Members of the Swedish Parliament from Five Parties Call for Attention to Human Rights in China
2004-05-29On May the 12th 2004, Swedish MPs from five parties jointly held a seminar in parliament on human rights in China. This seminar aroused great interest from MPs, the media and human rights organisations, as well as the persecuted groups in China. This is the first time that a seminar on Human Rights in China was jointly held by MPs from five parties in Sweden .
A French Senator Writes to the Minister of Internal Affairs to Express his Concern About the Mistreatment of Falun Gong Practitioners by the French Police
2004-05-29"The uniformed police took these people to the Paris fourth police station for an identity and security check when they were about to go into the metro station near the city government square. This lady pointed out that the search was carried out in a very rude manner and that they did not do anything to justify this action. She thinks that they were arrested simply because they were wearing yellow scarves with Falun Gong symbols."
Debate from the Irish Parliament Focuses on the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-05-28"Is the [Prime Minister] aware of the various methods used to persecute the Falun Gong in China: rape, gang rape, throwing stripped female practitioners into male prison cells, using electric batons to shock practitioners' sensitive body parts, imprisonment in water cells where the practitioners are immersed in dirty water with no light, stretching and tying practitioners' limbs to the four corners of a metal bed?"
A Letter from the Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs to a Dafa Practitioner
2004-05-27"The government takes seriously the concern about human rights in China, including those of Falun Dafa members...Through the dialogue, the EU shares with China its experience in the field of human rights protection and promotion, and urges China to improve the human rights situation generally, and more specifically with respect freedoms of expression, religion and belief, which have a particular impact on individual practitioners of Falun Dafa."
Parliamentary Question Regarding Chinese Premier's Visit to Ireland
2004-05-26"The issue of the treatment in China of followers of Falun Dafa has been raised both bilaterally and through the formal framework of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue, which was established in 1996. Through the Dialogue, the EU shares with China its experience in the field of human rights protection and promotion, and urges China to take clear steps to improve the human rights situation generally, and more specifically with respect to the freedoms of expression, religion and belief, which have a particular impact on individual practitioners of Falun Dafa."
Bertie Ahern, the Irish Prime Minister, Tells the Chinese Premier of His Human Rights Concerns
2004-05-25The Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) said that he raised the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the suppression of the Falun Gong spiritual movement during a two-hour meeting with Mr Wen, who is on a two-day state visit to Ireland. "For decades China refused to engage at all with the various human rights bodies," he said. "They have now agreed to do so, which is a considerable achievement and they were responding to a request, not a request that I thought up, but a request that human rights bodies have asked us to do.
Question Tabled in Swedish Parliament about "Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion for Falun Gong Supporters in France"
2004-05-25"The French police arrested about fifty Falun Gong supporters on January 24th-25th, 2004, in Paris. It appears as if the French authorities acted on the demands from communist China (PRC). What steps will the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers take to ensure the freedom of speech, freedom to wear yellow scarves, and freedom to express religious and political opinion publicly even for Falun Gong supporters in France?"
Irish Prime Minister Warns about Human Rights Abuses
2004-05-22According to a European Report (EU/China) on May 15th, Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said on May 12th, after meeting Chinese Premier Wen Jaibao, that he raised the issues of the suppression of the Falun Gong spiritual movement and other human rights violations during a two-hour meeting with Mr. Wen, who was on a two-day state visit to Ireland.
France: MPs Call for a Reasonable Explanation for Recent Incidents
2004-05-02"It looks like as if the reason for those people being arrested is because they were wearing yellow, a colour that is associated with Falun Gong. Many instances of this kind of interrogation were filmed and it is possible that the filming will be shown in China so as to prove the legitimisation of the persecution against this group of people. He wished to know the cause of these incidents and to have a reasonable explanation regarding the qualifications for these measures."
The Former Mayor of Paris and Other French Politicians Express Concern About the Unlawful Harassment of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-28In January of this year, a few people in the French government caved in to pressure and economic temptation from Jiang’s dictatorial regime and decided to exclude Falun Gong, a legally registered group in France that represents the best of Chinese traditional culture, from participating in the Chinese New Year parade on the Champs Elysees. Several Falun Gong practitioners were also illegally stopped, searched and detained by the police in Paris, by order of a few individuals in the French government under pressure from the Jiang regime.
Reply From German MP: "We Will Urge China to Honour Human Rights after the 60th Session of UNHRC Meeting"
2004-04-24A German MP, Mr. Hermann Groehe, who is also the president of the Christian Democratic Party’s branch of the Government’s Human Rights Association, wrote a letter in reply to German Falun Gong practitioners on the 6th of April, stating that he agreed with the EU’s decision of supporting the U.S resolution on condemning China for its human rights performance.
French National Assembly Member Alain Marleix Calls for Investigation into the Paris Incident
2004-04-23From the 24th to the 28th of January, 2004, during the time of the China-France cultural parade and Hu Jintao's visit to France, several Falun Gong practitioners were arbitrarily arrested and mistreated in Paris because of pressure from the Chinese regime. Falun Gong practitioners wrote to National Assembly Members, pointing out the unfair treatment Falun Gong practitioners received in Paris at the end of January.
President of the French Democratic Alliance: "They Should Not Harass Practitioners Like That"
2004-04-22French police, who were unaware of the truth about Falun Gong, arrested practitioners. After the incident, French practitioners let people in French political circles know more about Falun Gong and requested that the responsible persons bear legal responsibilities and apologise. The Falun Gong practitioners’ appeal is receiving more and more attention and support from people.
French MPs Appeal to Investigate the Illegal Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-19After Falun Gong practitioners were detained arbitrarily in Paris due to pressure from the Jiang regime’s lies, they decided to contact all MPs in France to tell them about this incident that violated human rights in France. A lot of members of Parliament were moved when they heard about it and positively expressed their support for us. A member of the Parliament in the 11th section, Mr. Patrick Bloche, is one of them.
Letter of Support From Senator Josef Jarab of the Czech Republic
2004-04-16"I cannot do anything but agree that the treatment meted out to those who belong to Falun Gong, and also to people who are in favour or belong to other persuasions and those with different views, is, from the viewpoint of human rights, unacceptable. That is why I join the voices of those who challenge the representatives of the Peoples Republic of China to re-evaluate their policy toward such groups of citizens and end their persecution."