cotton clothing when others had not yet put on sweaters. It was even worse in summer. While other people wore short sleeve shirts with the air-conditioning on, I still had to wear long sleeve shirts and could not even stand to have a fan blowing. Since my office was air-conditioned, I was not able to stay there unless my officemates agreed to turn it off.
My True Story: Teacher Li Helped Me Overcome A Physical Disability
2003-10-21On June 27, 1999, right after the Chicago experience sharing conference, Teacher Li came to see the practitioners at the morning practice in Chicago's Olive Park. While trying to get closer to him, I stumbled and fell into the fountain. Teacher Li pulled me out of the fountain and answered the many questions I asked him. After Teacher Li left, on my way to the restroom I started to run very fast in spite of my disability. I was very surprised. I usually have a hard time walking. How could I run all of a sudden?
The Miracle of a Life Created by Falun Dafa -- The Inspirational Story of a Former Leukemia Patient
2003-10-17In March 1995, I luckily found out about Falun Dafa. It was a turning point in my life. At the beginning when I went to the exercise site, I couldn't even perform the first four exercises since I was extremely weak and the condition of my heart was very poor. After some time of working on the exercises, my body gradually felt relaxed and I could easily finish the standing exercises, which lasted for an hour. I felt like I was saved from the hell of pain and hopelessness! It was a miracle!
What Falun Dafa Has Given Me
2003-09-20In 1995 I came in touch with Falun Dafa through an acquaintance. Just a short while after I have practised Falun Dafa, my physical body became indeed purified from all illness. Today at the age of 49, I am free from all illnesses. I do not need any tablets, any therapy or any ordinary physical training. Like a miracle, my body feels fantastic and it is healthy.
Two Years Ago the Hospital Told Me to Prepare for My Funeral - Now I am Healthy and Free of Illnesses Because I Listened to Falun Dafa Lectures
2003-07-15Dafa has saved my life. I firmly believe in Dafa. No one can move my firm belief in Dafa. I obtained the Fa at the critical moment of life and death. I am really very fortunate. I want to advise those who have not yet listened to Dafa and who still have kind thoughts, please take the time and read the invaluable book Zhuan Falun.
Dafa Heals People With Surprising Results
2003-07-12Since I began practicing, I started to cultivate my inner nature, my body was purified, and the blood clots are all gone. It has now been 7 years since I started practicing, and I have not taken Warfarin for such a long time, yet I am not only alive, I also have a healthy body. This sufficiently proves that Falun Dafa is not "superstition." It is an advanced science. As long as you conduct yourself by the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance," you will achieve the effect of healing.
A Detention Centre Policewoman Becomes a Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-06-23She started to think better of Falun Dafa practitioners. When she was on duty, she helped Falun Dafa practitioners as much as she could. Later on, she spent her own money to buy foods for detained practitioners. She also often made use of her convenient work condition to pass Falun Dafa articles and books, etc. to practitioners. Later, she borrowed Falun Dafa books from practitioners and read repeatedly. She started to practice Falun Gong this way.
My Cultivation Progress (Shared at the 2003 Benelux Fa Conference)
2003-05-18In April 1999, Falun Gong practitioners were invited to demonstrate the exercises in a meeting of Chang Qing association in Brussels. I had practiced Tai Chi for several years and also learned Qigong. Therefore, I was very interested in practitioners demonstration so I bought a copy of Zhuan Falun and a videotape of exercises and took them home. After reading the book from beginning to end, I was deeply impressed by the manner of Master Li: he was tireless in teaching others, responsible to the people, spoke out frankly without reservation and talked about things that others dare not to say.
With Righteous Thoughts, a Terminally Ill Woman Receives a New Life Through Practising Falun Dafa
2003-05-14The older woman's family was full of joy, as if they were celebrating Chinese New Year. Many relatives called and asked about her condition. Her family told them, "She was cured, and she was cured by practising Falun Gong!" Some relatives didn't believe what they heard and so they travelled several hundred miles to see for themselves. Once they witnessed the older woman walking around the house and even performing some household chores, many of them said they would go home and read the book themselves-- because it was indeed miraculous.
Miraculous Return to Health After Reading Zhuan Falun
2003-05-07Her in-laws had pleaded with her to give up the practice, but she had refused, and because they were heavily influenced by the propaganda about Dafa from the Jiang regime, they had become very angry with her. But, on hearing the news of her brother-in-law suffering from terminal cancer, she went to the hospital to see him. She advised him to read the book Zhuan Falun [The main text of Falun Dafa] saying, If you truly believe in it, you better start reading this book, Zhuan Falun, right now."
Falun Dafa Gave Me a New Life
2003-04-15I constantly strived to improve myself, discarding my jealousy, competitive mentality, selfishness, and my bad temper. When conflicts arose, I first looked within to see if I had done something wrong, and if the other party was harmed as a result of my actions. I gradually changed and improved, albeit with considerable difficulty. As I studied the Fa, practised the exercises, and raised my moral character, the ailments I had before all had but disappeared.
Practising Falun Dafa Cured My Liver Ailment and Made Me a Better Person
2003-04-15Since May 6, 1996, I seriously started the path of my cultivation. I study Falun Dafa and practise the exercises persistently. My whole life has been completely transformed ever since. I have become very healthy and energetic, and never feel tired even after work. I know that Teacher has purified my body. From the very first day when I started practising Falun Dafa until the present, for seven years I never took one single pill or received any injections or medication. I feel so delighted not to be bothered by any illness.
Illnesses Disappear and Family Relationships Improve After Practising Falun Dafa
2003-04-10I am a 60 year old woman from the countryside. Before I got to know Falun Dafa, my daughter and I could not get along well. The animosity between us developed over a number of years. At this time, all my illnesses were getting worse; I had insomnia, gastritis, arthritis, heart disease, a protruding stomach and a swollen body. I felt I'd be better off dead. Every day I was worried to tears, moving closer towards death.
Summary of Results from the 1999 Health Survey of Falun Gong Practitioners in North America
2003-04-05The demographic data reflected that many practitioners in North America are relatively young and well educated. The health improvement based on self-evaluated health status before and after beginning the practice was very strong. Based on the positive survey results, around February of 2001 we wrote a paper and submitted it to an academic public health journal.