
  • Ms. Zhang Xiaoli Is Mentally Disordered As a Result of Torture at Baoding Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province

    Ms. Zhang Xiaoli is a practitioner who is now mentally disordered due to torture during her detention in Baoding Forced Labour Camp. On June 14th, a guard handcuffed Ms. Zhang Xiaoli to a bed frame and shocked her with electric batons. Her screams woke people both upstairs and downstairs. As of today, there are several practitioners who have been tortured to the point of mental collapse at Baoding Labour Camp. Ms. Zhang is only one of them.
  • Barbaric Methods Used to Force Practitioners to Renounce Falun Gong at Beijing Women's Prison (Drawings)

    The third section of the prison is for the detention of violent criminals who are serving long prison sentences. The criminals consider earning "merit points" and reducing their punishment as their main purpose in life. If they help in "transforming" Falun Gong practitioners, they can earn four points each day, and they can enjoy some special treatment such as having a longer time to wash their faces and brush their teeth, freedom to move around and extra food. If a prison guard "transforms" a Falun Gong practitioner, he will receive a large bonus and buy some food for the prisoners that helped him to "transform" the practitioner.
  • 67-Year-Old Dafa Practitioner Mr. Qin Wenbin from Jiangsu Province Dies from Persecution

    In July 20th, 1999, the former Chinese Communist Party leader, Jiang Zemin, started to publicly persecute Dafa. Mr. Qin Wenbin was monitored, his home was unlawfully searched and he was otherwise harassed. In early March 2001, police officers arrested him because he was allegedly involved in printing materials that explained the truth about Falun Dafa. He was later brutally persecuted by police officers who did not allow Qin to sleep or drink for 19 days. In December 2001, Qin Wenbin was sentenced to nine years in prison and released on medical parole. On July 17, 2006, he passed away tragically.
  • Practitioner Living in Sweden: The Persecution Separated Our Family

    Since July 20th, 1999, Falun Gong practitioners, including my mother Li Hua and my step-father Huang Shengjie, have been subject to various forms of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In February 2006, the police took my mother and my step-father away from their home. The police charged my mother in court and requested a two and a half year prison sentence. But the court didn't accept the case, as my mum's conduct was not serious enough to receive a sentence. Nonetheless my mum is still incarcerated at the Qinghe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing. At the same time, my step-father is also unlawfully detained at an unknown place.
  • Ten Types of Torture I Experienced During Imprisonment at Masanjia Labour Camp

    In 28 months, the perpetrators used over ten different methods to torture me including "Back lock" where one arm crosses the front of the body, while the other crosses behind the back, and the hands are locked together behind the back. The neck is tied to the feet with rope, making it impossible to raise the head. One's body cannot sustain such a position, and after over forty minutes, I was sweating all over, and my heart could not bear it any longer. I was only unlocked after they realised that I would die if the torture continued.
  • Ms. Dai Ying, Living in Europe, Recounts the Cruel Torture She Suffered in China

    On March 5th, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution. Police detained me in Futian District Detention Centre. In order to resist and protest the persecution, I went on a hunger strike and the police force-fed me. They put a very rigid tube into my nose until I bled. When the tube did not reach my stomach, they forced my teeth open with a screwdriver. Then they put a bamboo barrel with a very sharp end into my mouth with a lot of force. My mouth hurt immediately. After that, they force-fed me with food or condensed salt water. I felt like choking. After they finished the forced-feeding, I felt as if I had died.
  • A Letter Written by Mr. Wang Gang, Crippled from Torture, from Baoding Prison, Hebei Province

    During my ten days of solitary confinement, the people who watched me were not allowed to speak to me. They only gave me a little water. Sometimes they would not even allow the people who were watching me to speak or give me water. During this period, the prison director Gao Ying was personally responsible for torturing me. When the captain of my brigade wanted to visit me, he had to get permission from Gao Ying. They wanted to "transform" me using this method, or they would tie me to the bed for 15 to 30 days. That bed had metal corners, three iron bars on the wooden board, two foot shackles, and a very wide waist belt. Both of my hands were cuffed to the bed.
  • Who Is Responsible for Ms. Liu Kun’s Death?

    Ms. Liu has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party's various operational departments, the neighbourhood administrative office, and the residential commission. From 2000 to 2002, she was detained in the Longshan Forced Labour Camp and the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. She was brutally tortured for a long time. Her face and entire body swelled up after being forced to sleep on the cement floor for a long time. She couldn’t open her eyes or mouth. Ms. Liu endured physical, mental and financial persecution for an extensive period of time, and her health deteriorated and so Ms. Liu Kun passed away.
  • Mr. Zhang Guodong Detained and on a Hunger Strike in Heilongjiang Province

    Mr. Zhang Guodong was arrested several times by police and only released after paying large fines. In May 2002, he was taken away again from work by police and his home was searched. He was not released until he had paid a 2,000-yuan (approximately 135 pounds) fine. Now Mr. Zhang has been arrested and detained again on unwarranted charges. His supervisors and family have demanded his release, but the Public Security Bureau are refusing, saying that it was the provincial authorities that had ordered the arrest. Mr. Zhang is protesting the persecution with a hunger strike, which is now in its fifth day. He is very weak.
  • The Persecution of Ms. Yu Xiulan in the Harbin City Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province

    On December 1st, 2003, wardens dragged 25 practitioners who were firm in their belief in Dafa to the courtyard and let them stay in the cold. The Prison Director forced the practitioners to run. They beat the practitioners if they stopped running. They also cut the practitioners' hair short and rolled up their sleeves to expose their ears and arms to the cold air. Some inmates forced practitioners to lay on the snow. They took off the practitioners' winter coats and left them only in their undershirts and underpants. The weather was 10 below zero Fahrenheit. Just imagine the pain that the practitioners experienced out in the snow in their undershirts for eight or nine hours.
  • My 80-year-old Mother Died of Grief after the Police Lied to Her and Refused to Let Her See Me in Detention Three Times

    On February 4th, 2003, police burst into my home, raided it and sent me to a detention centre. I was imprisoned in this hell on earth for about half a year. During this period, my 80-year-old mother was left alone by herself without anyone to take care of her. My mother visited the police station to ask for my release. Police shouted insults at her and said "You have no hope of seeing your daughter, so there is no need for you to come back." On another occasion they said to her, ""Since your daughter practises Falun Gong, she refuses to acknowledge her family. She does not want you as her mother." After my mother returned home, she was so upset that she cried every day and became critically ill. She died soon after.
  • Mr. Zhao Jucai, Disabled from Persecution, Sentenced to Seven Years of Imprisonment

    Zhao Jucai was arrested in March 2006 at his home and was detained in Yidu City's No. 1 Detention Centre. In the beginning of July 2006, Zhao Jucai was sentenced to a five years of imprisonment. However, another court trial was held on August 31st, 2006, in which his term was extended for another two years. Before the second trial, Zhao Jucai was almost disabled. He had trouble walking because he was so weak as a result of severe persecution.
  • Guizhou Province Women's Forced Labour Camp Refuses to Let Guards Go Home in Order to Cover Up News of Atrocities

    Practitioners were frequently taken to isolated places, where selected individuals took turns driving them into the wall or iron beds by pulling their hands and deliberately tripping them. The perpetrators repeated this again and again for pleasure, while saying that they were 'giving lectures.' The practitioners were forced to stay longer if they did not cooperate. The brutal persecution of these female practitioners is constantly changing and it seems there is no end to the cruelty. Even a glance between practitioners incurs a beating. They also commonly rub an unknown drug on the practitioners at random.
  • Persecution Evidence from Falun Dafa Practitioners Detained at Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp

    In August 2001, guard Liu Hong brutally tortured practitioners Wang Jie and Li Cuifang. They were compelled to submit to the "forced backbend" position. [Note: This is a very painful form of torture in which one arm is reaching down the back behind the head and the other hand meets it from the lower back. The hands are handcuffed together to cause unbearable pain] They were handcuffed with their hands up, in front of their chests, for a month. Sleep was forbidden. The handcuffs remained, even when they were eating or using the toilet.
  • The Bitter Experiences of Two Falun Dafa Practitioner Police Officers in Huanan County, Heilongjiang Province (Photos)

    There are two police officers in my hometown, the chief and the deputy chief of the local police station, Officer Sun Jihong and Officer Shang Xiping. After they began practising Falun Gong, they got rid of much bad behaviour typically seen in today's police force in Mainland China and became honest and kind. Since the onset of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, both of them suffered severe persecution. Beijing police officers beat Sun Jihong to death. His wife, Yuan Hezhen, was tortured to death. It was recently learned that Shang Xiping has been sentenced to ten years in prison.