Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
53-Year-Old Female Dafa Practitioner Beaten to Death by Police at Detention Centre
2001-12-26 -
Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death at Labour Camp
2001-12-26 -
Practitioners in Tumen City Suffer Horrifying Persecution
2001-12-26Among them is an over-60-year-old woman. A poisonous snake bit her when the criminal police forced her head under water in a river. She didn't get treatment in time and nearly lost her life.
Practitioners in Yubei District Suffer Inhumane Persecution
2001-12-26In September 2000, Li Zhi and Tang Bing were arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials. On December 5, 2001, when the Yubei District Court held the so-called "open trial," the police didn't allow the practitioners' family members and other people to attend. They secretly carried out the illegal "trial" behind closed doors.
Some Facts About the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
2001-12-26 -
Brutal Persecution of Two Sisters
2001-12-26 -
Li Jun Dies in Labour Camp after Her Younger Sister Li Mei Was Tortured to Death
2001-12-25 -
Attempts to Conceal Details of Practitioner Tortured to the Verge of Death
2001-12-25 -
A Falun Gong Practitioner is Brutally Tortured in the City of Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province
2001-12-24Due to the brutal torture by these ruffians, she had wounds all over her body and was continuously bleeding. She was unable to eat or drink and kept vomiting. She even vomited bile and large amounts of blood. Eventually, she became extremely weak and her life was in danger. However, the police still would not let her go and kept torturing her continuously for more than 10 days. After her release, she had to stay home for many days to recover. Even then she still felt dizzy, her limbs were still weak and she was bruised and battered all over. At the present, she is still unable to walk or take care of herself.
Daizhuang Psychiatric Hospital Forcibly Injects Practitioners with Central Nervous System Damaging Drugs
2001-12-24In the beginning he refused to take medicine or shots. The doctors and nurses then tied him up and shocked him with electricity and forcibly injected drugs into him, which damaged his central nervous system. The drugs made him half paralyzed for some time. He drooled constantly, could not eat, and could hardly walk.
The Torture and Killing in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2001-12-24The police tried to force us to write "letters to guarantee giving up practicing." When we refused, they beat us and tortured us with ancient methods of "squeezing the figures between sticks" and "locking up in wooden fixtures." They even poured hot asphalt on the road and forced my husband to walk on it in his bare feet. Still, he refused to write the statement. The police hung him upside down for two days until they finally tortured him to death.
Senior Practitioner Li Xiumei From Dalian City Is Tortured to Death at Yaojia Detention Center
2001-12-24Yet another older person died a tragic death in the wicked Dalian policemen's hands. To the Dalian police: How many kind hearted, good Falun Gong Practitioners have you killed? How many happy families have lost their affectionate fathers and mothers because of you?
Article Showing That Chinese Police are the Most Evil Criminals
2001-12-23The police from Shijiazhuang Labour Camp brutally tortured practitioners using electric shocks, beatings, sleep deprivation, and the most malicious means -- electric batons to deliver shocks on female practitioners' private areas.
Short Accounts of Brutal Persecution of Innocent Practitioners
2001-12-23The police tie up the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back. Then the police will use all the force they canmuster to tighten the rope.
Dafa Practitioners Persecuted in Sichuan Province - by a Practitioner in Mainland China
2001-12-22Yang Tingyu, female, 42, was illegally arrested when she went to Beijing to appeal. She was beaten and shocked with electric batons by the police. The Vice Party Secretary, Wang Yougui, said, "Now, we have already sold your house, seized all of your property, and suspended your right to use the land. We are watching you to see if you still dare to practice Falun Gong."