Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Released from a Forced Labour Camp to Die Days Later
2002-01-10 -
Female Practitioner Wang Xiufang Dies as a Result of Force-Feeding by Police in Jilin Province
2002-01-09The police put pressure on her family members and blocked the news of Wang Xiufang's death. This is yet another brutal crime committed by Jiang Zemin and his associates.
Jilin City Practitioner Fu Chunsheng Is Tortured to Death by Local Police
2002-01-09On January 1, 2002, police informed his family of his death, but they didn't let his family see the body until January 5.
Practitioner Wan Guifu Dies from Torture in a Labour Camp Hospital
2002-01-08During his detention, the police forced him to work 20 hours a day with other inmates using their teeth to crack and remove the shells of sunflower seeds. Because of his age, Wan Guifu couldn't fulfil his workload. With silent approval from the guards, the inmates often beat him brutally. Cracking the shells had already made Wan's lips swollen, nails cracked, and fingers bloody. He lived with severe physical discomfort everyday, burdened with injuries and a heavy workload. In addition, he often received beatings. The torture continued non-stop until this formerly healthy man couldn't stand up anymore.
Changle Police Forcefully Inject a Falun Gong Practitioner with Unknown Drug
2002-01-08 -
The Sadistic and Brutal Acts of Torture Committed Against a Female Dafa Practitioner
2002-01-07In the cold winter weather, the policemen stripped her naked and beat her so severely that she lost control of her bowels. Disgusted with the mess after she soiled herself from the brutal abuse, these sadistic policemen used forceps to inflict torture to her genitals. The policemen also impaled her fingertips and toe tips with sharpened bamboo sticks until she lost consciousness from the extreme agony.
Chinese Authorities Value a Criminal’s Life, but not the Life of an Innocent Practitioner
2002-01-07The lawless police at the Fusong County Detention Centre brutally torture Dafa practitioners. Police enforcers said, "We have to be responsible if a common criminal is abused to death, but not for a Falun Gong practitioner. All deaths of practitioners will be treated as if they had committed suicide."
Police Department Authorities Furiously Retaliate after Their Crimes are Exposed
2002-01-07 -
Vicious Policemen Brutally Beat and Torture Female Practitioner
2002-01-06When the policemen's arms grew tired of pummeling her, they switched to using high-voltage electronic batons to shock her, which caused her hands and neck to swell up and left seven to eight bruises on her hands, egg-sized bruises on her neck, and food-plate sized bruises on her thighs.
Chinese Police Who Torture Falun Gong Practitioners Are the Most Vile Human Beings on the Planet
2002-01-06Liu Xiuchun, an elderly lady in her 60's, was locked in jail because she went to Beijing to appeal. In jail she was treated so harshly that she could not get up and now is suffering from a high fever. She is developing hypertension and heart disease. Even under such terrible conditions, her jailors still demand that her family pay 6,000 yuan. When Liu refused to comply with these illegal arrangements, officers ordered some criminal inmates to hold her body on the floor and step on her as they force-fed and injected medicine into her. Now, Liu's health is in a critical state, and she could die at any minute.
Further Examples of Heartless Chinese Officials
2002-01-06One female guard with a surname of Liu incited two female non-practitioner prisoners to beat up the practitioners. They ripped clumps of Bai Xiujuan's hair out, and kicked Bai's chest, face and back.
Wife of Ex-ambassador Abused by Police and Tortured by Brainwashed Inmates
2002-01-06For the past few months, authorized by Captain Jiao Xueguang, Zhang Yijie was subject to all kinds of abuse: she was beaten, yelled at, suffered corporal punishment, shocked with electric batons, and deprived of sleep by drug addicts and former practitioners who have been brainwashed. However, all this could not crush her spirit. She is currently held in a single cell and is suffering physically and mentally.
A Dafa Practitioner is Tortured to Death by Vicious Police
2002-01-05 -
Mourning the Tragic Death of Brave Practitioner Wan Guifu
2002-01-05The police never stopped torturing him, because they found a lot of Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials at his home. They tried every means to find out information about other practitioners and the source of the materials from him. Wan Guifu refused to tell, thus he protected the practitioners on the outside and the source of the materials.
Falun Gong Practitioner Dies in Chinese Detention Centre after being Denied Medical Treatment
2002-01-05"Criminals and other inmates are often encouraged and rewarded for torturing, beating, and even murdering Falun Gong practitioners in the camps. Denial of medical attention to those detained is so widespread that it usually goes unreported."