Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
After Being Tortured in Prison for Eight Years, Mr. Ma Zhiwu Is Facing Another Trial
2011-03-28Yanchi County Court in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region tried Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ma Zhiwu secretly on March 1st, 2011. Mr. Ma is facing a second trial shortly in Wuzhong City Court. Mr. Ma was sent to a forced labour camp for three years for appealing for the right to practise Falun Gong in Beijing in 1999. Before his term ended, he was sentenced to six years imprisonment and taken to Guanmahu Prison in Wuzhong City from 2002 to 2008. During his eight years of incarceration, Mr. Ma was tortured and beaten severely.
Not Long After Her Release, Practitioner Ms. Li Fengbo Dies
2011-03-27On September 22nd, 2009, police arrested Ms. Li Fengbo. They ransacked her home, and took a computer, printer, and her Falun Gong books. On the afternoon of that same day, police also arrested five other practitioners. The police detained Ms. Li at the Qitaihe City First Detention Centre. After thirty days, she passed out many times, and was taken to the hospital for a check up. The doctor found she had late stage lung cancer. The centre authorities instructed her family to pick her up for fear of being held responsible for her death. On April 20th, 2010, the court sentenced her to three years in prison with probation. Ms. Li could not walk, had difficulty breathing, and died on October 16th.
Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Wang Jinping, Ms. Zhang Shuxia and Ms. Yu Shuxian Abused in Liaoning Province Women’s Prison
2011-03-27Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Jinpin, Ms. Zhang Shuxia and Ms. Yu Shuxian are currently incarcerated in the Liaoning Province Women’s Prison, where they are suffering severe abuse. Ms. Wang Jinping, in her 40s, was given a ten-year prison term and has been subjected to abuse and torture at the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. In late December 2009, the guards brought Ms. Wang to an office and severely beat her. They beat her until she lost consciousness, then poured cold water over her to make her regain consciousness and continued the beating. After Ms. Wang went on a hunger strike to protest, the guards force-fed her.
Older Practitioner Mr. Liu Shuisheng, Scheduled to Be Released after Eight-Year Detention, Taken to Brainwashing Centre One Day Before Release Date
2011-03-27On March 10th, 2011, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Shuisheng was to have been released after eight years of detention in the Fanjiatai Prison in Shayang, Hubei Province. However, on March 9th, Qu Shen and other personnel from the Jianghan District 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) secretly transferred Mr. Liu to the Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre.
Mr. Li Yueping, Mr. Hao Zhendong and Mr. Hao's Wife Arrested
2011-03-27Police officers from Harbin and Shuangcheng Domestic Security Divisions ransacked Mr. Li Yueping's and Ms. Yin Yumei’s homes on March 7th, 2011. They arrested Mr. Li, in his 60s, and Mr. Hao Zhendong and his wife, who had fled to Mr. Yin Yumei’s home in hopes of avoiding further persecution. Ms. Yin Yumei escaped.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Ji Baoshan Dies Four Months After Release
2011-03-26On January 11th, 2009, police arrested Mr. Ji Baoshan at home. They put handcuffs and shackles on him, ransacked his home, took his computer, other items and Falun Gong books. After months of suffering and torture, the dying Mr. Ji was finally released on medical parole on October 14th, 2010. Mr. Ji's family was, by this time, penniless. Upon returning home, Mr. Ji, his wife and young child had to live on family and friends' help. He could not recover from his severe health condition and died on March 16th, 2011.
Wuhan City Teacher Tortured at Hewan Labour Camp
2011-03-26Because of her practising Falun Gong, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have sent Ms. Zhu Huimin twice to the Wuhan City Hewan Labour Camp and brutally persecuted her there. In addition to deprivation of sleep and force-feeding, guards electrically shocked her and hung her up. She recounts: "I went on a hunger strike to oppose the persecution. A doctor ordered inmates to hold me down and force-fed me. As I struggled, my nose and throat were injured by the rubber tubing, and this happened repeatedly. In addition, the doctor intentionally pulled and pushed the tubing inside my nose, which caused even more bleeding. I once bled so much that they stopped in the middle, afraid of killing me."
Persecution of Falun Gong in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province
2011-03-26To prevent Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jin Zhengshu from speaking or doing the Falun Gong exercises, her mouth was taped shut for more than a week. Guards tied her on the "death bed" at night. She staged a hunger strike to protest. To further torture her, the labour camp doctor left force-feeding tubes fed through her nose and into her stomach in place all day and night. Guard Wang Zhufeng tied her legs to the legs of the bed, and kicked out Ms. Jin’s only remaining four teeth. As they kicked her, the blood gushed over her entire chest; an appalling but all too common scene in China's forced labour camps and prisons today.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Anhui Provincial Third Prison
2011-03-26Practitioners at Anhui Provincial Third Prison were forced to undergo “transformation” in order to coerce them to give up their practice of Falun Gong. Two or three collaborators (former practitioners, brainwashed against Falun Gong, made to assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners) are assigned to closely watch one practitioner and force the practitioner to watch video and read materials that defamed Falun Gong. Whenever the practitioner resisted the brainwashing, guards instigated the inmates to curse at, beat, and torture the practitioner.
Persecution Mr. Huang Cheng Suffered Before He Died
2011-03-25After years of severe torture suffered in Panjin Prison in Liaoning Province, Taihe Police Department, and Nu'erhe Police Station, Mr. Huang Cheng had bleeding in his brain, cerebral thrombosis, oedema in half of his body, and also lost the ability to take care of himself. Guards used eight high-voltage electric batons to shock Mr. Huang simultaneously. They hung him up for three days, without letting him eat or drink. After letting him down, guard Guan Fengchun stripped Mr. Huang, cuffed him into the iron chair and shocked him with an electric baton. On February 24th, 2011, at the age of 55, Mr. Huang passed away due to the brutal persecution.
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Xia Ning Persecuted in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2011-03-25Ms. Xia Ning from Liaoning Province is a Falun Gong practitioner in her 50s. She was arrested in 2008 and incarcerated in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. During her two years in the camp, she went on a hunger strike several times. The guards force-fed her ruthlessly, making her virtually bedridden the entire time. They beat her mercilessly and subjected her to electric shocks, almost on a daily basis.
The Persecution Suffered by Police Officer Mei Xiongbing
2011-03-25Mei Xiongbing, a policeman from the Caishan Town Police Station in Huangmei County, Hubei Province, has suffered brutal abuse and mistreatment during the 11 years of Chinese Communist Party (CCP)persecution of Falun Gong. He has been arrested, detained, imprisoned, threatened and blackmailed, tortured physically, defamed, and forced to live in away from home. His wife and children have both suffered from psychological trauma due to living in fear for long periods of time.
Ms. Wei Hong's Personal Account of the Persecution She Suffered
2011-03-25Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have continuously persecuted Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wei Hong since the year 2000. She recounts: "In March 2002, police ransacked my home and interrogated me. I was taken to the Raohe Detention Centre. Officers from the State Security Bureau forced me to watch video programmes that slandered Falun Gong. In 2003, police confiscated personal property from my home, including DVDs exposing the persecution, Falun Gong books and materials. Police cuffed my hands behind my back and hung me up with straps onto the pipe of the central heating system. The straps tightened around my arms, as the officers repeatedly pulled on one end to raise me until my legs couldn't touch the ground."
Mother Detained for Practising Falun Gong; Mentally Ill Daughter Dies in Custody
2011-03-24On September 17th, 2010, police from Zhangwu County Police Department, Fuxin and the Zhangwu County Crime Investigation Team broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Suxiang's home. They arrested Ms. Zhang and took her mentally ill daughter Miss Yu Meiling away and put her in a welfare centre. Ms. Zhang Suxiang was taken to the Zhangwu County Crime Investigation Team. She was beaten there. Sixty-five days later, Miss Yu died in custody.
The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2011-03-24Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp has adopted many hidden methods of persecution to use on practitioners who would not be “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] and on those who openly, on the Internet, voided their “transformation” by declaring them null and void. Because he would not be “transformed,” Mr. Gao Changze was forced to sit on a small stool and was not allowed to use the toilet. He was put away in an isolated cell and suffered verbal abuse and brutal beatings and was not given any food. All of this was done in a small, dark room, which connected to the end of a single tunnel. That small, dark room was isolated from other cells in the forced labour camp—a prison inside the prison.