Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Daqing City Elementary School Teacher Mr. Shi Fugui Dies As a Result of Persecution
2010-03-10Mr. Shi Fugui, a teacher from the Changqing Elementary School in Daqing City, found that his diabetes and other illnesses disappeared after he began practising Falun Gong in August 1998. He was however, subjected to persecution after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. He was held in custody and lived away from home for a total of three years. He died on August 23rd, 2009, at age 58.
Ms. Wen Huuiying Dies in Custody in Hunan Province
2010-03-09On October 4th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wen Huiying was arrested by Taoyuan County 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). After she was detained for one month, her family was not allowed to pick her up. They later learned that the police had changed their minds and decided to sentence her to prison instead of releasing her. The location of Ms. Wen's imprisonment was unknown, but on February 14th, 2010, when three guards took her to the hospital, she was dying. Ms. Wen died after several hours of rescue efforts.
Mr. Wang Changbai Recounts Years of Persecution
2010-03-09Taoshan Police Department officers took me into custody at the Qitaihe No.2 Detention Centre, where I was subjected to gross abuse and mistreatment. I was whipped with a leather whip, hung up, and had cold water poured over my whole body. I was subjected to the "flying airplane" torture method and many other things were done to me. I was faced with fear, hunger, and cold. I was released in mid-May 2000 following nearly six months of detention. I also lost my job. My elderly father and sisters all suffered greatly. My father's hair quickly turned grey.
Ms. Jia Qiumei Arrested Again after Her Brother and Sister Died as a Result of Persecution
2010-03-09On February 3rd, 2010, police took Ms. Jia Qiumei to Harbin City and imprisoned her. Ms. Jia's older brother, Mr. Jia Yongfa, was subjected to a year of forced labour for practising Falun Gong. His term was extended by a year. He suffered many forms of torture. He died as a result of the persecution on November 29th, 2001, at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Jia's younger sister, Ms. Jia Dongmei, was arrested on August 1st, 2001. She was imprisoned at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. After her prison term ended on July 31st, 2002, officers from the Hebei Domestic Security Division took her back to Hebei but kept her imprisoned. She was finally released when she was in critical condition. She died on May 19th, 2003, twelve days after her release.
Practitioner Guo Gang Sentenced to Five Years in Prison
2010-03-09On January 1st, 2000, Mr. Guo Gang and another Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Mr. Guo was taken to the Acheng District Harbin City Detention Centre. He was held for several months past the maximum detention period and in June 2001, he was sent to the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City for a year. On January 25th, 2008, Mr. Guo Gang was arrested again. He was tried at the Acheng District Court in June 2008 and sentenced to five years in prison. He appealed, but his appeal was rejected and the original verdict was upheld.
Manager of Foreign Owned Company in Sichuan Province Arrested for Purchasing Tickets of Shen Yun Show in Hong Kong
2010-03-08Wu Li was a manager of a foreign owned company in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Wu was arrested and then detained for eight days in Jinhua Brainwashing Centre for purchasing tickets for the Shen Yun show in Hong Kong. Shen Yun Performing Arts is a New York based company showing traditional Chinese culture through classical dance and music. Some dance pieces in the show depict the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and how they show their compassion under extreme conditions. After being arrested at the office, Wu was forced to leave the company.
Persecution at the Huhehaote Women's Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2010-03-08The Huhehaote Women's Forced Labour Camp held more than one hundred Falun Gong practitioners by the end of 2009. Practitioners Ms. Zhao Ping, Ms. Zhu Junying and Ms. Zhou Guoying suffered from high blood pressure, which was brought about by long-term detention and having to perform hard labour for long hours. The labour camp officials refused to release them, yet were afraid of being held responsible for their condition. Therefore, they forcibly measured those practitioners' blood pressure and force-fed them with drugs. If anybody refused to comply, the guards would order several drug offenders to violently conduct blood pressure readings and then they pinched practitioners' noses so that they could forcibly administer drugs to them.
Ms. Wang Wuxiu from Shaoyang City on Hunger Strike to Protest Persecution
2010-03-08On April 18th, 2009, police arrested, Ms. Wang Wuxiu and confiscated her belongings. They also arrested husband and wife Mr. Gong Deyuan and Ms. Yan Shuzhou. Ms. Wang was then taken to Xin County Detention Centre in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province. Later, she was transferred to the Second Detention Centre of Shaoyang City. There, the authorities instigated the head inmate to savagely beat and torture her. Ms. Wang's husband protested the beatings and demanded her immediate release. However, the authorities at the detention centre ignored him and denied any wrongdoing. She is still being held in the Second Detention Centre and recently went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
The Relentless Persecution of a Falun Gong Practitioner Couple in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
2010-03-08Mr. Feng Xinyan and his wife of Shijiazhuang City have been arrested, detained, tortured, had money extorted from them, and been harassed by the Chinese Communist Party because they practise Falun Gong. On February 13th, 2000, when Mr. Feng was again in Beijing to appeal for the rights of Falun Gong, he was arrested and detained in the Tiananmen Square Police Station. On February 14th he was escorted back to Pingshan County. Officials forced Mr. Feng down on his knees, hit him in the face with a broom, and hit his head and back with a bat. The brutal beating lasted more than an hour. He was then taken to the detention centre. A month later, Mr. Feng was released only after his family paid 2,000 yuan to Feng Qingfang, the security chief.
Changchun Practitioner Ma Haiyan and Her Parents Persecuted for Ten Years
2010-03-07After July 20th, 1999, I went with my parents to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities for the right to practise Falun Gong. However, police officers detained us in Tongxian Detention Centre for over ten days and tortured us. We were beaten and forced to squat down with our legs apart, bend our heads down with our arms up against a wall, or stand for a long period of time. Furthermore, we were fed food that had sand and insects in it, and forced to take showers in an open area while the guards hit our backs with wet towels. My father was also beaten by several people. After we were taken back to Changchun, they immediately sent us to Balibao Detention Centre.
Zhang Haiyan Detained at Women's Forced Labour Camp in Huhehaote
2010-03-07On September 28th, 2009, four other officers including Wang Junjiu broke into the home of Ms. Zhang Haiyan. They dragged her, still in her pyjamas, into a police car and took her to Jinzhou City Detention Centre. On September 30th, Ms. Zhang was forcibly taken to the detention centre in Kailu County of Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. After two months, she was sentenced to one year at the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Huhehaote City.
62-Year-Old Mr. Sun Zongxu, Former Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Committee Member, Arrested
2010-03-07Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Zongxu is a former Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) committee member from Hantin District, Weifang City. He was arrested by police in December 2009. The police tried to extort a confession using torture for several consecutive days, resulting in broken bones in Mr. Sun's lower body. He has been formally charged and detained at An'qiu Detention Centre. He was tied to "dead man's bed," on which his limbs were tied in four directions. After he was taken down from the "dead man's bed," he was handcuffed and put in shackles for thirty days. Mr. Sun was tortured like this day and night, until he could no longer stand up or take care of himself.
Pu Yonghe, Son of Deceased Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Cui Zhengshu, Lives with Father and Grandmother in Jilin
2010-03-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cui Zhengshu was persecuted to death eight years ago. She was twice sentenced and sent to forced labour camps. The second time, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials encouraged inmates to deprive her of sleep, so that she was only able to sleep about 22 hours over the course of 33 days. She became so weak that she was unable to take care of herself. When she was about to die, the officials let her out of the camp on April 18th, 2003. She passed away on August 12th, 2003. Since his mother's death, Pu Yonghe has lived with his father and grandmother.
Intense Persecution Paralysed Ms. Dai Lijuan in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
2010-03-0647-year-old Ms. Dai Lijuan was arrested and taken to Wuxi City Mental Hospital, where she was forcibly injected with poisonous drugs in November 2001 and March 2002. In 2003, the police brutally persecuted her to the brink of death, leaving her incapacitated. She has since had to rely on her mother, a woman in her seventies, to take care of her since she is completely paralysed, and has barely uttered more than a few words in many years.
Mr. Liu Deyu from Jingmen City, Hubei Province Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment
2010-03-06On February 3rd, 53-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Deyu was sentenced to four years of imprisonment at Dongbao District Court, Jingmen City, Hubei Province. Not until the next day was his wife notified by the court. In addition, she was only given until February 8th to appeal. Such a brazen violation of the law could only be for the purpose of stopping her from appealing to a higher court. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Liu was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. He was forced to undergo brainwashing and subjected to all kinds of humiliation and torture