Letter: ”The Swedish Government can never accept that people are persecuted
2005-08-12The Swedish Government has repeatedly indicated its repudiation of the maltreatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China. It has been done in both direct deliberations with the Chinese government and through calls and addresses in the EU circuit. You can be sure that the Government also will continue to monitor the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China in the future. People who are persecuted because of their faith or political views, is something that the Swedish Government can never accept. We all have the responsibility to dare to stand up in the struggle for freedom of religion and human rights."
Member of Swedish Parliament’s Opening Speech Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition in Gothenburg
2005-07-31"We can all contribute in different ways to show that we do not accept how the Chinese Communist Party attacks and slanders justice, freedom and human rights. We must show our solidarity with the victims of the persecution, and the many people who are denied their fundamental right to voice their opinion. We can do it by writing about it. We can talk about it and we can do it by affirming the positive message of various art forms."
German Foreign Ministry Responds to an Enquiry about Jiang Renzheng
2005-07-10"The Foreign Ministry has pleaded Mr. Jiang Renzheng’s case to the Chinese Government ever since we have learned about his arrest and deportation to a forced labour camp. Mr. Tom Koenigs, the human rights commissioner of the federal government, has specifically mentioned this case during the bilateral German-Chinese human rights talks in Beijing on May 30th 2005."
Sweden: The Voice of Medborgarplatsen in the Capital of Sweden: The CCP is Doomed to Collapse
2005-06-26On June 11th, more than five hundred people, consisting of both Chinese and Caucasians from all over Europe, gathered at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm so as to participate in a large-scale rally support the significant trend of quitting the CCP. Over fifty human right organisations and other non-governmental organisations expressed their support for the activity.
German Foreign Office will Devote Efforts to Release of Jiang Renzheng
2005-06-14Since Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Renzheng was deported from Germany and subsequently sentenced to a forced labour camp in China, the German Falun Dafa Association, along with practitioners in Germany and around the globe, have been calling for the German Government to rescue Jiang Renzheng. Their petitions were echoed by many international organisations including the International Human Rights Organisation, Amnesty International and the United Nations Refugee Council.
President of Swiss Political Party Strongly Appeals to Director of Suzhou Lumu Shoushen Zhan Xi Prison for Release of Falun Gong Practitioner
2005-06-01"It just can’t be true that during our lifetime a person is treated as a criminal and imprisoned for no other reason than practising peacefully at home. One’s religious belief, under the concept of religious freedom, is sacrosanct. Such a system is beyond my comprehension. I therefore appeal to you strongly, Mr. Director, to do all in your power to exert pressure for the immediate release of Ms. Qiu Minghua. We wish to see her living in freedom."
UK Members of Parliament Support Falun Gong Motion
2005-04-24UK Member of Parliament Patsy Calton tabled Early Day Motion (EDM) 389 to support Falun Gong in the UK House of Commons. The tabling of an EDM is a device to draw attention to an issue, and to elicit support for it by inviting other Members of Parliament to add their signatures to the motion. 97 MPs signed this Motion to show their support and it has one of the highest numbers of signatures among the 1012 open Motions. Many MPs also sent letters to Falun Gong practitioners to show their support. They also directly questioned the UK Government for further action.
Sweden: Famous Swedish Diplomat Encourages Practitioners to “Keep Up the Good Work!”
2005-04-17A group of Falun Gong practitioners attended a lecture held by Jan Eliasson in Gothenburg. Jan Eliasson is the former Swedish Ambassador in Washington and later this year he will take over as president of the United Nations General Council. In the past, he worked as a UN Ambassador, as well as a Cabinet Secretary at the Swedish Foreign Ministry.
UK MP Supports the Rescue of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-03-23Mr. Robinson said: “They are put in jail only for their belief, which is harmless to others. It is wrong to persecute them. This is actually not just an issue of Falun Gong practitioner’s rights. It’s about everybody’s rights. Everyone has the right to seek justice and impartiality. From this point on, I’m glad to be taking part in this. I feel that I must do something about this. Today, the signature collecting for this petition is completed. However, we will never stop calling on the public to condemn this brutal persecution.”
The European Union Resolution expressed Extreme Concern about Human Rights Violations in China
2005-03-10The recent European Union resolution expressed that in the 61st UN Human Rights Conference, which is going to be held in Geneva, the EU will express her extreme concern about human rights violations in China. In the resolution, the Chinese Government’s arbitrary arrest and persecution of Tibet, Xinjiang, Falun Gong and people with different political opinions, are being strongly condemned. The resolution urges the Chinese Government to immediately and unconditionally free prisoners of conscience and people who hold different political opinions; to respect human being’s rights of thinking, conscience and religious belief.
UKFGIC: MP helps Falun Gong Practitioners “Rescue our Family members” with London Press Conference and Petitions
2005-03-09John Robinson MP, the Labour representative of Glasgow, Anniesland will be speaking at a press conference at College Green outside the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA at 5pm on Wednesday 9th March 2005. Following the press conference he will be handing in “Rescue our Families” petition forms with signatures totalling about 15,000 to an evening parliamentary session in the House of Commons. John Robinson’s constituent Mrs YuYu Williamson, a Falun Gong practitioner and local Anniesland resident, collected the petition forms from across the UK so that the MP could hand them in to the House of Commons on her behalf.
French Officials Send Messages of Support for a Falun Gong Parade in Paris: "We fully support your actions for freedom."
2005-02-14On the weekend of the 12th and 13th of February, European Falun Gong practitioners held a large-scale parades in Paris. These parades celebrated traditional Chinese culture and Chinese New Year, as well as helping people to learn more about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution that is taking place in China at the moment. Falun Gong practitioners received the following messages of support.
Press Conference Statement of Support from Lord Hylton: "It is a disgrace that in the last five years many Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured"
2005-01-16It is a disgrace that in the last five years many Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured, some dying as a result. I denounce the imprisonment and incarceration in forced labour camps of over 100,000 practitioners. Equally odious is the enforced treatment of others in psychiatric hospitals, so similar to the abuses carried out by the Soviet dictatorship.
Finnish Government Continues to Closely Follow the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2005-01-09"The Finnish Government continues to closely follow the human rights situation in China. In addition to other issues, Falun Gong’s situation is being monitored constantly both in the private relations between Finland and China and with regards to the human rights dialogue between the European Union and China."
UK MP Visits Anti-Torture Exhibition to Show Support for China's Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-12-23After hearing about this event, Patsy Calton MP and her assistant went to the town centre especially to express their support. After making a statement, Ms. Calton signed a petition calling for the Chinese Government to stop persecuting Falun Gong. On December the 14th, she tabled an Early Day Motion in the UK Parliament about the persecution.