
  • Urgent Call to Rescue Mr. Wang Zhankun in Inner Mongolia

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Zhankun was arrested around October 9th, 2006, while speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa and exposing the persecution. Mr. Wang Zhankun went on a 16-day hunger strike to protest. He was force-fed multiple times. Finally, he could not walk or take care of himself due to the torture, and he was admitted to the Police Hospital when he was dying. Police notified his family on October 28th, 2006. When Mr. Wang's wife rushed to the hospital, she saw that he was as thin as a skeleton, passed out, and was vomiting bloody stuff. He could not talk, but he was still handcuffed, and his ankles were shackled. Both of his feet were swollen, and it seemed like he was about to die any second.
  • Dafa Practitioners Persecuted at the Brainwashing Centre in the Dalian Huanbao Guest House of Liaoning Province

    The brainwashing centre forces practitioners to watch videos and recordings slandering Dafa, and uses former practitioners that have turned against Dafa. One such former practitioner is Miao Chunyan, who has come up with all kinds of phony theories to try to confuse and drag down true practitioners. Every morning, two of the people from each room report their progress to the leaders. As long as practitioners do not write the "four statements", they are not released. If over time the practitioners still do not give in, they are physically abused, sent to prison, or sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Sometimes the practitioners are sent back to the brainwashing centre to be further tortured.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xu Suyun from Hebei Province Arrested and Imprisoned in a Labour Camp

    On June 8th, 2006, Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Suyun went to the Fengdao Police Station to ask for the release of another practitioner unjustly imprisoned there. For this she was detained for 15 days. After she was released on the afternoon of June 22nd, she was arrested again only one hour after she arrived home. She was then sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and was taken to the Kaiping Women's Forced Labour Camp. Her family members were cruelly beaten by the police for seeking her release.
  • How Practitioners Are Tortured in the Nanhu Forced Labour Camp in Anhui Province

    The Nanhu Forced Labour Camp is one of the primary places in Anhui province where Falun Dafa practitioners are persecuted. Many Falun Gong practitioners from Anhui province were sent to this camp for illegal forced labour. Some practitioners lost their lives here due to torture and forced labour. Mr. Yang Haisheng was sent to the "adjusting" team in 2004. Because he practised the Falun Dafa exercises at night, he was confined and inhumanly tortured.
  • The Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yuan Ling from Jiangsu Province at the Hands of the Local Authorities

    Dafa practitioners incarcerated in the psychiatric hospital were forcibly given harmful drugs affecting the central nervous system on a long-term basis. Their legs were shaky, their arms were weak, and their eyes looked forward but couldn't focus on anything. Their necks and tongues were stiff, and they drooled and needed support even to use the toilet. The authorities took away family visiting rights, and the practitioners were completely isolated.
  • Exposing the Slave Labour of Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong Province's 1st Forced Labour Camp

    Practitioners in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions of the labour camp must stick the "Shuanghe" label on the packages of "Beijing's Pressure Lowering No. 0." The big box contains 2,000 medicine boxes, which are placed in two layers. Everyone has to put labels on 6,000-8,000 medicine boxes; sometimes, even over 20,000 boxes. Approximate working hours are 7:30 to 11:30 a.m., 12 to 6 p.m., and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and even 9 or 10 p.m. Practitioners have to do 12 to13 hours of high-intensity labour everyday. Long hours of labour causes extreme pain in the back, shoulders, and hands, and particularly in the neck area. The neck becomes so numb it cannot move.
  • Persecution Perpetrated by Police in Chaoyang District, Beijing

    Police broke into Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Shuying's home and arrested her. Chen, who is over 60 years old, was once sent to prison in 2004. Throughout that period of time in the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, she continually told people, who had been misled by the government propaganda, the facts about Falun Dafa, exposed the persecution and refused to succumb to pressure to renounce Falun Dafa. She was freed in July 2006. Before her health recovered, the police came again. The policemen harassed her several times at her home before they finally took her away again the fourth time.
  • Ms. Wang Bo - On Hunger Strike for Two Weeks - Now Facing Intensified Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Bo and her family had to leave their home to avoid being arrested because they exposed the facts of the persecution. On the evening of July 27th, 2006, Ms. Wang Bo and her parents were secretly arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Hebei Province 610 Office conducted brainwashing on them but they failed, and Wang's family has been detained to this day. Ms. Wang Bo started a hunger strike on October 19th, 2006, in the Shijiazhuang City Second Detention Centre, and she requested to be released unconditionally. Under strong condemnation from international society, the Hebei Province 610 Office was ordered to secretly sentence Ms. Wang Bo without an open trial.
  • Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners by CCP Officials of Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

    Six practitioners were detained for 30 days and forced to do slave labour. They each had to peel approximately 5 kilogrammes of very thin copper wires. They were given rice mixed with rat droppings and vegetables tainted with human waste. The officers also forced the practitioners to recite the prison regulations. The practitioners refused to cooperate. An official from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Organization Department of the township attempted to force her to give up cultivation. After 30 days of detainment, Ms. Yang was forced to stand in the courtyard for several hours under the hot sun before being released.
  • Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhao Xifa is in Critical Condition Due to Persecution in Jinan Prison

    Falun Dafa practitioner Zhao Xifa is in critical condition due to persecution at Jinan Prison. Around October 1st, 2006, officers from the Wubei Town Police Station called a village official and asked him to inform Zhao Xifa's family that Mr. Zhao was critically ill and they could take him home a couple of days later. When the October 1st long weekend had passed, Mr. Zhao's family members went to the Wubei Town Police Station and asked to take him home. However, the officers denied that they had made that call. When Mr. Zhao's family questioned the official, he said that he did not know who made that call and the phone number had been deleted.
  • Shandong Province Authorities Arrest a Woman and Torture Her to Obtain Information about a Falun Gong Practitioner

    A Falun Dafa practitioner is a frequent customer of a beauty shop in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. Not long ago, this practitioner, who had taken leaflets exposing the persecution to the beauty shop, left the bag of the leaflets at the shop. Because the practitioner was out of town for a few days, an employee, Ms. Wang took the bag home. When the practitioner came back to the beauty shop to get the bag, she found out that Ms. Wang had been arrested. Police tried to get information from Ms. Wang by torturing her, and they asked her if she practises Falun Gong. Currently, Ms. Wang has been detained for many days.
  • Ms. Liu Yumei of Liaoning Province Suffers Inhuman Persecution for Several Years

    From July 20th, 1999, when the persecution began, Ms. Liu Yumei continuously spoke of the benefits she derived from practising Falun Dafa to staff in governmental offices. Instead of listening to her she has been arrested seven times, detained in detention centres five times and taken to Fushun Forced Labour Camp twice. Police officers and three criminal prisoners pushed her down, held her head, stepped on her four limbs, sat on her body, pried her teeth open with a toothbrush, poured salt water from plastic bottles into her mouth, pinched her nose and almost suffocated her. In February 2002, she became disabled from the persecution. She could no longer take care of herself.
  • Five Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners from Liaoning and Shandong Provinces Persecuted to Death

    69-year-old Mr. Yu Guoju went to Beijing, was arrested and taken to the Jinzhou First Detention Centre where he was cruelly persecuted. In the cold of winter they forced him to sit in the urinal pit where they poured cold water over him. Later he was taken to a labour camp, which refused to take him because of his deteriorating health condition. Mr. Yu did not recover, suffered oedema and could hardly walk. The local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) staff continued harassing and monitoring him. Due to such pressure, his health and mental condition worsened. Mr. Yu died on September 24th, 2006.
  • Four Dafa Practitioners from Henan, Heilongjiang, and Hubei Provinces Pass Away Due to Persecution

    In March 2003 Ou Xueyuan was sentenced to three years in prison for appealing against the persecution. During the four years of detention at the notorious Changlinzi Labour Camp in Harbin City, he held firm to his belief in Dafa and never yielded to pressure to renounce Falun Dafa. He suffered various tortures at the hands of Zhao Shuang including electric shock, beatings, and being forced to sit on an iron chair in a fixed position. He was forced to do intense labour overtime, which devastated him both mentally and physically. Due to the torture, his inner organs were severely injured. He passed away on October 17th, 2006.
  • Older Practitioner Ms. Lai Xiuyun from Sichuan Province Dies from the Persecution

    58-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Lai Xiuyun was forced to leave home when some people attempted to kidnap her in compliance with the persecution against Falun Gong on April 24th, 2006. She was later forced to return home due to the frequent threats to her family members posed by the police. She was severely persecuted mentally and physically, and died on August 30th, 2006.