Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Dafa Practitioner Ms Li Dongqing Sentenced to Five Years in Prison after Three Years of Forced Labour
2004-02-19In September 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Dongqing completed the three-year term of forced labour. The Masanjia Labour Camp should have released her. Instead, the Camp fabricated some charges against her and brought her to the Shenyang Court. The Court sentenced her to a five-year term, without doing any investigation, and without allowing any testimony. They didn't allow anyone outside the court to know about the sentence, and unjustly sent Dongqing to Shenyang Dabei Female Prison.
Jiamusi Police Torture a Practitioner, Attempting to Gain a "Confession"
2004-02-19Falun Dafa practitioner Xiao Yu (alias), from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, has been illegally detained for about two months, during which time the policemen have not stopped persecuting him. At the present, he is at death's door in the Jiamusi Detention Centre. Xiao was illegally arrested at the beginning of December 2003. For several days, he was tortured by police from the Jiamusi Police Department, attempting to extort a "confession." They did not stop the brutality until he could not move.
Former Jiaozhou City Judge Is Tortured in State Infirmary
2004-02-19Mr Xiao Zhiduan was a Judge in Jiaozhou city, Shandong province. Because he inisted on practising Falun Gong, he was detained and tortured in a mental hospital. They forcefully tied him to a table and shocked both his arms with a heavy current circular electric needle. Both of his arms went numb from the torture. The pain was too hard to endure and it reached his chest. He eventually fainted. He woke up when they turned off the switch and they shocked him again. They repeated these steps and asked him if he would still practise Falun Gong.
More Details Regarding the Death of Jilin Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Aiying
2004-02-18To avoid being subjected to their persecution again, Ms. Li tore a bed sheet, tied the pieces into a rope and attempted to lower herself to the ground. In the process she broke a fifth floor window and accidentally fell. Her ribs and internal organs were severely damaged as a result of the fall. Tragically she died. Her body was sent to the mortuary at 7:30 p.m. the same day, and she was cremated on December 6th, 2003.
Female Dafa Practitioners Abused in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2004-02-18One of these prisoners, Pan Aihua, told Ms. Gong, "You had better write those four letters of repentance quickly or what you just experienced in the small room was nothing. I will use a stick to poke you until you die [referring to sexual abuse]." As Pan clarified the truth of the persecution to the inmates, Wan Yalin quickly said to Ms. Gong, "They are just trying to frighten you. There is no such thing." She turned back and went downstairs still angry
Living Hell for Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp (Part 1)
2004-02-18In June, the Chief of the Board Section, Sha Huiming, threatened him: "There are so many people in China. We can beat you to death and it would be just like trampling an ant, no one will care."...Brigade Chief, Zhong Zhiyuan, presided over a mobilization meeting and yelled: "The Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp will fulfill 100% of our 'Transformation Ratio.' When one practitioner arrives, we will transform him. After we transform all the practitioners here, we can transfer those practitioners who have not been transformed from labour camps all over the country to here. We can forcibly transform them all."
Dafa Practitioners Used as Slave Labour in Jiamusi Labour Camp Forced to Work with Carcinogenic Materials
2004-02-18Starting on March 8, 2003, all of the inmates from the No. 9 Brigade of the Jiamusi Labour Camp, totalling more than 80 people, were forced to make mobile phone cases. The plastic was of poor quality and gave off an irritating smell that brought about a harsh choking sensation. Through lab testing, it was determined that the toxin levels in the materials used were well beyond the industry standard, and could cause cancer. Police agents wore large face masks while guarding us, and never entered the production area while we were working there.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Peng Guangjun Beaten to Death by Police at the Beijing Tuanhe Labour Camp
2004-02-17Mr. Peng's head and body were black and purple. There were bloodstains. His face was covered with marks caused by electric shocks. Some of his bones were also fractured. Peng's family had thought to seek justice from the authorities, however, they were frightened by the representative, who threatened them by saying, "If you don't follow the government's arrangements, we will have your whole family lose their jobs and go broke. You will have no way to survive."
Silver Medal Winner at the Asian Games for the Disabled Sentenced to 8 Years
2004-02-17After the Spring Festival of 2002, when two Dafa practitioners in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province came to Jianping County to obtain truth-clarifying materials, they were followed by the police. Mr. Wang Zhiguo, a 40 year old Dafa practitioner and winner of a weight lifting silver medal of the Asian Games for the Disabled, was abducted and illegally sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. He is currently imprisoned at the Dabei Prison in Shenyang City.
Cruelties at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2004-02-17After those officers left, the police instructor, brigade leader He, and group leader Zhou beat her up together. They kicked her, slapped her face, and knocked her down to the ground. Then they pulled her up and beat her again until they were exhausted. Zhang Xiaodan said, "It's too good for her if we prick her only with small needles, let's use larger needles." They continued to beat her until she collapsed. They wanted to assure that she would no longer dare to report them
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Hebei University of Science and Technology's College of Engineering
2004-02-17On January 3, 2000, since Qu Ping and Han Junhong did not give up the practice, COE sent two administrative teams of 5 people each to their post. The teams read the college's punitive decisions to them, and requested them to wrap up personal possessions and leave immediately under the teams' supervision. In addition to removing them from the post, COE also stopped their bonus pay.
Detained Ten Times: Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Suping Tells Her Painful Story
2004-02-16"If you write a promise letter (to give up Dafa cultivation) and pay 5,000 Yuan, we will send you home instead of the detention centre." I refused. Frustrated, they went to my husband's work place, my child's school and my parents' house to tell lies and threatened them. They told them that I would receive jail sentences. When my sick father heard that, he was so shocked that his physical condition worsened and he became bed ridden. My husband could not bear their constant harassment and paid them 2,000 Yuan, thinking that they would release me. But the police still sent me to a detention centre for 15 days.
Jilin City Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Minli Describes Her Story as a Victim of Persecution
2004-02-16Some of the policemen who knew the truth about Falun Dafa brought me some daily necessities, while other policemen smoked in my hospital room. A nurse nicknamed Xiao Xiu asked them not to smoke cigarettes in the hospital ward, but they refused to stop smoking. They replied matter-of-factly, "We are here to watch her, not to provide medical care. It is none of our business if she dies."...Then Wang Zhongren threatened me, trying to make my family pay him 30,000 yuan within three days. He said, "Otherwise, I will put an ad on the newspaper and sell you as a mail-order bride for 30,000 yuan."
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Guirong's Life Is in Danger From Torture in Acheng City
2004-02-16In the hospital, two policemen from the detention centre and four criminal prisoners took turns guarding her. They handcuffed both her hands and feet to the bedposts while she was having intravenous injections. On January 27, Luo Huanrong and the other four people came to the hospital to threaten her, saying, "We will beat you if you do not eat; we will keep you here until you die."
Falun Dafa Practitioners Forced to Perform Slave Labour at Chishan Prison in Hunan Province
2004-02-16There are over a dozen procedures necessary for making one doll, but carrying out many of these steps are countless numbers of people who don't get paid, and when payment does occur, it is only the equivalent of about twenty-five cents. The dolls are exported and sold all over the world. After being handled by over a dozen workers, the dolls are packaged without sterilization. The working conditions are very bad and because of the lack of proper hygiene, the inmates suffer from all kinds of diseases. The Hunan Labour Camp Bureau is using Chishan as a pilot site, and has plans to promote this type of labour activity to every prison in Hunan Province.