Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ningan Politics and Law Committee of Heilongjiang Province Conspired to Arrest Six Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-01-03On November 9th, police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Hongxia at work and sent her to the Mudanjiang Brainwashing Centre. On November 28th, six more Falun Gong practitioners were detained in the Mudanjiang Detention Centre .
Police in Chifeng Threaten to Sentence Ms. Zhao Guichun to Forced Labour Camp or Prison
2012-01-03On December 7th, police picked up Ms. Zhao Guichun and took her back to Chifeng from Liaoning Province. Liu had fled to Liaoning Province to avoid persecution in Chifeng City, but was arrested in Liaoning Province nevertheless. The officers didn't allow her family to visit her, and threatened to sentence Ms. Zhao to a forced labour camp or prison. Ms. Zhao, 46, has been arrested many times over the course of the last twelve years of persecution.
Former Russian Language Department Director Zhang Yuhua of Nanjing Normal University Arrested Again
2012-01-02On November 12th, police officers, arrested Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Zhang Yuhua. She was taken to the Nanjing Detention Centre. Because she persisted in her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She was sentenced to four years in prison and twice sent to a forced labour camp. When she was detained in the Nanjing Women's Prison, she was deprived of sleep for an extended period of time. The guards poured cold water on her.
Ms. Liu Shuzhen Sentenced to Eight Years in Hebei Women's Prison
2012-01-02Ms. Liu Shuzhen has been repeatedly arrested and tortured by the Chinese authorities because she practises Falun Gong. She was forced to become homeless in late 2002 to avoid further persecution. In November 2004, she was arrested and was taken to a brainwashing centre in Cangzhou City. Later, she was transferred back to Yanshan County and was sentenced to eight years in Hebei Women's Prison. In 2009, a guard handcuffed Ms. Liu to a large steel door. She was only wearing light clothing at the time and her feet suffered from frostbite because she was exposed to the bitterly cold winds.
Mr. Yun Fuqi from Heilongjiang Province Suffers Severe Physical Abuse and Torture at Daqing Prison
2012-01-02Mr. Yun Fuqi was released from Daqing Prison on November 11th, after having been imprisoned for three and a half years. He sustained two fractured ribs and multiple skull fractures as a result of torture and abuse by prison guards and criminal inmates. Mr. Yun's physical condition is fragile, and he is unable to take care of his own daily needs. After he was arrested on April 26th, 2008, Mr. Yun was held in the Fangzheng County Detention Centre, Hulan Prison and Daqing Prison, respectively.
Nearly 100 Practitioners Detained at the Yongzhou City Brainwashing Centre in Hunan Province
2012-01-02Since October 2011, nearly one hundred practitioners have been detained at the Jieluqiao Brainwashing Centre. The brainwashing centre continually broadcasts videos defaming Falun Gong. They hire highly-paid collaborators, who betrayed Falun Gong, and have them try to spread rumours and false theories to practitioners. They use mental torture and physical punishment to coerce practitioners to write the three statements and to give up their beliefs. In order to accelerate the “transformation” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] process, the centre uses nerve-damaging drugs on practitioners.
Police in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province Carry Out Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-01-01On November 13th, several police officers arrested 56 Falun Gong practitioners. They arrested five more practitioners on December 7th and 9th. The perpetrators also went to practitioners' homes in Shuangcheng City many times to harass them. If the practitioners weren't at home, they arrested the practitioners' non-practitioner family members. On December 9th, about six officers from the Wujia Town Police Station arrested Ms. Cang Jinxiu and two elderly practitioners from Nuanquan Village: Mr. Zheng Shining, 71, and Ms. Du Guilian, 64. They took computers, tape recorders, Falun Gong books, and other personal belongings from the practitioners' homes.
About Twenty Practitioners Including Ms. Wen Yuhong from the Huairou District in Beijing Arrested
2012-01-01On the evening of November 17th, Ms. Wen Yuhong, in her 50s, was arrested with her three-year-old granddaughter by officers from the local domestic security division. Ms. Wen was taken to the Shunyi District Detention Centre. About 20 practitioners from the same area were also arrested that day. Huairou Domestic Security Division and 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) proceeded to ransack Ms. Wen's home and took many personal belongings, worth more than 10,000 yuan.
After Ten Years of Imprisonment, Mr. Zheng Deming Tried Again
2012-01-01Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zheng Deming, 66, was tried by the Luyang District Court on December 13th. In the past, Mr. Zheng was sentenced twice and detained in prison for ten years. Because he remains steadfast in his belief, Mr. Zheng was sentenced to three years in prison at the beginning of 2000 because he did the Falun Gong exercises in a park. In 2002, he was once again arrested and he was sentenced to seven years at the Chaohu Prison.
Ma Xiaoshun on Hunger Strike to Resist Persecution at the Fenggang Detention Centre
2012-01-01Guiyang City Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Ma Xiaoshun was arrested on November 3rd and is now imprisoned at the Fenggang Detention Centre. Ma Xiaoshun is currently on a hunger strike to protest the persecution of Falun Gong. The case has been submitted to the Fenggang Procuratorate and a judge named Qin Wei is responsible for this case.
Mr. Feng Kui Sentenced to Life in Prison after Being Shot
2011-12-31On June 5th, the four practitioners were distributing Falun Gong DVDs in the Shuangchengbao Town Market. Mr. Feng broke free from the officers from the Shuangchengbao Town Police Station, but found himself in a dead-end alley. During the ensuing chase, police shot him as he ran, and he lost consciousness. A stab wound in his right cheek bled profusely, and his head, neck, and right hand were covered in blood. Mr. Feng was taken to the Gongzhuling Detention Centre and given a life prison sentence.
Mr. Liu Shengzhu Held at Wendeng Detention Centre; His Wife's Visitation Rejected
2011-12-31On December 1st, practitioner Mr. Liu Shengzhu went to visit his mother-in-law, who was hospitalised at the time. He was reported while speaking with people about Falun Gong. He was arrested by two officers on his way home. He is being held at the Wendeng Detention Centre. Mrs. Liu went to the Wendeng Domestic Security Team to see her husband, but her request was rejected.
Three Practitioners from Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province Arrested
2011-12-31Three practitioners—Ms. Lin Xiaoling, Mr. Jin Bangjian and Mr. Wen Wenyi—from Wencheng County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, were arrested on December 11th. Ms. Lin, 45, was arrested at her store. The police also took her computer, printer, and other personal belongings. About midnight that same day, the police arrested 53-year-old Mr. Jin at home, and took his computer, printer and other personal belongings.
Xuchang City Court in Henan Province Tried Mr. Bai Hongmin
2011-12-31On November 22nd, Xuchang City Court in Henan Province tried Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Bai Hongmin secretly in a small room in the Yan’an Road Intermediate Courthouse. Mr. Bai’s wife and son did not learn about the trial until that morning. When they hurried to the courthouse, the trial was already well underway. Mr. Bai pleaded not guilty and defended himself. He also told everyone present the truth about Falun Gong. The trial was adjourned hastily. Mr. Bai is still being detained at the Xuchang City Detention Centre.
Nine Practitioners Arrested Within Five Days
2011-12-30Police arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Yang Jie, Ms. Yang Min, Ms. Liu Shourong, Ms. Hui Shujuan, and Ms. Wang Aihua on December 2nd, 2011, and arrested Ms. Niu Fengqin, Ms. Shen Guirong, Ms. Li Peixian, and Ms. Li Xiangrong on December 7th, 2011. Ms. Yang Jie and Ms. Wang Aihua were beaten. The police extorted 4,000 yuan from Ms. Yang's family. As a result of persecution, Ms. Yang is currently very weak and has difficulty walking. Ms. Wang still has blood in her urine and excruciating stomach pain.