Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Firsthand Account of Persecution Suffered by Ms. Liu Xiuli from Harbin City
2011-03-05Because I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise after the communist regime started to persecute Falun Gong, I was constantly harassed, monitored, arrested, and fined. I have also been held in the detention centre three times and sentenced to forced labour twice. In Wanjia Forced Labour Camp guards hung me up in the air with ropes. A guard then shocked my neck and face and behind my ears with an electric baton. She also placed the baton in my mouth to shock me. My entire body shook violently and I was in tremendous pain. My mouth was covered with purple blisters from the electric baton, and it became so swollen that I couldn't open my mouth at all.
Hebei First Provincial Forced Labour Camp Tortures Falun Gong Practitioner Han Xinlin
2011-03-05On June 25th, 2010, after being harassed by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents, Falun Gong practitioner Han Xinlin was arrested and taken to the Tangshan Labour Camp. Han Xinlin's family and friends went to the relevant departments to appeal, but the Public Security Bureau didn't provide any official correspondence after more than one month. Instead of providing protection for the victim, the Pubic Security Bureau provided protection for the CCP agents and the police officers who had violated the law. Yan Hongli, captain of the Hebei First Labour Camp, tortured Han Xinlin for seven days. They tortured her with electric shocks, beatings, and sleep deprivation, and forced her to walk barefoot on the frozen ground.
Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced in Houma City, Shanxi Province, in 2010
2011-03-05There were five police arrests related to Falun Gong, involving six people in Houma City, Shanxi Province, in 2010. Four were sentenced. Mr. Zhang Guangjun was sentenced to a five-year prison term, Mr. Wang Baoshan to four and a half years, Mr. Li Huaiyu to three years, and Mr. Lu Haixing to five years. Mr. Zuo Xiaodong is still detained. Mr. Chen Kui, a non-practitioner, was sent to a forced labour camp.
Mr. Yu Youwen, 54, Dies after Long-term Persecution in Sichuan Province
2011-03-04Mr. Yu Youwen's wife divorced him under huge pressure caused by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. He was arrested by police on September 19th, 2002. He was taken to the Lanzhou City First Detention Centre. He was forced to sleep on the ground under the bed. Because the cell was gloomy, cold and damp, he was infected with scabies on his skin and he had difficulty squatting or sitting. However, he was still forced to do hard labour. Mr. Yu was later sentenced to five years in prison, and locked up in Dashaping Prison in Lanzhou City. He was diagnosed with late stage cancer after being tortured severely and died in his home on February 4th, 2011.
Ms. Chen Xue and Mr. Zuo Fusheng Deprived of Their Right to See a Lawyer
2011-03-04Ms. Chen Xue went downstairs to go to work at around 8 a.m. on January 19th, 2011, when Fuzhou City Domestic Security officials arrested her, ransacked her home, and took away her computer and Falun Gong books. They produced an arrest warrant issued by the Cangshan District Police Department, even though her house is not located in the Cangshan District. She is currently detained in the Fuzhou City First Detention Centre. On February 15th, Ms. Chen's family hired a lawyer to defend her, but when the lawyer called Lin Feng, the Second Domestic Division agent in charge of Ms. Chen's case, on February 16th, Lin said that his boss didn't want the lawyer to visit Ms. Chen.
An Elderly Lady from Suzhou Passed Away as a Result of Persecution
2011-03-04In November 2004, Ms. Zhou, who was 70 by then, was taken to the Shangfangshan Brainwashing Centre again. She was not allowed to sleep for a long time. Subjected to high pressure brainwashing, Ms. Zhou broke down physically and mentally. She suffered incontinence and fell into a coma. The authorities then sent her home. When Ms. Zhou was carried to her doorway, many neighbours saw the state she was in. Because of the repeated incidents of persecution, Ms. Zhou Yun was tortured and injured both physically and mentally. She finally passed away in August 2008.
Ms. Kang Huili, an Innocent Woman in Huolu County, Hebei Province, Repeatedly Persecuted
2011-03-04Ms. Kang Huili started to practise Falun Gong in 1999. During the last decade, she has been harassed, brainwashed, detained, and persecuted in other ways under the direction of officials from Licun Government, the local detention centre, and the Public Security Bureau in Luquan City. Once, Ms. Kang was picked up and again taken to the brainwashing centre in Luquan City. She was not allowed to sleep and was forced to attend brainwashing sessions. Furthermore, she was force-fed by a tube inserted through her nose. As a result, her nose bled for several hours. Due to the brutal treatment, Ms. Kang developed cerebral thrombosis.
Ms. Du Chunxiang Suffering Severe Illness Symptoms in Harbin Women's Prison
2011-03-03Ms. Du Chunxiang from Daqing, Heilongjiang Province has been sentenced to prison twice for practising Falun Gong. During her first imprisonment between 2002 and 2006, she contracted serious pulmonary tuberculosis and high blood pressure. In her latest imprisonment, from 2009 to present, the administration at Harbin Women's Prison ignored her illnesses which led to her coughing up blood and losing the ability to take care of herself.
Medical College Teacher Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong--His Wife and Child Now Missing
2011-03-03After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Lidi was detained many times and his home was frequently ransacked. He was forced to attend brainwashing sessions three times, sentenced to forced laboured twice, and sentenced for one term in jail. After he got out of jail, he found out that his wife and son had been taken away, and he could not determine their whereabouts. Mr. Wang was also fired from his work, because he believed in Falun Gong and followed the tenets of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Persecution of Ms. Cao Yankun from Zhaodong, Heilongjiang Province
2011-03-03Over the past ten plus years, because she practises Falun Gong, Cao Yankun and her family have been harassed and persecuted many times by the local Chinese Communist Party (CCP). During her detention at the Zhaodong Detention Centre in 2000, Ms. Cao was given a small serving of undercooked cereal. It had mice stool in it and was full of sand and mud on the bottom. The room she was detained in was about 15 square metres, however it was filled with 14 people, with sometimes even more criminals coming in. There was only a wooden bed except for a small space for walking and a cupboard. It was very crowded and the living conditions were terrible. Later police forced Ms. Cao to sign a statement promising that she would not practise Falun Gong.
Ms. Li Guomin from Tangshan City Arrested and Subjected to Two Years of Forced Labour
2011-03-03Practitioner Ms. Li Guomin was arrested at home on January 28th. Approximately seven police officers made the arrest, and took her to the Tangshan Detention Centre. Ms. Li was later sentenced to two years of forced labour. She is now being held in the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan. Previously, police unsuccessfully attempted to arrest Ms. Li on August 11th, 2010, so they took her husband, who does not practise Falun Gong, to the police station.
Ms. Jiao Xuemei in Prison after 10 Years of Persecution
2011-03-02Ms. Jiao Xuemei learned Falun Gong so that she could improve her health. Soon after she began the practice, her sinus infection and vitiligo were healed. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted her for the past 10 years for her belief in Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Ms. Jiao was arrested for her belief four times between 1999 and 2009. She was sentenced to three years and has been detained at the Hebei Provincial Women's Prison since April 1st, 2009. The sentence was based entirely on the prosecutor’s statement and no physical evidence was provided.
Falun Gong Practitioner Lei Jingxiong's Life in Imminent Danger
2011-03-02Mr. Lei Jingxiong's family was recently informed that Mr. Lei lost consciousness and was sent to the emergency department for treatment after being severely tortured in Dujun Prison in Guizhou Province. A prison official informed the family to take him home. However, when Mr. Lei's family went to the hospital, they weren't allowed to see him or take him home. Mr. Lei was arrested for practising Falun Gong in June 2009. He was later sentenced to eight years in prison.
Mr. Lu Kaili Tortured with Electric Shock Batons for Several Days in Panji Prison
2011-03-02Guards in Panjin Prison found a Falun Gong e-book and tortured and seriously injured Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lu Kaili, using electric shock batons on him for several consecutive days, and several hours per day. Mr. Lu Kaili couldn't bear the pain and fell from the building, severely injuring his back and pelvis. He is currently being detained in the patient cell of Panjin Prison.
Jia Shuxiang Viciously Force-fed in Qianxi Detention Centre, Hebei
2011-03-02Five Tangshan practitioners were arrested at Yuhuzhai Village, Qianxi County, by the Qianxi Domestic Security Division on December 10th, 2010. They were taken to Qianxi Detention Centre and Qianxi Lockup. Jia Shuxiang and Liu Xiuyun went on hunger strike to protest their detention. Jia Shuxiang was forced to wear heavy torture instruments that immobilised her upper body and foot shackles. She was viciously force-fed by Tian Guilu, Fu Jianjun and others. Jia Shuxiang is now very skinny, and is in critical condition. After the torturous force-feeding, Jia Shuxiang had little strength left. She threw up blood and had trouble breathing. Her stomach was also in a great deal of pain.