Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Shang Dexing Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for Hiring a Lawyer
2011-12-26On the afternoon of May 3rd, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shang Dexing was arrested and subsequently tried in court. His family engaged two lawyers to defend him. In the process of engaging a lawyer, as well as when the lawyers requested to see Mr. Shang, officials threatened and made trouble for both the family and lawyers. The judge in the Laoshan Court said, “Because you hired a lawyer, I sentence you to three years of imprisonment.”
Wuhan City Practitioner Mr. Zhang Yunliu Still Detained After Labour Camp Term Expires
2011-12-26Mr. Zhang Yunliu is a practitioner from Wuhan City. After he was detained at the Hewan Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years, agents from the Wuhan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and Huangpi 610 Office secretly transferred him in September 2011. His current detention location is unknown, but it is likely the Hubei Province Legal Education Centre, which is in essence a brainwashing facility.
Shenyang Teacher and and Her Manager Daughter Persecuted
2011-12-26Ms. Yang Shuqing and her daughter Ms. Li Fangfang, both practitioners from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, were arrested in 2008 and later sentenced to three years in prison. At the time, Ms. Yang was 69 years old. Ms. Li Fangfang refused to wear the inmate uniform and shouted “Falun Gong is good!” The inmates cursed at her, beat her, sealed her mouth with tape, gagged her with cloth, and deprived her of sleep. In a month she was only allowed to sleep a couple hours a day. She was once deprived of sleep for over three days. Several inmates took turns watching her. Once they saw her falling asleep, they would pour cold water on her to wake her up. Ms. Yang Shuqing is elderly and yet she has been forced to stand up straight for extended periods of time and undergo brainwashing every day.
Burn Specialist from Lanzhou City Arrested; Her Family Calls for An End to the Persecution
2011-12-26Ms. Lu Yuying, a burn specialist in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province was arrested on November 21st, by the Lanzou City 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) along with local police. They took Ms. Lu to a brainwashing facility and have not released her. Ms. Lu's son recently wrote a letter to those who participated in persecuting his mother. He called on them to judge the matter according to their conscience, and not implement the Chinese Communist Party's order to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, which can only bring adverse consequences to them.
Domestic Security Division of Pingyuan County, Shandong Province Conducts Three Operations to Arrest Practitioners
2011-12-25The Domestic Security Division along with the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) of Pingyuan County, Shandong Province arrested six Falun Gong practitioners during three separate operations from July 6th to September 6th. The corrupt officials threatened the families of the practitioners with forced labour camp sentences for the arrested practitioners, unless an extortion fee was paid. The families were subsequently extorted of a total of 78,000 yuan.
Fifty-Six Practitioners Arrested in Heilongjiang Province
2011-12-25Fifty-six Falun Gong practitioners from Harbin and Shuangcheng were arrested on November 13th. About 50 of them were sharing their Falun Gong cultivation experiences at a practitioner's home and were arrested at midnight that day. On November 30th, nine female practitioners were taken to the Qianjin Forced Labour Camp to serve one-and-a-half year terms. Six male practitioners were taken to the Suihua Forced Labour Camp. Two elderly female practitioners were released due to their having high blood pressure. The rest remain at the Shuangcheng Detention Centre and the Harbin No. 2 Detention Centre.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Hu Fengkui Passed Away After Being Sent Twice to Forced Labour Camps
2011-12-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hu Fengkui passed away on July 7th. He was arrested and detained three times, and twice sent to forced labour camps, for a total of four years for practising Falun Gong. He died at the age of 68. In 2000, Mr. Hu went to Beijing to appeal for the rights of Falun Gong and was arrested. He was sent to the Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp to serve a three-year term. The guards there were very cruel to Falun Gong practitioners and forced them to give up their belief by brainwashing and torturing them. Mr. Hu was held in the camp for 14 months.
Mr. Zhang Chunfeng Tortured to Death Nine Years Ago
2011-12-25Mr. Zhang Chunfeng was subjected to many torture methods and died nine years ago at the age of 40. In 2001 he was arrested for distributing Falun Gong lectures to other practitioners and sentenced to two years of forced labour in Nanhu Forced Labour Camp. Mr. Zhang was tortured as he refused to give up his belief. The camp guards continually shocked his face, neck and other body parts with electric batons. The inmates beat Mr. Zhang, poked his body numerous times with needles, and burned him with cigarette butts. Mr. Zhang was forced to do hard labour for long periods of time.
Ms. Ma Xiaoshun from Guiyang City Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison
2011-12-24Ms. Ma Xiaoshun from Guiyang City was secretly sentenced to nine years in prison on November 23rd. She is currently being held in Guizhou Province Women's Prison. Ms. Ma was arrested on November 3rd. She has been on a hunger strike since she was arrested. She developed high blood pressure, kidney stones, organ failure, and insufficient blood supply. Because of her poor physical condition, she was sent to the Fengguang County People's Hospital on November 15th for medical treatment.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Court Officials Deprive Mr. Sun Yi's Family of the Right to Attend His Trial and Sentence Him to Three Years in Prison
2011-12-24Fucheng District Court officials in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, put Mr. Sun Yi on trial on November 28th without informing his family and sentenced him to three years in prison. After Mr. Sun's family learned this, they contacted Judge Wang Chen, who claimed that the court didn't have to inform the family of an adult before his trial.
Ms. Liu Yuqin from Yichun, Heilongjiang Province Facing a Sentence
2011-12-24Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yuqin is being detained in the Yichun Detention Centre and is facing a sentence. Ms. Liu was detained by the Meixi District Police Department six or seven years ago. Because she had severe symptoms of illness, she was released on bail for medical treatment (after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel extorted 20,000 yuan from her family). In order to evade harassment from the police, Ms. Liu became homeless and left her hometown. She was arrested again and taken to the police station on November 15th.
A Chinese Village Stands Up for Falun Gong
2011-12-24Villagers in China have defied communist authorities by calling for the release from jail of their friend, Zhou Xiangyang. And the guards and inmates who applied the “floor anchor” torture to him in Gangbei Prison should be investigated and dealt with according to the law, they wrote. It is a rare set of circumstances: A young married couple who practises Falun Gong is imprisoned in re-education centres in China and thousands of Chinese have stood up to defend them, challenging the regime on one of the most sensitive political issues to the Communist Party by petitioning for their release.
Six Months after the Arrest of a Patent Lawyer, His Family Finally Received the Detention Warrant
2011-12-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xiong Weiming, a patent lawyer from Wuhan, was arrested on April 22nd, 2011. His family questioned a number of governmental agencies regarding his whereabouts for six months without getting a response. On October 25th, six months after Mr. Xiong’s arrest, two officers from the Wuhan Police Bureau's First Division delivered the detention warrant to his parents' home. The police told his parents that Mr. Xiong had been transferred to the Wuhan Number Two Detention Centre on October 24th. Mr. Xiong’s family asked the police why it took six months to deliver the detention warrant. They wanted to know if this was legal under existing Chinese law, The officers were annoyed and said, “Why do you have to ask?”
Baochang Town Brainwashing Centre in Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia Arrests and Persecutes Innocent Citizens
2011-12-23Practitioners Ms. Ren Huizhen, Ms. Lian Guiqin were arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre in Baochang Town. Ms. Guan Yujie, in her 40s and a teacher at the Baochang County No.2 Elementary School, was also taken to this brainwashing centre on November 13th. About 20 practitioners are currently held in the Baochang Brainwashing Centre. Two practitioners share one room, with several former practitioners who have given up Falun Gong and a teacher to conduct brainwashing.
Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2011-12-23On June 14th, 2011, practitioner Ms. Li Xiuhong started a hunger strike in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp to protest the persecution. Division head Liu Yinghui dragged her out and sent her to the Changchun City Police Hospital on September 1st. During the two weeks that Ms. Li was hospitalised, she was tied to a bed, injected with unknown substances and force-fed. After she was taken back to the labour camp, she was force-fed two to three times a day. She has been on a hunger strike for more than five months.