
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Lijuan from Jilin City Suffers Mental Breakdown from Torture

    In August Ms. Yang Lijuan's home was ransacked and she was arrested and taken to the nearby Guoyao Police Vice Squad for interrogation and torture lasting more than 30 hours. At a later date the police sent her to the Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp, where she was sentenced to one year and six months in a forced labour camp. Yang Lijuan was overwhelmed by torture she was subjected and suffered a mental breakdown.
  • Four Dafa Practitioners in Sichuan Province and Chongqing City Passed Away Due to Persecution

    In December 1999, the police searched 59-year-old Mr. Tang Xiangshui's body, roughly handcuffed him, detained him, and cruelly persecuted him. Later, they notified the Public Security Department at his workplace to take him back and continue to persecute him. The Public Security Department extorted five hundred yuan from him, threatened him, forced him to write a guarantee statement to give up practising Falun Dafa and searched his home. The Public Security Department at his workplace came to his house and fiercely pounded on the door. They harassed him for an extended period and monitored his phone conversations. Tang's body and mind were severely harmed and his illnesses recurred. Tang Xiangshui passed away on the morning of July 6th, 2004.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms Zhang Peiyun Suffers Brutal Torture in Panzhihua City

    On July 11th, 2005, several police officers from the Security Branch of the Panzhihua City Police Department arrested practitioner Ms. Zhang Peiyun. Ms. Zhang Peiyun had left home and gone from place to place for almost four years in order to avoid persecution. One of the officers said to her, "See how we will deal with you. Just await your death." Zhang Peiyun was sent to Yanbian Detention Centre. One policewoman stomped on Zhang's stomach to abuse her. Zhang was deprived of sleep for several days and nights. They poured cold water on her if she closed her eyes, and her body was often soaked.
  • Torture in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Causes Ms. Lin Li'na to Become Mentally Unstable

    "I got acquainted with a fellow practitioner. Her name was Ms. Lin Li'na and she was about 35 years old. The guards there initially showered her with false compassion and later tortured her by forcing her legs into a crossed position and tying up her hands and legs with rope. She could not withstand the brutality of their torture for very long and was "transformed" against her will. She experienced feelings of guilt inside in addition to the physical and mental torture from outside. The sudden collapse of her mental state made her unstable, resulting in her release from the camp. Thereafter, her husband divorced her and he secured custody of their children."
  • Severe Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the No. 2 Women's Prison, Yunnan Province

    When the police and criminals tried to tie her up and force-feed her, she tried to get away by jumping down from a high building in order to resist the force-feeding. As a result, she injured her back and broke one of her legs. Yet, the prison did not give her any medical treatment at all at this time, but she recovered her health. Ever since her imprisonment, her status has been unknown.
  • Ms. Cao Yue Dies After Being Tortured in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Cao Yue, a practitioner was arrested twice. Because she refused to be "transformed," to write a guarantee statement, and to recite the prison regulations, the prison guards hung Ms. Cao and other practitioners in a "small cell" and shocked them with electric batons. After she was released in 2002, she was very weak and often had severe stomachaches. She passed away in September 2005.
  • Persecution Endured by Dafa Practitioner Ms Wang Yuhua of Beijing

    Ms. Wang Yuhua was arrested and imprisoned in the Beijing Women's Labour Camp in 2002. The police tried to coerce Wang Yuhua into renouncing Dafa, but were met with strong resistance from her. She was made to stand upright without rest for ten days and nine nights, until she fell onto the floor from the torture on the tenth day. Her hipbone was dislocated and she was unable to move. Externally, the labour camp announced that Wang Yuhua suffered the injury from a fall while she was bathing, and the Beijing Television Station recorded Wang Yuhua in the hospital before using it as propaganda to tell its viewers how the labour camp cares for Falun Gong practitioners.
  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Tianjin

    40-year-old Mr. Huang Qiaoli was arrested for the second time by police officers of Tianjin City on March 20th, 2003. During his imprisonment in a detention centre, the director beat him many times. In the Banqiao Forced Labour Camp, the disciplinary unit tortured him using a technique termed "one step to heaven," wherein a practitioner's head is covered with a plastic bag after his or her mouth is stuffed with dirty socks. As a result of torture, Mr. Huang's left leg was numb for three months. When he was finally released his former workplace fired him because he still practised Falun Dafa.
  • Perpetrators Offer 10,000 Yuan for Falun Dafa Practitioner's Ms Gong Yuxiu's Arrest

    Ms. Gong Yuxiu was persecuted to the brink of death when she was sent to the hospital. She managed to escape, but now she has to go from place to place, unable to return home because of the persecution. The police posted "wanted" notices everywhere and the local TV station broadcast the notice on prime time, offering 10,000 yuan to anyone who would provide information leading to the arrest of their so-called "escaped prisoner." Just from this TV notice, it's obvious that what they did was illegal and dishonest. They did not even dare to mention Falun Gong in the notice.
  • After Mother Dies and Father Forced to Leave Home, Fourteen-Year-Old Sun Feng Passes Away

    Sun Feng was the second son of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Xiuxia, who was tortured to death in 2003. After suffering the hardship of losing his mother at the age of twelve, he was also worried about the safety of his father, as his father was forced to leave home to avoid being arrested. He was living in terror, which severely damaged his mental state and his body. He became very quiet and withdrawn ever since then. At the end of December 2004, he became very weak and was diagnosed with leukemia. He passed out many times and was sent to the hospital for emergency rescue. Sun Feng died in August 25th, 2005.
  • Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Weiyun Died as a Result of Persecution

    62-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Weiyun from Henan Province died on October 26th, 2005 as a result of abuse by police officers from the State Security Division of the Zhengzhou City Railroad Police Department. Mr. Zhang's son once warned the police, "My father was already tortured during detention, and cannot be frightened any more. Stop harassing us from now on!" Wang Zhaoli and the other officers never paid attention to his warning. Mr. Zhang's condition worsened and rescue effort failed.
  • The Cruel Nature of the Chinese Communist Party in Dealing with Falun Gong Practitioners

    In October 1999, Ms. Sun, 21, went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. She wanted to explain how she benefited from the practice. When Ms. Sun arrived in Beijing, the police officers arrested her. After learning of her intention, they insulted and brutally beat her. Then several police officers ripped off Ms. Sun's top and said, "We will report your opinion to the higher authorities, but you must tell us you name and address." At the same time, they started taking off her trousers. They slapped Mr. Sun's face so hard that it became swollen.
  • Five Female Dafa Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution

    Mrs. Zhou Yafan, 45, lived in Jilin Province. She worked as a kindergarten assistant. She began practising Falun Gong in 1996. On August 25th, 1999, police broke into her home and confiscated her Dafa materials. Mrs. Zhou was sent to a brainwashing session in September. Later that month, she went to appeal in Beijing and was sentenced to one year of forced labour. When she was released a year later, police kept her under constant surveillance. Police would question her whenever she left home. Unable to bear any longer such long-term mental pressure, Mrs. Zhou died of a heart attack on May 24th, 2005.
  • Ms. Jia Guilan Dies of Grief Because Her Daughter and Son-in-Law Were Persecuted to Death

    Mr. Sun Jihong was the former chief of the local police station of the Huanan Forestry Bureau Public Security. Because he persisted in his belief of "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance," he was abducted and detained many times. On September 25th, 2002, Mr. Sun was kidnapped once again and imprisoned in the Yuquanying Crossing-Bridge Place in the Fengtai District of Beijing. On September 29th, 2002, after four days, he was tortured to death by police. His body was gruesome. There was a hole between his eyebrows and two holes in his cheeks. His whole body was covered with cuts and bruises.
  • Couple from Hebei Province Are Sill Being Persecuted

    In November 2004, a Dafa practitioner couple, Ren Haiquan and Zhang Jinying, was arrested from home without cause, and detained. They were sent to a brainwashing centre and have not been released as of today. The Village Party Secretary asked his two relatives to go and monitor them, and paid them 20 Yuan per person per day. This expense was shouldered by the village residents. Because of the extended period of time and the large sums of money involved, it resulted in a sizable burden for the local residents. In this way, hatred was stirred up among local residents towards Dafa and Dafa practitioners.