Benefits from the Practice
An Interview with Zhu Xiaoyan: "Being Responsible to the Audience"
2004-04-19Zhu Xiaoyan is a young girl from northern China, who is now studying in Western Europe. She started to practise Falun Gong in 1996 in China, and her hobby is dancing. Earlier this year, she once performed a solo dance dubbed "Dunhuang’s Dancing Rhythms" at the Chinese New Year Gala organised by the New Tang Dynasty Television company in Paris and at a concert organised by a human rights organisation in Geneva. The audience was carried away by her graceful and elegant performances with classic flavours, and perceived the holiness, harmony as well as the gracefulness and beauty of the paradises.
A Story from the 60th Session of the UNHRC: The 4th Birthday of Little Fadu
2004-04-09Although little Fadu is only four years old, she is already a frequent visitor to Geneva. In March 2002 when she wasn’t even two years old, she and her mother came to Geneva for the first time. On the day of the grand opening of the Human Rights Commission, lots of Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world gathered in front of the United Nations and held a press conference in Places des Nations, where people heard Fadu and her mother’s story for the first time.
Character Interview With German Practitioner Micheal: The Mighty Power of Music Composed by Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-03-29Micheal is a 37-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Germany, who has sung touching songs one after another for more than a year now. Using music, he has told people about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. His music’s subjects are very vivid ranging from the opposition of the persecution of Falun Gong; calling for people to rescue imprisoned practitioners and suing Jiang Zemin.
Falun Dafa Has Changed My Life
2004-03-17I often hear people say that infants begin to cry loudly right after their birth. That is to say that life is bitter right after birth. This is very true! Before I learned Dafa, I never had three consecutive good days. I had pain in my abdomen, pain in my waist, dizziness, sleeplessness, stuffy chest, and my ankles were so swollen and so heavy so that I had difficulty walking as if they were filled with lead. One day in December 1996, I received a Falun Gong pamphlet. My life was changed.
Rising from the Depths to Attain the Fa -- How A Young Man Turned His Life Around
2003-12-17In 1997 or 98 when I was doing nothing, one day I went to the library, and I spotted a golden book called Zhuan Falun. I was interested because I had heard about it before, even though I didn't remember from where, so I checked the book out along with the exercise video. At first, I thought it would be a really complicated book like the Buddhist Scriptures, but it was not. Instead, it used the most common language, yet contained the most profound meaning. I was really amazed and full of wonder at the book.
Article Review: I Passed Multiple Kidney Stones After Practising Falun Gong
2003-12-13Through practising Falun Gong, I excreted the kidney stones that otherwise would have had to be taken out by surgery or with ultrasound therapy. This was indeed a medical miracle. In early 1996, a routine annual examination revealed that my transaminase level went down from 500 to 60. Without taking any medicine, my digestive system function became normal, symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and bloating disappeared, and I could have a normal diet (I used to not be able to eat fruits or cold food, even during the summer time)
Within Three Days of Learning Falun Gong I Threw Away the Cane I Had Used for Eight Years
2003-12-06he more I listened to Teacher Li Hongzhi's words, the more fascinated I became. Teacher taught that as a human one must value virtue and must return to one's true self. I was deeply moved. I regretted having not come to learn Dafa earlier. On the second day of listening to Dafa and learning the exercises I completely stopped worrying about curing my illness, and all I thought about was practicing cultivation. On the third night, I handed over my cane to my husband on our way home after the study session and, step-by-step, I walked home on my own.
Genuinely Looking at Myself, Taking Steady Steps in The Final Part of My Path of Cultivation
2003-11-23The state of slow progress or standstill is not like that of huge tribulations on the surface, but by constantly doing Dafa work, through constant successes and achievements, gradually, unknowingly I developed a feeling that I was playing an important and decisive role. Eventually I felt I was the centre of things, everybody else was a supporting role. Then I had a sense of self-satisfaction; therefore I wasn’t so strict with myself. However, all of these weren’t real. It was just my thoughts. I also felt I had given up everything; because of this I regarded studying Fa as finishing a chore. As I felt that I had nearly reached my peak of cultivation, naturally and gradually my heart wasn’t so pure. When I was reading the Fa, I didn’t have the heart of assimilating to the Fa or searching for my defects; this became the behaviour to prove that I was diligent. Therefore, the principles of Fa would certainly not be revealed. Thus, in return this made me feel that I had reached my peak. The quality of studying Fa was getting worse and worse. While I was studying Fa, I felt sleepy and tired. Eventually, I couldn’t guarantee the quantity.
My Experience of over One Year’s Cultivation and Practice of Falun Dafa
2003-11-23After returning home I started to read the book and was deeply attracted. Master Li expounds the profound and boundless principles of Qi Gong. Falun Dafa is the great Fa of universe which cultivates Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. I thought that I had found the truth and meaning of my life. The original improper mindset in coming to only learn the five sets of exercises for securing my asylum application was gone. I decided to join the cultivation practice.
Returning to the Group
2003-11-22To do these things well you must, have all sentient beings in mind and have a heart of compassion, so when things are not going well in your cultivation, and you need to get back on track, you think whether I reach consummation or not is not the major concern, it is that I am here to save sentient beings and I must do these three things well in order to fulfil what I am supposed to do and not have the selfish thought of, I must reach consummation. So all the things that are supposed to be done will follow on automatically without thinking about it.
My Personal Experience of Benefiting From Dafa's Amazing Effects
2003-11-17I started practicing Falun Dafa on October 1, 1998. I practiced and studied the Fa, adhering to the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance. My xinxing (heart or mind nature, moral character) was improving while my physical health was changing for the better: my neck became normal and the black spots on my face disappeared, the skin all over my body became smooth and delicate. I started to look youthful and felt energetic. The hospitals confirmed that all the illnesses I originally suffered from were cured.
Falun Dafa Cured the Life Threatening Blood Condition I Had for Over 20 Years
2003-11-15In the beginning, I was just thinking to try it out, but after reading Teacher's book and listening to his lectures on video tape, I understood the purpose of life, why people live and how they should live. After continuing to study the Fa, I changed my thoughts a lot. On the subject of dealing with people and doing things, I did my best to follow Dafa's teachings and standard. My illness became better every passing day and I gradually stopped taking medicine. My illness is now cured and I do not take medicine any more.
The Changes in My Mind and Body Since I Began To Practice Falun Dafa
2003-11-13After I obtained Dafa, I eagerly read Teacher's books, like crops absorbing fine rain. I tried my best to follow the requirements of Teacher's books and kept studying Dafa and practicing the exercises. My body was purified and all the illnesses I had before disappeared. My mind also improved, and I didn't feel any pressure anymore. I could also take everything lightly and not allow things to disturb me. My colleagues and I were then like family members and we had a harmonious relationship. My outlook on the world changed completely. I understood why people should not do bad things, because evil will be met with evil.
A Veteran Physician's Personal Experience of Being Free from the Torment of Numerous Illnesses and Obtaining Health in Mind and Body
2003-11-10After cultivating for half a year, I basically had no more illnesses. I went out to do the exercises every morning from four to five o'clock. My husband feared that I might catch a cold and tried to stop me, "You will definitely catch cold this winter!" but not only had I not fallen ill that winter, all of my chronic illnesses vanished completely in the years following my cultivation. In the past, I had to be hospitalized once or twice each year and had to take medications every single day. Since practicing the exercises I have not been hospitalized once nor have taken one tablet to this day.
Falun Dafa Saved My Life: Recovery from a Malignant Brain Tumor
2003-11-10Compared to veterans working as long as I had, my rank was two grades lower. Before practicing Falun Dafa, I complained a lot about that because I felt my contribution and my reward were disproportionate. Since I became a practitioner, I have tried to take fame and interest lightly, and truly be a good person. I told the supervisor, " I am not qualified for the title of outstanding worker. I have been on sick leave for a year and a half. The work unit has paid so much money for my medical expenses. I have already received so much. Please give this opportunity to someone else."