French Minister Delegate for Local Freedoms: "Unreasonable Acts Will Not Happen Again"
2004-02-04At 4pm local time in Paris yesterday, Minister Delegate for Local Freedoms Mr. Patrick Devedjian met with French Falun Dafa Association President Mr. Tang Hanlong at the French Ministry of the Interior. Mr. Devedjian expressed that the unreasonable acts conducted by the police against Falun Gong practitioners will not happen again.
Reply from the Chairman of the Swedish Foreign Office: “Your letter provides us with valuable information.”
2003-12-28"For the human rights status in China, we in the Swedish Diplomacy Committee have constantly paid attention to and raised the issue that concerns you. Our international representative has stated our point of view on this. When we meet with Chinese government representatives, we will speak to them about their actions against human rights, among which the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is included."
Scottish MP Calls for an End to the Persecution of Falun Dafa on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-10"I very much share your concern at the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and agree that more action should be taken by the UN and its leading members to highlight this and bring pressure on the Chinese authorities to cease their disgraceful activities."
Letter to a Practitioner from the Chief of the Human Rights Department of the Finnish Foreign Ministry
2003-11-27"The Finnish government has continued to pay close attention to human rights situation in China. Just like I mentioned in the letter sent to you on the 25th of November 2002, Falun Gong issue is being looked at all the time in the relations between China and Finland as well as in the European Union."
Letter from an Irish MP to a Practitioner
2003-11-22"I was glad to hear from you and appreciate your very real and deep concerns about persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. This is a concern which I and the Labour Party as a whole share, and we have raised it on numerous occasions in the Dail. I enclose some Parliamentary Questions which we have put to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on this topic in recent times, along with the Minister’s replies."
UK Member of Parliament Marris Writes to Wen Jiabao Urging Chinese Government to Release Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-11-21"On November 13 2003, UK Member of Parliament Marris wrote to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, urging the Chinese government to release Falun Gong practitioners unconditionally. Marris said in his letter, they are incarcerated solely because of their expression of their peacefully held belief. "I strongly urge the Chinese government to ensure that independent investigation is carried out into the allegations and released them unconditionally if the allegations are upheld."
Italian MPs Write to the President of the European Commission and the Italian Premier, Calling on China to Improve Human Rights
2003-11-07Prior to the Summit meeting between the EU and China, Italian MP Giannu Vernetti and Senator Alessandro Forlani jointly wrote to the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, and to the Italian Premier, Berlusconi, to urge them to put the issue of China’s human rights on top of their agenda during the bilateral dialogue with China.
UK: Scottish MPs Sign a Petition to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice and Rescuing Practitioners Persecuted Friends and Family
2003-11-06One Scottish Member of Parliament wrote, This sort of barbaric practice has to stop, you cannot attack and torture people for exercising their belief in freedom, democracy and justice to speak for those who cannot.
Vice-President of the French Parliament: The Chinese Government Must Change its Attitude towards Falun Gong
2003-10-30Letters were sent from the Vice-President of the French Parliament to the Foreign Minister stating that France must react powerfully to the human rights violations against Falun Gong. The letters also said that the Chinese government must change its attitude towards Falun Gong.
A letter from a French MP to the Foreign Minister, asking how Severe Human Rights Abuses in China can be Stopped
2003-10-29Since 1999, the Chinese government has begun a systematic suppression of Falun Gong believers. Nearly 71 million people are under persecution (subject to arrest, detention, torture, re-education through labour, forced into psychiatric clinics and death). As a consequence of this, Eric Dlard demands to know from the Minister, what diplomatic policy our government will adopt to end this severe human rights abuse.
A Letter from the Vice-President of the French National Assembly to the Foreign Minister: The French Government must Respond Strongly
2003-10-28Facing this regrettable situation, we, in France, need to act vigorously to urge the Chinese government to change its attitude toward Falun Gong practitioners. I demand the Minister to inform the Chinese government of our position on this matter.
Letter from a French MP to a Practitioner expresses Concern over the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-10-27"Since 1999, the Chinese government has started a systematic persecution of the (Falun Gong) followers...Therefore, I thought it was necessary to write a written question to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs so as to understand how we can change Chinese leaders attitude. I will definitely immediately forward the reply from Mr. Dominique de Villepin (French Foreign Minister) to you."
A letter from a French MP to a Dafa practitioner concerning Human Rights Violations in China
2003-10-25 -
Practitioner Mr. Hua Haiyu Tortured in Daqing City Detention Centre Then Thrown Out to Die
2003-10-23After Hua Haiyu's death, some officials from the Materials and Equipment Company coerced his wife Piao Yufan to write a "guarantee statement"* to give up Dafa practice. Piao Yufan refused, so her work unit didn't allow her son and daughter-in-law to work. Piao Yufan was forced to leave home. As the result of the persecution, her son and daughter-in-law divorced. They had been caretakers for their grandmother, Piao Yufan's mother, who is in her 80's. She is now left uncared for. A family is now broken and destitute.
Speech by a Bulgarian MP: "“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”...will remain in our hearts."
2003-10-16"Tolerance, understanding, responsibility and respect for human rights, respect for freedoms of belief, expression, and choice; these are part of the objective of the Alliance for Women’s Freedom. The Alliance for Women’s Freedom is truly honoured to invite everyone to attend this art exhibition. Mrs. Zhang once said, “Chinese painting is like light music and enables people to experience vigour and vitality.”"