Three Dafa Practitioners from Hebei Province Sentenced to Forced Labour
2006-09-22While distributing leaflets exposing the persecution on the night of July 20th, 2006, Dafa practitioners Yarn Mao and Cheng Ming were arrested and taken to the Kongjiazhuang Police Station by local patrol officers. Dafa practitioner Zheng Guiqin, along with her son, were followed and arrested by undercover officers from the local police station while they were putting up signs to expose the persecution. They were sentenced to forced labour.
Mr. Dai Xianming from Hubei Province Died due to Persecution
2006-09-2262-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Dai Xianming started practising Falun Dafa in 1996 and all of his illnesses disappeared. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal and was brutally beaten by police. In March 2002, he was arrested and cruelly tortured. He was near-death when his family bailed him out. In the ensuing years, Mr. Dai Xianming was arrested four times and forced to leave home once to avoid being arrested. Due to this long term harassment by the police he died on June 16th, 2006.
The Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiangsu Province
2006-09-2171-year-old Mr. Zhang Wannian went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in February 2000. He was arrested. The police forced him to stand up and "reform," after which they savagely tortured him for 13 days. The police saw that he would not give up his belief, so they extorted 7,500 yuan from him, then sent him to a detention centre and tortured him there for one month and then sent him to the mental hospital, where they abused him for 45 days. Mr. Zhang Wannian was sentenced to one year of forced labour. He went on a hunger strike in mid September 2000 to protest the persecution and was extremely weak after seven days. The police feared taking responsibility should he pass away in their custody, so they hastily carried him home. Mr. Zhang Wannian died one day later.
Practitioner from Shandong Province in Critical Condition - His Family Members Harassed
2006-09-21The 610 Office arrested Wang Shoushan and attempted to brainwash him, which caused Wang serious harm. He can no longer take care of himself. He was staying in a hospital where his son and daughter-in-law work. When the 610 Office learned of this, they went to the hospital to coerce the head of the hospital to threaten his family.
Older Practitioner, Ms Zhou Liru From Inner Mongolia, Suffered Atrocious Persecution Before Her Death
2006-09-21Ms. Zhou Liru, 50, went to Beijing to appeal. The police detained her in Zhalandun Nantou Prison. A prison guard beat Ms. Zhou with the "longest death stick" because she refused to wear a prison uniform. He handcuffed Zhou Liru and Wang Chunyan together for fifteen days. One of Wang Chunyan's arms was tied to the death stick, which was tied to Zhou Liru's feet. This caused severe pain in Ms. Zhou Liru's back, hips, legs and breasts. Later, Zhou Liru was sent to Tumuji Forced Labour Camp for two years of forced labour. The camp released her early due to her deteriorating health condition. Zhou Liru died in March 2005.
More Details on the Persecution Death of Mr. Liu Shuchun at Lechang Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province
2006-09-21Practitioner Mr. Liu Shuchun was very weak when he was sent to the Lechang Labour Education Centre. During his incarceration Mr. Liu refused to be "transformed," so the guards stripped him of his clothes and drenched him with cold water. Mr. Liu felt like he was being stabbed with thousands of knives. After an hour of this torture he was shivering violently and unable to speak. He felt as if his internal organs were under pressure and he could hardly stand the pain. Guards punched and kicked him, yelling, "Tell us, do you want to practise or not?" Mr. Liu Shuchun stopped breathing, but the punching and kicking continued. In less than six hours inmates had beaten Mr. Liu Shuchun to death.
Practitioner and Her Son Handcuffed and Taken Away from Their Shop - Mother Unjustly Detained
2006-09-21Practitioner Ms. Yang Zehui owns a small food shop and treats every customer according to the standards of "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance." She posted the three words at the front of the store on opening day, September 1st, 2006. Local police officers demanded that Ms. Yang remove the three words, which express the essential principles of the practice of Falun Dafa. Ms. Yang Zehui and her family said, "What’s wrong with these three words? We believe in it." Police tore down the three words. Ms. Yang's son tried to reason with them. They pinned her and her son down, handcuffed them, and took them away. The police then detained Ms. Yang.
"The Full Moon is No More"
2006-09-20It was recently heard from the Beijing Women’s Forced Labour Camp that Ms. Yang Xiaojing has finally been released. Ms. Yang is the wife of Mr. Cao Dong, who met with European Union Vice President The Honourable Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott. After two-and-a-half years of incarceration, Ms. Yang was to be reunited with her husband. Unfortunately, however, Beijing National Security Bureau agents secretly and unconstitutionally arrested Mr. Cao Dong after he met with Mr. McMillan-Scott.
Older Practitioner Ms. Yang Youyun from Hunan Province Missing for Three Years after Being Forced to Leave Home
2006-09-2060-year-old Mrs. Yang Youyun was arrested, brutally tortured. and detained numerous times for practising Falun Dafa, appealing for justice. From June 2000 to June 2002, Mrs. Yang was held in a forced labour camp. Her term was extended by one additional year by the authorities. She was held in Baimalong Women's Labour Camp, suffered inhumane persecution, and was once given poisonous injections. From May to July 2003, she was detained four times and was brutally tortured. In July 2003, she was forced to leave home and has been missing ever since.
Five Dafa Practitioners Imprisoned in the Pingquan Detention Centre in Hebei Province
2006-09-20Five Dafa practitioners are currently imprisoned in the Pingquan Detention Centre in Hebei Province: Ms. Han Shuzhen from Taitoushan, Ms. Tao Suqin (60 years old), Mr. Yu Hanying (67 years old), Yu's daughter Ms. Yan Shumei, as well as one other anonymous Dafa practitioner who had travelled to Yu Hanying's home and was also arrested. This anonymous practitioner has already held a hunger strike for more than twenty days at the detention centre, become severely ill, and is on the brink of death. Yet the detention centre refuses to release this practitioner and is instead covering up any information about the practitioner.
Two Practitioners from Hebei and Heilongjiang Provinces Died as a Result of the Persecution
2006-09-20Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Hongyan, 56, went to Beijing to appeal at the end of November 2001. She was sent to Wanjia Labour Camp for two years. Because she refused to give up her faith, she had to endure all sorts of cruel tortures, such as the "big hang up", electric baton shocks, being locked in a small cell. These tortures caused severe damage to her mental and physical health. After she was released, she was constantly harassed and threatened by local 610 Office agents. She was not allowed to practise and lived in fear. She died on August 14th or 15th, 2006, at home.
Persecution Against Ms. Zhang Xiaoli and Her Family in Hebei Province
2006-09-20Ms. Zhang Xiaoli was arrested by Fan Wenzhi, the Chairman of the People's Congress Representative in Donglu Township. In the brainwashing centre, Ms. Zhang refused to be brainwashed and started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. On the third day, Fan Wenzhi sent some people to force-feed her. She was berated and beaten when she refused to cooperate with them during the force-feeding. A month later, when she was in a coma and her life was in danger, Fan Wenzhi still managed to send Ms. Zhang Xiaoli to Bailizhuang Forced Labour Camp in Baoding City and had her sentenced to three years of forced labour.
Lawless Officials Hide Gao Rongrong's Body; Her Parents Cannot Commemorate their Daughter at First Anniversary of Her Murder (Photos)
2006-09-19Following the murder of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong from Shenyang City, her family appealed to various government agencies. Her murderers have not yet been brought to justice. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials hid Gao Rongrong's body and said that officials from the Shenyang City Judicial Bureau must be present when her parents view the body. In the end, her elderly parents did not get to see the body and could not commemorate their beloved daughter on the one-year anniversary of her death.
The Miserable Experience of Three-Year-Old Tianxing (Photos)
2006-09-19My name is Tianxing Wang. I'm three years old. It's been a long time since I last saw mummy. They told me that my mummy left on "June 1st, Children's Day" and went to "a place which is far far away." I miss her very much. My daddy hasn't come to see me for a very long time either. When can they come to see me and play with me again? On June 1st, 2004, Tianxing's mother, Xiaomin Feng died as a result of brutal persecution, at the age of 34.
Three Wicked Officials Employed at the Women's Prison of Hunan Province
2006-09-19Zhao Lan, former deputy director of the Women's Prison of Hunan Province, has eagerly imposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) genocidal policy from the inception of her employment in that capacity in 2001. She has actively persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, arrested them, and detained them in prison. Zhao Lan's chief responsibility as deputy director was brainwashing.