Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Police Abduct Dafa Practitioners and Cause Two Practitioners to Fall to Their Deaths from a Building
2002-01-05 -
Evil Hospital Staff Brutally Beat Innocent Practitioners
2002-01-05 -
Barbaric Persecution in Yitong County, Jilin Province
2002-01-04Practitioner Bao and practitioner Liu have suffered brutal beatings in Yitong County Detention Centre. Their buttocks, so badly bruised from flogging, were bonded to the fabric of their undergarments as the lacerated skin mixed with pus acted as an adhesive. A month later, their buttocks were still covered with dark coloured bruises.
Female Practitioner Dies from Torture and Abuse in the Heizuizi Labour Camp
2002-01-03 -
Abduction and Horrific Torture of a 50-Year-Old Female Falun Gong Practitioner
2002-01-03They poured cold water on the floor and immersed my feet in the water. Then they applied electric shocks to the water, hit my ankles and the tops of my feet. One of them even stripped the insulation from an electric cord and stabbed me with the metal wire. Meanwhile, another policeman cursed wickedly while beating me, "You do practice Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, don't you? Well, this is called practicing Forbearance. You keep saying good is rewarded with good, and evil will be met with evil. You think that I care? I am not afraid to go to hell. So I will beat the heck out of you. Just watch me and see if I go to hell." Just like that, these young thugs in police uniforms tortured me, a 50-year-old woman, from 11 p.m. until 10 a.m. the next morning.
Two Falun Gong Women Dead In Hefei City, China
2002-01-01 -
Torture in Custody Kills Three Female Falun Gong Practitioners from Northeast China
2002-01-01 -
Horrifying Torture Turns Practitioner into Human Shell
2002-01-01When his family saw him [...] his movements were very slow, he walked with difficulty, his eyes were unresponsive, and he was without any facial expression. He had been reduced to this state through torture.
The Savage Behavior of Sadistic Policemen in Zhugou Town
2002-01-01They said to Dafa practitioners: "If you are a murderer, an arsonist, or a thief, we don't care. But you are not allowed to practise Falun Gong."
Dafa Practitioners Are Arrested, Beaten, and Murdered by Police at Dongbeishan District
2002-01-01 -
Qiqihar: Merciless Police Systematically and Cruelly Torture Dafa Practitioners
2002-01-01They were punished with the torture known as the "big hang." Both hands are handcuffed to the back and a rope is used to tie both handcuffs and foot shackles together to hang them up in the air in the room. Practitioners are then tortured using electric batons or slammed back and forth against the wall.
Cremation Hide’s Murdered Practitioner’s Body, Left Unrecognisable After Torture
2002-01-01(When questioned), Xi Jinglong of the Law Administration Section of the police department answered, "From the beginning of 2001, it has been all right to arrest Falun Gong practitioners in any place. It doesn't violate any law. This is a new regulation and there is no document and this message was verbally passed down."
The story Li Xiumei, Killed under the Persecution
2002-01-01(She was asked) "Did you do this? ...Even if you do not care about your own safety, you should think of others." She said, "I'm doing this for your sake and for the sake of all people who still have righteous thoughts. I've taken the risk of being arrested, beaten, and sentenced to prison in order to bring you these truth-clarifying materials so that you can tell good from bad and choose a good future for yourself."
Eyewitness Accounts of Courage in the Face of Brutal Adversity
2001-12-31After 3 to 4 hours of torture, Cui collapsed on the floor. The policeman then grabbed his hand and forced him to sign a document (to denounce Falun Dafa). With the small amount of strength that he had left, Cui resisted and smashed several pens.
Chinese Authorities Show no Regard for Human Life
2001-12-31Because of being tortured both mentally and physically, she eventually became incontinent of both bladder and bowels, could not eat, and she was in a disoriented state. On three occasions she nearly died, with severe difficulty of breathing, limbs twitching, her heart beat almost stopped. Not until a fellow practitioner applied emergency artificial respiration, was her condition relieved somewhat. Only under the strong urging of other people in the jail did the police send her to a hospital for emergency treatment.