
  • Weifang Police Use Threats and Violence to Try to Force Practitioner to Give Up His Beliefs

    Sixty-year-old Li Xiujiang, is a resident of Weifang City, Shandong Province. One day in May 2000, a group of local police, led by their supervisor, broke into Li Xiujiang's house and arrested him. They took him to the police station and hung him from a basketball backboard. After Mr. Li was tortured for the entire night by this group of vicious policemen, he was handcuffed and hung from a metal bed. Later the whole family were arrested and had to pay 400 Yuan each as a bail, so as to be released.
  • Liaoning Province High School Student Expelled for Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong

    On February 18, 2004, Shan Wu, director of the political and education department, used lies to slander Falun Dafa practitioners in his speech at a school-wide safety conference at the No.1 Senior High School in Changtu county, Liaoning province. Wang Zhe, a junior in the school, went to the supervisor's office to clarify the truth of Falun Gong that evening. The next day, Wang Zhe's father was asked to come to the school. The school authorities told him that Wang Zhe promoted Falun Gong to the teachers, so the school decided to expel him. Soon after he was arrested and sent to a detention centre.
  • Sudden and Mysterious Death in Detention of Shaanxi Province Practitioner Mr. Li Qinzhou

    Mr. Li Qinzhou and his wife Zhang Chunmei were both retired workers from Hua County Steel Company of Shaanxi Province. The couple started to practise Falun Gong in 1997 and benefitted tremendously. On June 19, 2002, a group of policemen suddenly broke into the home of the elderly couple's daughter's, ransacked the home and took away the couple. Mr. Li was sentenced to 2 years of forced labour. His wife spent one month in a detention centre. On November 25, 2002, Zhang Chunmei and her son went to visit Li Qinzhou and found he was in a good state. However, 4 days later news came that he had died. Zhang Bingyan, director of the prison, said Li died of a heart attack. At present Li Qinzhou's death still remains a mystery.
  • Healthy Woman in Her 30's Tortured to Dementia With Psychotic Drugs -- Dies Shortly After Release

    Ms. Wang Dongmei, in her 30's, was a schoolteacher in a town in Hebei Province. After a period in a labour camp, the police transferred her to a mental hospital to attempt to break her will and torture her with improperly administered psychotic drugs. When she returned home people immediately noticed that her mental state was poor. When asked what she was doing in the hospital, she replied slowly, "Take medicine and get jabs." When asked if she was forced to take medicine and injections, she said, "Yes." Wang Dongmei became mentally unbalanced due to the drug torture. She fell into a pond and, unable to save herself, drowned on March 12, 2004.
  • Criminal Deeds of Fang Simin, a Cruel Persecutor of Dafa Practitioners in Shandong Province

    Fang Simin, was promoted to vice director of the "610 Office"(1) in Mengyin, Shandong Province, as a reward for persecuting Dafa practitioners. To realize the "transformation" of practitioners by torture, he hired some jobless men (aged 18-22 and poorly educated) at a cheap price as his hatchet men in his detention place. He paid them 200 yuan a month and assigned them uniforms and did not let anyone know their names and addresses. Under Fang's instruction and incitement, these thugs freely beat and swore at the detained practitioners. Sometimes Fang personally participated in the torture.
  • In Memory of Fellow Practitioner Mr. Zhang Jianxun

    Mr. Zhang Jianxun was a 64-year-old resident of Hebei Province. He was jailed at the Shijiazhuang City Labour Camp, where he received brutal beatings and was also forced to work nearly 20 hours a day. The police denied him sleep and tortured him around the clock. He suddenly lost his memory and could not speak. The doctors diagnosed that he had suffered a stroke. On June 13, 2002, he passed away in the hospital despite emergency treatment.
  • Jilin Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Shouqi Dies as a Result of Torture

    Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Shouqi, 49 years old, was a Dafa practitioner from Dehui City, Jilin Province. He was then sent to forced labour in December 2000, being detained in the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp, Jiutai City, Jilin Province. As he was firm in his belief in Dafa, he suffered from all kinds of torture methods as well as extremely hard, forced labour. His lung function turned abnormal and he vomited blood. On March 11, 2003, during a mass search and arrest action by Jilin police, he was forcibly taken away from home. He was detained again and again suffered serious bodily harm. After returning home, he passed away on June 19, 2003.
  • Over Forty Practitioners Arrested in Shuangcheng City, Three Tortured to Death

    Since February 11, 2004, personnel from the "610 Office" and policemen in Shuangcheng City rounded up Dafa practitioners. According to incomplete statistics, by February 28, over forty practitioners had been arrested. Based on the most recent information, among the arrested, three practitioners were tortured to death within a couple of days, including two unidentified practitioners. We have learned that this action was ordered by the assistant director of the political and security department in Shuangcheng City and was executed by the director of the national security department, Jin Wanzhi.
  • After Benefitting from Dafa, 53 Year old Female Practitioner Was Persecuted

    "I am Ms Chu Jianjun, 53 years old this year, and I reside in Beijing. At the end of 1979, I suddenly became ill with a rare and unpleasant affliction known as lupus and no medicine could control the rapidly spreading condition. I was afflicted with many other diseases, which made me lose the courage to face life. One day in May 1993, when I was at the end of my endurance, a friend of mine introduced me to Falun Gong. I had not worked for the previous twelve years. After I practised Falun Gong for only two months, my body and mind were cleansed swiftly. At the end of July 1993, I went back to work. From that point on, I bade farewell to being a chronic invalid. Once the persecution started my husband and I were harassed, arrested and detained many times just for continuing the practice.
  • Practitioner Mr. Cao Yuqiang Dies as a Result of Persecution (Photo)

    Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Yuqiang was in his 40s and lived in Pulandian City, Liaoning Province. He suffered cruel persecution ever since July 20, 1999, when Jiang Zemin's group began persecuting Falun Gong. Mr. Cao was detained numerous times and savagely tortured. Cao Yuqiang had been in great physical condition and weighed about 176 lbs. After suffering fiendish tortures his weight dropped to about 88 lbs, and his thighs were skinnier than an average person's arm. He passed away at home at 6:00 p.m. on April 8, 2004, within one year after his release.
  • Accused of Broadcasting Documentary Programmes on TV in Hebei Province, Mr. Cheng Fengxiang Has Bamboo Slivers Jammed Under His Fingernails

    Because of his alleged participation in broadcasting documentary programmes about the persecution of Falun Gong on TV in the Shahe and Xingtai areas, Mr. Cheng Fengxiang from Hebei Province, was arrested by local police on on January 28, 2004. In order to obtain a reward for finding out the whereabouts of the equipment used for the TV broadcasts, the Criminal Police Squadron Captain, Yang Qingshe, tortured Cheng Fengxiang by jamming bamboo slivers under his fingernails. The scene of the torture shocked other policemen that were watching.
  • Beijing Police Torture a Young Falun Dafa Practitioner to Death and Demand that a Hospital Provide a False Death Certificate

    One morning in the winter of 2000, the police brought the body of a young man who had been tortured to death to the emergency ward of a Beijing Hospital. When the doctors asked the police about the young man's name and his home address, the police said, "He doesn't have a name; he is a Falun Gong practitioner." Police demanded the hospital produce a death certificate that stipulated that the young practitioner had died suddenly of a heart attack. Although doctors refused, the police went to the head of the hospital and sealed all records containing information related to the practitioner's death. It is unknown what the hospital wrote as the cause of death on this young Falun Gong practitioner's death certificate.
  • A Non-Practitioner's Eyewitness Account of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Jiutai Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp

    Because of my wrongdoing, in 2003 I was sent to the Jilin Province Jiutai Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp. When I first arrived, due to the deceptive propaganda I had received while out in the world, I held a biased view and had a bad impression of the Falun Gong practitioners detained at the camp. Later, however, through frequent contact with the practitioners, my viewpoint gradually changed. I found out that they were not like what the TV stations, radio stations, or the newspapers had broadcast. Falun Gong practitioners were actually good people in society. Yet the treatment they received in the camp was so terrible, you would not believe it! I am revealing this cruel goings-on so that I hope that more people may offer understanding and sympathy to those being so unjustly persecuted.
  • Ms. Chen Qing Dies During Police Raid in Kaiyuan City

    On the evening of March 31, 2004, a site containing Falun Gong materials in Kaiyuan City, Liaoning Province was raided and destroyed by police. In order to escape abduction and cruel interrogation by the police, Ms. Chen Qing tried to slide down the side of the building using a bed sheet. Unfortunately, she fell and died. When we arrived at around 7:00 PM, we saw Ms. Chen's body at the foot of the six-story building. She was face down, and there was a big puddle of blood on the ground around her head. At the same time, we saw the long, knotted bed sheet, hanging from the sixth floor window.
  • Lives of Peril for Three Female Practitioners Who Suffered Torture and Abuse at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Wang Yan, about 37 years old, is believed to be from Dalian City. She was abducted and taken to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp where she was tortured to emaciation and later sent to a mental hospital. Ms. Wang Wenjun, about 40 years old, experienced brainwashing, sleep deprivation and slave labour. Exposed to toxic materials, the unbearable intensity of such labour severely damaged her health. She was tortured to the brink of death. Ms. Zhao Caihua, around 30 years old, was hung up for two days and one night. She was also forced to sit in the cross-leg position for over 10 hours, and was coughing blood at the end. At the end she could not walk at all.