Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Hao from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Was Arrested Six Times and Sentenced to Forced Labour Twice
2011-05-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Hao lives in Wuhan City. During the 12-year-long persecution of Falun Gong, he was incarcerated six times and sentenced to forced labour twice—once in 2002 and again in 2005. In Hewan Forced Labour Camp Mr. Wang was tortured in many different ways. He was forced to stand for long periods of time, locked up in a small cell, brainwashed, and forced to do hard labour. He was forced to stand up for three, seven, and nine consecutive days without sleeping. As a result he began having illusions, high fever, and urinated blood. His bowels stopped working, his legs were swollen, and his feet were infected and leaked yellow fluid.
Farmer from Fushun City, Liaoning Province, Brutalised by Police and Labour Camp Guards
2011-05-04Ms. Liu Yanqin is a farmer in her 50s from Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Because she has remained steadfast in practising Falun Gong, the police have arrested and sentenced her to forced labour education several times during the past ten plus years. By the time she finished her two-year-term in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp on July 13th, 2010, she was beyond recognition. Her once lustrous black hair had turned grey and her weight had dropped to less than 90 pounds. Her son came to pick her up from the forced labour camp, and, as soon as he saw her, he began sobbing. Due to the torture, she still cannot bend her fingers or do strenuous labour. Her limbs remain numb.
Practitioners Brutally Persecuted in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2011-05-04I have been persecuted many times since Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999. I was detained twice and sent to forced labour camps twice, and both my body and mind have been greatly injured. In Wanjia Forced Labour Camp practitioners were forced to watch videos slandering Falun Gong and write statements to renounce practising Falun Gong. A dozen collaborators (former practitioners, brainwashed against Falun Gong, made to assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners) tried to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] me from dawn to midnight every day. They threw me into solitary confinement, cuffed my hands behind my back, and hung me up with a rope from the ceiling.
Persecution Suffered by Physicians Who Believe in Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance
2011-05-03Dr. Shen Yueping was a physician at Yuxi Women and Children's Hospital. In October of 2000, Dr. Shen went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. She was sentenced to three years at a forced labour camp. She was later sentenced to five years in prison, and spent three years of the term in a small cell in Yunnan Women's Second Prison. During that time, she was not allowed to shower or change her clothes. She had no freedom and was told when to stand, sit, or think. She could be beaten and stabbed with needles at any time. Sometimes even her food was mixed with drugs that could damage her nervous system. In May 2009, Dr. Shen's family received a “release for medical treatment” notice. By that time, her lungs were already severely perforated and she was dying. Dr. Shen passed away on July 16th, 2009. She was only forty-nine years old.
Cases of Sleep Deprivation Being Used as a Means of Persecuting Falun Gong (Part 2)
2011-05-03Ms. Liu Deqing, in her 60s, a doctor at the Hailun Health Hospital, Heilongjiang, was persecuted in the Heilongjiang Women's Prison. She recalled, “The guards did not let me sleep for more than ten days. If I tried to sleep, they would use a toothpick and stab me, or beat me with a stick or brush, and they grabbed my hair and smash me up against a wall. I was also kicked and refused use the toilet. If I urinated on the floor, I had to use a cloth to wipe it up.”
Three Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Jinan City Mental Hospital
2011-05-03Ms. Li Wenli, Ms. Huang Min and Ms. Miao Peihua are currently held in the Jinan City Mental Hospital in Shandong Province. They have been subjected to psychiatric torture and injected with drugs that cause mental instability. After Ms. Huang Min was released from a forced labour camp in October 2007, she was immediately arrested again and sent to the Lashan Mental Hospital of Jinan City. During her detention of over one year, she was severely tortured and received forced injections and medicine. She had been electrically shocked many times, and other people in the hospital heard her screaming due to the pain from the torture. In February 2011, she was sent to the Jinan City Mental Hospital by her husband and brother, who had been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda against Falun Gong into believing that she was mentally ill.
Staff at Daxing Women's Prison in Beijing Try to Cover Up Ms. Geng Jin'e's Death
2011-05-03Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Geng Jin'e was tortured to death in Daxing Women's Prison on June 10th, 2010. After Ms. Geng Jin'e died, Liu Yingchun, the director of Fourth Ward, held a mandatory meeting with the staff and Ms. Geng's cellmates. Liu told them how to talk about Ms. Geng's case, and what should or should not be said. The guards even demanded that others pretend that the guards had tried to rescue Geng Jin'e. The next day, when a Procuratorate official arrived to investigate Ms. Geng's case, no one dared to tell the truth. At one point, a Falun Gong practitioner simply said, "Ms. Geng was treated badly," and Liu Yingchun severely reprimanded her.
Multiple Reports Indicate that Drug Torture is Widely Used to Silence Falun Gong in China
2011-05-02The extent of the use of drug torture to silence and even kill Falun Gong practitioners in communist China appears to be increasing. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Yuhua was injected with undisclosed drugs that made her body so swollen that she was at death's door. Prison police saw that she was dying so they sent her home so they would not have to bear responsibility for her untimely death. Prison officials instructed her family to come and get her on June 16th, 2009, and she passed away five days later at home.
Cases of Sleep Deprivation Being Used as a Means of Persecuting Falun Gong (Part 1)
2011-05-02Among the methods used to torture Falun Gong practitioners detained in police stations, forced labour camps, prisons, and brainwashing centres, one of the most common is sleep deprivation. Practitioners are not allowed to sleep for long periods of time, and the longest reported has been for 50 days. This is not only torture of the body, but of the mind and spirit as well. The intention is to destroy one's will, get a confession, and make them give up their beliefs. Although there have been many reported cases, since this torture does not result in obvious physical damage, it has been taken less seriously by the public. In reality, sleep deprivation is one of the most insidious torture methods.
Former Fujian Province People’s High Court Judge Persecuted Repeatedly
2011-05-02Ms. Guan Yujing, former judge for the Fujian Province High Court, had worked for the court for over 20 years. During the past ten years, due to Ms. Guan’s persistence in her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she has been sent to a mental hospital twice and once to a forced labour camp. She was sentenced to four years of imprisonment, dismissed from work and taken away from her family. One year after her release on June 23rd, 2009 from her four years of imprisonment, Ms. Guan was arrested again. She was sentenced again in 2010 to eight years of imprisonment and is now in the Fujian Province Women’s Prison.
Changzhou University Graduate Student Arrested, His Mother Requests His Release
2011-05-02“I am Yi Song’s mother. My son is a Changzhou University graduate student. Because he firmly practises Falun Gong, officers from the Changzhou 610 Office arrested him on March 22nd, 2011 in order to isolate and brainwash him. My relatives and I went to Changzhou a few days ago although we are poor and live in a faraway city. We had hoped to see my son. However, 610 Office director Ji Liming did not listen to my appeal at all but kept publicly cursing me. Just because I am a Falun Gong practitioner, he regarded me as a person who would “harm the safety of teachers and students in Changzhou University” and took video of us. They demanded that we present our identification cards to him and then followed us, which severely infringed upon our human rights."
Retired Engineer from Chongqing Suffers from Persecution-caused Blindness and Subjected to Monitoring
2011-05-01Ms. Wang Liuzhen is a retired engineer from Chongqing. She was subjected to forced labour twice for remaining steadfast in her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. As a result of mistreatment, she lost sight in both eyes. Jiangbei District officials forced her husband to divorce her and forbade her children from visiting her. On top of this, they sent people to take turns tracking and monitoring her around the clock, restricting her personal freedom.
Family Devastated by Years of Persecution
2011-05-01Ms. Fu Yan was sentenced to thirteen years and six months in prison, and has been detained for the past ten years. On September 9th, 2010, her mother, Tong Shuping, asked a Beijing attorney to file an appeal for Ms. Fu. The Liaoning Women’s Prison refused the attorney's visit, providing multiple excuses. Prison officials subsequently escalated her persecution and confined Ms. Fu to a small room. The attorney’s licence was revoked in late 2010. Tong Shuping passed away one week later on March 5th, after she received notification that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) court had rejected her daughter's appeal.
Tragedy Then Happiness After Losing Eyesight
2011-05-01Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Fengxia was a beautiful and kind young lady. Now, a year after her release from a forced labour camp, she can only walk slowly while holding onto a stool and with her back bent. Her legs are extremely weak. It is not known what kind of drugs were administered to her while she was in the forced labour camp. Previously, In 2005, Ms. Zhao was taking her son to school when she suddenly lost her eyesight. No medical treatment brought her sight back. Her mother gave Ms. Zhao a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Gong. After looking at the text Ms. Zhao saw some fuzzy characters that gradually became clear. She suddenly realised that her eyesight was back!
Jiaonan Police Department Refuses Attorney's Request to Visit His Client
2011-05-01The Jiaonan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) issued a formal arrest document for Ms. Zhang Shuhua on around February 26th. Her son hired an attorney for her, and on April 1st, the attorney went to the Jiaonan Police Department and requested to visit with his client. The police department refused his request, claiming that it could not be approved because the supervisor in charge was not present.